Hello, Heir

Chapter 1534: We are family (5)

Si Jingyu heard this again. She looked at Xinxin, suddenly she didn't know what to say, and opened her mouth to see Xinxin's eyes full of expectation.

Si Jingyu doesn't want disappointment in these eyes. After all, it is very difficult to encourage Xinxin to say his needs. If he refuses at this time, he will be sad and sad.

Si Jingyu nodded, "OK."

Xinxin's eyes lighted up and he spoke into the phone: "Dad, aunt ... No, it's mom's consent! Come on!"

Shi Jinyan at Lijiang Airport was so anxious that he could fly to their mother and son next second, but the plane had not yet taken off, and it took at least two hours to reach Beijing, plus the distance from the airport to the hospital ...

Shi Jinyan calculated the time, "Dad will be by your side when you are five, will you?"

Xinxin froze, "So long, let's go."

Hanging up the phone, Xinxin smiled happily, watching Si Jingyu's expression very satisfied.

Si Jingyu reached out and touched his face.

Then she let Xinxin lie down, covered him with a quilt, and after he fell asleep, went into the attending doctor's room.

Si Jingyu's face was full of color, looking at the attending doctor, and asking, "What's the new situation?"

The doctor said: "The situation is okay, but the child needs to maintain a healthy and happy mood and also increase immunity, and he should be fine for another eight or nine months."

The doctor said here and looked at Si Jingyu's belly, "Miss Si is pregnant for several months now?"

Si Jingyu frowned. "In less than two months, I hope to have time."

The doctor frowned.

Xinxin still has eight or nine months, but after eight or nine months, it will not be the most healthy state of the body, and surgery is also risky. All the functions of the body must be adjusted to the best state.

Si Jingyu looked at the doctor and bit his lip. "In seven months, can you have a caesarean section?"

When the doctor heard this, his eyes lit up. "That's all it can be."

In seven months, adjust the new body to the best condition. The child born by caesarean section is enough for seven months to survive, and then use the umbilical cord blood to save the brother. The child will be sent to the incubator for one month and it will be fine.

The doctor thought of this, and looked at Si Jingyu, "Miss Si, you need to go to the nutrition department for consultation, try to make your child in the abdomen to be five pounds in seven months, maybe you don't need to keep warm Boxed. "

Si Jingyu heard this, relieved, and then said goodbye to the doctor.

When she came out of the office, her face was very solemn.

Because she was in a bad mood and the signs of pregnancy were very obvious, it was almost two months before she was pregnant, but she had lost a pound and lost weight.

It seems that afterwards, it is necessary to eat desperately so that the child will rise quickly!

Thinking of this, Si Jingyu took a deep breath.

She still felt hopeless in her life, but now she was suddenly full of motivation.

She was thinking and returned to the ward, counting the time. After almost four and a half hours, she called a nurse and opened the ward door and went out.

One is to go home to see Ms. Ding, and the other is to avoid Shi Jinyan. She really doesn't know how to face him, and how to face him.

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