Hello, Heir

Chapter 1590: Sorry, I love you (3)

She was a little tone, picking up her phone expressionlessly, was going to walk over and hand it to Yao Teng.

But at this moment, there was a buzzing vibration in the distance!

Everyone turned around in amazement, and saw a truck rushing straight up and stopped at the door.

"Oh!" The car stopped in front of several people without warning, and then Si Jingyu saw the man's appearance through the window of the driver's seat.

Inside the car, a man with yellow hair and stud ears, vulgar and unruly eyes, now fixed on Chang Xinyu, who fell to the ground!

When she saw that she was lying on the ground and she was clearly out of breath, her pupils shrank sharply, and her entire face became slightly twisted!

This man is exactly a leopard!

Why did Chang Xinyu take action against Zhang Zhuo not because Chang Xinyu discovered that Zhang Zhuo met Lin Xier, but because ... Zhang Zhuo discovered what happened to him and Chang Xinyu.

Chang Xinyu was the only woman he ever loved in her life, but at the moment, she was lying on the ground ...

The leopard suddenly became angry. He seemed very uncomfortable. His mouth rose and rose, but he couldn't utter a sound!

He flexed his body in pain, and then suddenly looked up, his wicked eyes looked like ecstasy messengers in hell, and suddenly he looked like a lunatic!

Just when everyone didn't know why, a low whimper came from inside the car, and with a shout, Si Jingyu saw that the truck was opened again and issued a buzzing start sound!

Then, all the people inside looked at the truck in shock and ran into Yao Teng without hesitation!

Si Jingyu's pupils suddenly widened and shouted at Yao Teng, "Be careful!"

Then the arm was suddenly grabbed by Shi Jinyan, and led her to the corner, and the truck couldn't get in there, it was the safest there!

For a while, the whole scene became chaotic again!

Si Jingyu knew that she couldn't compare with a car by herself. When she followed Shi Jinyan, she couldn't help turning back and looked at Yao Teng in anxiety.

But when he saw a piece of dust, Yao Teng was still very calm. He rolled on the ground and avoided a shock from the truck. Because the target of the truck was him, he didn't have the chance to run like everyone else, but only one hand quickly I found the pistol from my waist, and shot it in the driver's seat against the truck!



Si Jingyu quickly turned to look at the truck, and saw the windshield of the truck was shot through by a bullet, and there were fine lines around it, but the leopard avoided the bullet's attack flexibly.

Then, a violent sound of stepping on the throttle came over, her heart slightly mentioned, and she looked at Yao Teng in shock.

But I saw Yao Teng in front of a wall. It was impossible to run to a safe position!

And at this moment, if the truck hits Yao Teng ... the consequences are unthinkable!

The truck rushed forward, and Yao Teng could only move backwards at the moment. At last, when the truck was about to hit him, he swooped up hard and hit the front of the truck. then……


The van hit the wall of the abandoned building fiercely, causing a blast of stone to fall and dust all around.

The four people who were fleeing, stopped again and again, Si Jingyu's whole heart was lifted, staring hard there, it seemed to pass through the dust to see if Yao Teng was safe!

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