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Chapter 1498: Abusive Shiba! (5)

Shi Jinyan stood in the ward, and the man with blue and swollen face looked at Shi Mama and rushed out.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but suddenly he couldn't say anything.

He clenched his lips tightly, and now rational return, the pain in his body stimulated his nerves.

Xinxin is his child and Jingyu ...

Xinxin is his child and Jingyu ...

Why, why was it so long to know?

Wouldn't it be great if I knew it at the beginning? !! There would be no such misunderstandings and injuries.

If he knew it at the beginning, he would not go on such a road of no return!

He was vengeful on Bai Ye, and he was grudged, so he bought the beggar's essence-liquid, so that Bai Ye conceived the beggar's child.

The big family like Sijia cares about face most. At the time, he chose Xinxin and Shimao in front of the national audience. Then he had no chance to be with Si Jingyu.

Shi Jinyan thought of this and fell into a chair, only to feel desolate and panic.

He felt like he was a lost child at this moment, and suddenly he couldn't find his way home.

In the past, Xinxin intervened between him and Si Jingyu, but now, this big problem has finally been resolved ... but the scar between him and Si Jingyu has been unable to make up for it.

Can't make it up?

Therefore, he deserves this life, because of a woman's provocation, missed the woman he loves the most?

He suddenly reached out his hand, covered his face, and buried his head.

Is his Jingyu really going to leave him?

Thinking of this, his heart was twisted.

Shi Jinyan was silent on the chair, then suddenly raised his head. No, he couldn't confess his fate!

He couldn't just let it go.

Everything is too late, too late!

He thought of it, and he didn't care if his nose and face were swollen, so he stood up and rushed out.

The nurses and doctors outside saw him, startled, and then saw Shi Jinyan running past them like a 100-meter sprint.

He hurried to the underground parking lot, opened the car, and rushed straight out.

He was going to find Jing Yu and tell her that he had never betrayed her.

He was going to find her, tell her the truth about Bai's pregnancy, and then pray for her forgiveness.

Shi Jinyan drove around in Kyoto and entered the Xijiao villa, but there wasn't.

Back to their wedding room, no one was there.

In three hours, he searched for Si Jingyu and all his private properties in Beijing. He couldn't find Si Jingyu, and finally he could only drive to Sijia Villa.

The big iron door of Sijia Villa was closed tightly.

He got out of the car and knocked **** the door. The door was opened, revealing the face of a small nanny, and he was a little stunned when he saw Shi Jinyan. "Who are you looking for?"

Shi Jinyan said, "I'm looking for Si Jingyu."

The nanny snapped, "Are you ...?"

"... I'm Shi Jinyan."

When the babysitter heard the name, his face suddenly changed. "It turns out that you are the disrespectful man! You look so human, but you do all the work of a dog! What are you doing here? Our lady is not Meet you! "

The people invited by the Si family work here and are treated well. Moreover, Ding Mengya and Si Jingyu are people who serve people with virtue. Therefore, the nanny in the family is also enemies with the host.

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