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Chapter 1629: The End of Bai Yan (27)

Public: ...! !!

Bai Yan was so angry that he felt his lungs explode.

And the laziness of Lazily directly poked the deepest wound in her heart, the wound that had not healed, and he sprinkled a handful of salt.

Her uterus was removed, and future life feels like she can't see the direction, but even then, no one wants to sell it? !!

She is a white-haired girl, she has to be strong since she was a child, she was admitted to a prestigious school in Beijing with her own efforts in a small place, and she went abroad to study after graduation.

She stood up shyly, walked over in three or two steps, and looked fiercely at the village woman, "Roll! Who made you come in ?!"

The village woman was startled and saw her being so fierce, she took a hard breath and then turned away.

When the village woman left, Bai Ye watched the three children holding the tortillas and stunned the children. They took a step forward, reached out from them, and snatched the tortillas. Do you think we hijacked you to let you experience mountain life ?! Stand up for me! "

With that said, she kicked at Lazy.

Little lazy and lazy eyes fast, jumped from the small bench, but was still kicked to the buttocks: "Ah! Aunt, are you angry and angry because of what I said ?!"

Bai Ye, regardless of it, pointed at the corner and said, "Stand over to me, stand! Whoever dares to sit down, I'll beat anyone!"

The two babbles couldn't see her like this, and hurriedly said, "Okay, don't let the child cry too loudly, noisy people in the mountain village."

Bai Yan sneered, "Have you ever seen them cry?"

As soon as this word came out, the two little puppets also choked. Looking at the past, I saw the three awake children's big eyes dripping and chaos. It really was ... not even crying!

Stealing children to sell, they are not once or twice, but these children are really strange!

Even those two boys, if you look at the full-bodied style, you know that you have an extraordinary background, but the little girl ... because she doesn't look exquisite, why not be afraid? !!

No matter what the puppets thought, Bai Ye took out a branch directly from the side and hit the table, "Stand over!"

The little trouble and the little lazy and the little slugs took over as soon as they smoked, facing the wall and standing straight.

Xiaolao lazily said, "Oh, so hungry! What about you?"

Xiaoxiong shook her head, "I'm not hungry!"

Little lazy wondered, "Why?"

"Just when the young master spoke, I knew it would anger the aunt, so I ate a corn pie quickly!"

Little lazy: ... you eat!

Going to see the little trouble again, it seems that he is full. He felt his flabby frustration suddenly. Is he not full himself?

Little trouble: "It's okay to provoke her."

Little lazy, "I didn't think she was so big, so why care about me so much? Really ... no wonder my uncle didn't like her!"

"Small, lazy, lazy !!!" In a word, it poked Bai Bai's pain.

Bai Ye hasn't had a confinement, coupled with the loss of bleeding in the confinement, she has been emotional for a long time. At this moment, she feels dizzy and groggy!

She barely stood up, but suddenly heard Xinxin on the bed snorted suddenly.

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