Hello, Heir

Chapter 1500: Abusive Shiba! (7)

Shi Jinyan thought about it and beckoned to Lazy.

Little lazy big eyes rolled around and came out with little short legs.

Little Lazy is relatively weak, with baby fat on his cheeks, but he is thinner than ordinary children. He wore a yellow and bright suit and came to Shi Jinyan very cutely, then he looked up at him and milked his breasts. Angrily: "Uncle, who are you?"

Shi Jinyan said for a moment, "Little lazy forget your uncle?"

"Uncle?" Little lazily tilted his head in doubt, and immediately said, "Oh, you are an aunt! But how did you become a pig?"


If it wasn't for Shi Jinyan's sudden thought that he was bruised and bruised at the moment, he would have thought that the two-year-old kid was scolding him!

However, he is indeed a pig, so stupid will be fooled by Bai Yan!

Shi Jinyan coughed, squatted down, and looked at Lazy Lazy. "Little lazy, can you pass a word to your aunt? Just say I'm looking for her!"

Little lazy heard this and immediately nodded, "Okay!"

Shi Jinyan rejoiced in her heart, feeling that she was absolutely dead!

Then he said, "Tough work for you."

"No hard work! Serve your uncle!" Xiao lazy and tender voice came over, and Shi Jinyan couldn't help but twitch his lips.

However, when Lazy finished saying this, Shi Jinyan saw that he hadn't left yet, and couldn't help wondering, "What's wrong?"

Little lazy said, "Uncle, is there no service charge for errands?"

Shi Jinyan heard this for a moment.

Immediately he realized what it meant, and then took up the wallet, regardless of how much money was in it, and took out all the cash directly and handed it to Xiaolazi!

Xiao Lao Lai had a joy on his face, and hurriedly put out his fat hand. At the moment he was planning to take the money, a tender voice came out exactly like his voice: "Little Lazy, Grandpa said Have you forgotten it? "

There was a serious, immature voice in the voice, and harsh words were spoken, making people want to laugh.

Shi Jinyan looked up and saw Xiao Nao Nao wearing the same clothes as Xiao Lao Lai, with two little hands behind his back and walking out in a regular manner.

His small face was tight, obviously such a tender cheek, but he had the majestic feeling of Si Zhengting.

Shi Jinyan had long heard Si Jingyu's complaining, saying that he was a young man, just like Si Zhengting, he didn't like to make jokes, he was serious, especially true.

Just now he was glad that he was a little lazy, and he was able to acquaint him with it, but he didn't expect such a short time to work, and he saw Xiao Nao Nao come out.

Xiao Nao Nao came to the two of them, and recounted Xiao Qi's words in a serious way, even the tone of the study was not bad at all: "Little lazy, you can't fall into the eyes of money, others will give you money what you do That's the waiter, not the heir of the Xiao family! The heirs of the Xiao family can never be short-handed! Remember? "

Shi Jinyan: ...

Xiaolao's smart eyes suddenly froze after seeing Xiao Nao, he looked at the money in Shi Jinyan's hand, looked back at Xiao Nao, and finally pushed the money back to Shi Jinyan. "Uncle I ca n’t ask for this money ~ "

But at the same time, he turned around and looked at Xiao Nao Nao.


At the same time, Ms. Shi also rushed to Bai's ward in a hurry.

As soon as I entered, I saw Bai Zhi eating the fruit platter delivered from the hospital, and when she saw Ms. Shi, she waved to her, "You are here, just pour me a glass of water!"

PS: See you at 9:30 in the evening ~~

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