Hello, Heir

Chapter 1610: Bai Yan's tragic end (8)

When Shi Jinyan heard this, he raised an eyebrow on his expressionless face.

He sneered, "What you said is interesting, not mine. Does it have anything to do with me?"

Bai Yan stared at him with wide eyes, feeling that Shi Jinyan was too shameless at this moment. She bit her lip, took a step back, and hugged her child. "Shi Jinyan! How can you do this to me! Because Si Jingyu is pregnant You do n’t need the child ’s umbilical cord blood to save the new, so do n’t you recognize me? ”

Shi Jinyan lowered his eyes faintly. "You're right. I really don't need this child to save Xinxin. It has a different parent and a different mother than Xinxin. The probability of matching bone marrow is too low."

Bai Yan saw him say so, his whole body trembling.

The woman who has just given birth to a child is very emotional at this moment, and her sharp voice shouts: "Shi, Jin, Yan!"

With Ding Mengya, she may still pretend to be weak, but a woman, the most unbearable is the child's father does not recognize him.

Bai Yan bit her lip, and all the camouflages were torn at this moment. She must have looked at Shi Jinyan, "This child is a Tang baby. He is very pathetic! Why don't you recognize him! It is because he makes you feel shameful Shi Jinyan, even then, he is your child! "

When Bai Yan said that, he began to cry. This time, he really cried.

I originally thought that having a child would threaten Shi Jinyan to treat her well and at least get a compensation, so before she was born, she was full of expectations for the child.

But she did not expect to have a cerebral palsy, which was enough to make her desperate.

After all, it is her own child. No matter how bad her heart is, it is impossible to not love her.

But now?

The child is here. Why doesn't Shi Jinyan recognize it? Why don't you recognize him? !!

Bai Yan's cry was very miserable, and the misery made everyone present feel sore.

But in this sourness, Shi Jinyan said quietly, "Sorry, this child is really not mine. Even if you cry again, I will not recognize him. I am not a shelter here."

Bai Yan cried, and a sharp voice came out, "Why isn't it yours? How could it not be yours? Obviously your child!"

Shi Jinyan said quietly, "What about the evidence?"

Bai Yi stunned, "What more evidence is needed?"

Shi Jinyan smirked a sarcastic smile on his lips. "Without evidence, you say that the child is mine? Can anyone come over and say that it is mine?"

Bai Yan bit her lip. "The two of us made a test tube baby in the hospital together!"

Shi Jinyan lowered his eyes slightly, "Really?"

is it?

Bai Yan stopped.

She suddenly thought that when Shi Jinyan was making an IVF with herself, they used the pseudonym, because it was proposed by Shi Jinyan!

At that time, I didn't feel anything. Anyway, if the child was born, how could he still depend on it? But I didn't expect ...

Bai Yan's eyes narrowed and a flash of sharpness flashed, "Shi Jinyan, you, you ..."

"The name of the sperm donor written on the hospital file is Li Ergou. Well, do I need to help you find him?"

Finding a beggar in Nuoda's Beijing is not easy, but if she wants, he can help her find it.

Shi Jinyan thought of it, and the sarcastic smile on his lips was even stronger.

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