Hello, Heir

Chapter 1592: Sorry, I love you (5)

"What ?!" Leopard excitedly handed the pistol forward. "It's all over! My beloved woman is dead! You killed her! I want revenge, I want revenge on her!"

Leopard said here, the whole man was extremely crazy, he broke a hole in his forehead, scratched his face with several cuts in the glass, blood dripped at this moment, looking like a demon.

Yao Teng looked at it and was still very calm. He pointed at Shi Jinyan who had raised his pistol and pointed at Leopard, and said, "Calm down, the gun is not long-sighted, do you see it? That is a colleague of mine. Sharpshooter! Do you think it was you who fired fast, or did he move fast? "

When this sentence fell, the leopard was startled, and the gun in his hand was directed at Shi Jinyan, "Don't come over, don't come over!"

But when thinking of Yao Teng, the leopard hurriedly turned his head again, and pointed his gun at Yao Teng, shouting to Shi Jinyan: "Drop your gun, otherwise I will kill him!"

Such a bizarre and weird conversation, he was really angry at this moment, and he would only say it.

Shi Jinyan narrowed his eyes, looked at Yao Teng, and co-operated with his mouth and said, "Drop the gun, you still have a way to live, or you will die if you die!"

The leopard went mad, "He killed my beloved woman! I must kill him to take revenge on my woman!"

Shi Jinyan sneered, "Chang Xinyu deliberately killed Zhang Zhuo and arrested him. We are doing official business!"

He said these words, and saw Yao Teng had slowly moved a step towards the leopard.

Shi Jinyan retracted his gaze and focused on the leopard.

The leopard was really angry when he heard this: "You are fart in the execution of official duties! You are all crippled, and you are so devastated! Zhang Zhuo abandons his wife and daughter, he should have been damned! What do you know? Do you know what you police officer Yao looked at It ’s selfless to go up, but what is he like? !!! If you know what he ’s doing, that ’s what it means to be devastated! He just killed Chang Xinyu deliberately so that Chang Xinyu ca n’t speak and tell you his true colors! "

Leopard's whole body was shaking.

Shi Jinyan sneered, "We only accept the evidence. Chang Xinyu confessed that she had murdered her, and she was arrested, then **** it! As for what you said ..."

When he said that, he paused, looked at Yao Teng, and calmly said, "You can tell me that Yao Teng can't cover the sky in the police world. If you tell the truth, someone will definitely check it!" "

Leopard narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

Shi Jinyan's feeling has always been calm and restrained, and the face is handsome but with a gentle flavor. The words spoken give people a feeling of trust.

At this moment, the leopard was moved by him.

Leopard is just a little foolish, how can you kill someone?

But ... the hesitant thought just flashed, and he suddenly came to his senses, holding his pistol and feeling more excited at the moment, "Don't lie to me! Don't try to lie to me! I'm not stupid, you are all officials! I don't Believe you! "

If it was normal, the moment he hesitated, Yao Teng would have rushed to grab the gun.

But at this moment, Yao Teng's mind just smashed was dizzy, and his skill was far worse than before. Such a flash of opportunity didn't catch it!

The leopard came back to see that Yao Teng was only three steps away from him, and he was shocked. This move completely angered him!

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