Hello, Heir

Chapter 1579: Who is the killer? (1) Addition of monthly tickets

Si Jingyu hastened his pace and ignored the police officer's statement and walked out of the police station.

The moment she walked out of the hall door, the sun shone directly on her, dissipating the coldness on her.

She stood slightly at the door, looked up again, and found that Shi Jinyan didn't know when it was coming. She was standing not far from her at this moment, and looked at her.

Si Jingyu froze slightly, Shi Jinyan has slowly stepped forward, "Will you go home?"

Seeing him now, listening to his familiar voice, Su Jingyu suddenly felt a kind of warmth and familiarity.

Xu was betrayed by Yao Teng and made her feel that the world was too lonely. Xu was sad now. Si Jingyu didn't know what she was thinking. Suddenly she took a step forward and reached out to hold Shi Jinyan.

She could feel the moment when Shi Jinyan was embraced by her, her body suddenly tightened, but at this moment she didn't want to say anything, she just wanted to hold him.

Then, a big hand fell on her back, and she patted it gently. Through thin clothes, Si Jingyu could feel the warmth of that big hand.

The familiar embrace and familiar atmosphere made her flustered heartbeat, and finally calmed down.

She suddenly thought of the problems between herself and Shi Jinyan. At this moment, in the face of the news of Lin Xier's life and death, what are the family conflicts? !!

When she thought of it, she held Shi Jinyan's hand even harder and seemed to be looking for comfort.

After waiting for a while, the mood finally calmed down, and then Si Jingyu let go of him.

Shi Jinyan stood there, looking at her, and Si Jingyu, who was watching, felt that the move he had just made was not appropriate?

She bit her lip and was about to tell Shi Jinyan about Yao Teng, but suddenly she saw a car and stopped in front of her.

Si Jingyu originally only glanced at it and did not intend to bother.

But the car caught her attention, because it was a yellow stuffy Bentley. This car, the whole of Beijing, she saw Su Yanbin drive by.

Su Yanbin ...

Si Jingyu was about to say something to Shi Jinyan, so she straightened her body sharply, and then suddenly saw the driver ’s seat door open between the electric light and flint, and through the gap opened by the door, she just saw that Lin Xier In the car!

Si Jingyu's eyes narrowed, so Lin Xier still chose to come back from the beginning, instead of running away in a dingy manner? !!

If it was before, she would definitely agree with her move, but at this moment, Si Jingyu thought of Yao Teng's attitude, thinking of the key to the entire case, she almost forward without thinking, holding down the door with one hand, then lowering her voice, "Come with me!"

When she said this, she saw Su Yanbin's look stunned. However, she was very understandable and didn't ask anything. She pulled back one of the feet and got into the car.

Si Jingyu breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the police station subconsciously, but saw that the people inside were busy, didn't notice it, and the police at the gate guard did not care about who was in the car at all. She Then he grabbed Shi Jinyan's hand, "Let's go."

She walked to the side, opened her car door, and planned to lead the way, leading Su Yanbin and Lin Xier first.

But at this moment, a sharp voice suddenly rang, "Lin Xier! The murderer Lin Xier, here!"

PS: Ten chapters have been added today, two chapters have been added ~ Then, please ask for a monthly pass! Monthly pass!

When I saw the people here, there was a small surprise. Alipay issued a red envelope. The password is: [Gong Ziyan, I love you]

There are three hundred red envelopes in total, which is a thank you to the readers who see here. First come first served ~

I got a red envelope, so I came to vote for my son ~

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