Hello, Heir

Chapter 1621: Bai Yan's tragic end (19)

But she hung up the phone slowly, and then she felt funny. What did she care about with a lunatic?

But ... dare to curse her child?

She lowered her eyes, picked up her mobile phone, and dialed out a number: "Should the loan shark borrowed a few months ago, should it be recovered?" ...

She will not allow Bai Yan to have any chance to hurt her family again. This time, she will never succumb to the court.

However, she has just had her uterus removed. Even the court or police station will not arrest her, and she is still breastfeeding.

However, cutting off all her financial resources first is the first thing!

Without money, she doesn't want to do anything.

Si Jingyu bowed her head, tossed the bunch of toys aside, and said to the babysitter, "Throw all these toys away, no, burn them."

The babysitter nodded.

Although Si Jingyu didn't care, she still had a feeling in her heart. She contacted the attending doctor of pregnancy and made an appointment for a checkup in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, Shi Jinyan heard that she was going to have a maternity check, asked for leave in the company, cancelled a major meeting, and rushed back to accompany her to the hospital.

On the bus, Si Jingyu couldn't help but say, "I'm not incapable of going alone, besides, my mother is with me!"

Shi Jinyan smiled.

In the past six months, because Si Jingyu laughed less than before, Shi Jinyan's character was a little changed, and she laughed more at home. She became more patient with new education than before.

After hearing what Jingyu Yu said, Shi Jinyan couldn't help shaking his head, "I know what is most important to me."

Si Jingyu for a moment.

Shi Jinyan looked back and looked at her, "Jing Yu, I have fought for you for so many years, and now I understand that nothing is really important. What is important is that our family of four can live happily together every day in the future."

When Si Jingyu heard this, his eyes were hot, and a warm feeling rose in his heart.

She smiled, and the smile was very cheerful, and she completely let go of her knot.

When he arrived at the hospital, Shi Jinyan supported Si Jingyu and went for a checkup. All checkup results were normal.

The doctor reminded Si Jingyu, "There is still half a month to be born. You should pay attention to your body. During this half month, an attack may occur at any time."

Si Jingyu nodded.

Shi Jinyan was very nervous. "What to do if you have an outbreak? You don't need to be hospitalized in advance? Beijing traffic is so congested, what if you are on the road?"

As soon as this problem came out, the doctor couldn't help laughing. "You think it's like having a child, how can it be so fast! From attack to birth, the fastest time is three hours!"

Shi Jinyan was stunned, but he secretly decided that he must stay in step with Si Jingyu in the next few days. The company's affairs ... Well, first give it to Secret Skills for the time being.

After making a decision, Shi Jinyan was not in a hurry. He drove Si Jingyu to the mother and baby market first, bought some toys, and then returned to his home.

The car was parked, Shi Jinyan carefully supported Si Jingyu, two people got out of the car and walked into the room.

As he passed the door, Shi Jinyan suddenly paused, looking at the box outside, "What's this?"

His tone suddenly sank.

Si Jingyu looked at it, and found that it was the parcel sent by Bai Yan today, and said at the moment: "What's wrong?"

Shi Jinyan frowned. "This is a toy that Xinxin used to play as a kid."

As soon as the sentence fell, Si Jingyu's heart was a little stunned.

Xinxin ... xinxin!

It turned out that Bai's goal is new! !!

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