Hello, Heir

Chapter 1560: His careful

Bai Ye's mother was very efficient in handling things. The next day she came with her money, and when she saw Bai Ye, she asked what was going on. Bai Ye didn't want to explain, and asked directly, "Is the house sold?"

"My house couldn't be sold. I mortgaged it and made a loan."

As for whether the loan is a regular bank loan or a usury, it goes without saying.

It took at least a few days for the bank loan to be set up. Bai Ye called quickly and did not say clearly what was going on, so Bai Ye's mother had to ask someone to run a usury loan!

Bai Yan frowned when she heard this, but ignored her mother's careful thinking, she just lay in the ward.

There was a painful sensation in the lower abdomen, which made her hurting body sweating, but she did not dare to move at all. The doctor had already said that she should not move anyway, otherwise it would be easy to run off , Now the child is already very dangerous.

She hangs on the water almost every moment, playing ****** to keep the child.

She thought that it would not be more uncomfortable than the pain in her arm, but after lying on the bed for a few days, she realized that lying so dry was the most tortured!

She couldn't turn over, her back hurts and made her feel like she was going crazy!

And occasionally, the pain in her abdomen that seemed to stir her intestines together made her want to cry every time.

This pain occupies almost half of the day. For the first time, she feels that this kind of day is more painful than going to jail!

But for the future, she abruptly put up with it.

On this day, after hanging up the water, the two little nurses in the rounds went out.

One said to the other, "What's going on with this person? Why are the medicines given to her expensive, and ..."

When she said that, she paused, "Did you see? The drug that hangs on water is chosen to be more irritating, so people who hang on water will be very uncomfortable and painful."

The other person booed at her, "Some things you can't know without asking."

The two looked at each other and stopped talking.


In the hospital, Si Jingyu didn't look at Shi Jinyan's nervous and excited look, and bowed his head, watching Xinxin sleeping on the bed.

After Bai Yan left, she calmed Xinxin carefully, which calmed the child.

The mood inside her was very volatile at this moment.

What Bai Yan said today still had some influence on her.

Especially the one that called her weak, made her helplessly start to look at herself, was she really as weak and useless as she said?

Si Jingyu sighed deeply. This marriage, she was really tired, tired and tired.

But she knows that this fatigue is estimated to be temporary, and she will not forget Shi Jinyan until she is reorganized.


She sighed in her heart and felt the burning gaze of the other party.

Si Jingyu looked up and saw Shi Jinyan staring at his abdomen, coughing a little uncomfortably.

Shi Jinyan stood up and hurriedly poured a glass of water and handed it to her, "How's it? Did you want to vomit? Where is it uncomfortable? I just checked, pregnant women are prone to irritability and vomiting, but also I will eat much, what do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you. "

The careful tone in the discourse made Si Jingyu hold back.

PS: Also, writing ~

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