Hello, Heir

Chapter 1631: The End of Bai Yan (29)

"And Si Jingyu? She has always only hated you! Because your presence has disrupted her life, they don't really love you. They now have another child, and you think that child was born, you Still get enough fancy? "

Xinxin heard this, and widened his eyes, revealing a look of panic.

Bai Xun Xun Xun's temptation: "So Xinxin, follow me, let's die together, you are Si Jingyu's disgraceful past, and I am also redundant, we are all redundant, follow me, Xinxin, this world "Only mom, only me is the best for you ..."

Seeing Xinxin seemed to be moved, Xiaolaotian was anxious, "Xinxin, you can't listen to her talking!"

But Bai Yan took a step forward, pointing to Lazi and Lao Nao, and said, "There are still them, they are the brothers. They grow up together and have a deep affection. They are always separated from you by one layer. I didn't think of you as my brother ... "

As soon as this word came out, the little lazily froze.

Xinxin was a person who suddenly came in, so little lazy and noisy, in fact, in fact, really did not consider Xinxin as an older brother.

It's just that his mother and aunt's face is so good to him.

Little lazy, after all, is still young, and blinked his eyes, not knowing what to say.

And Xiao Nao Nao also hurriedly said, "Brother Xinxin, this is not the case, don't listen to her talking ~"

Xinxin had tears in his eyes at this moment. He shook his head. "But Mom is right!"

He held out his hand to Bai Yan, "Mom, hug me, mom, I'm scared, mom, I miss you, ohh ..."

"Traitor!" Xiao Lazi and Xiao Nao were anxious, pointing at Xinxin and cursing: "You are so good to your aunt that you betrayed your aunt! Traitor!"

Bai Yan took a step forward and reached out and hugged Xinxin. "Xinxinguai, Mommy is here, Mommy tells you, only mothers in the world treat you the most ... Ah!"

The last sound suddenly turned into a sharp scream, and that sorrow almost shook the sky!

Because after Xin Xin was embraced by her, she bit her bite hard!

At the same time, Xinxin also looked at Xiao Nao Nao and Xiao Lazi. Although he didn't speak, he pointed at the door and winked at them.

Bai Yan felt that his ears were about to be bitten off. He tried hard to push the new ones, but found that the new ones were particularly tight! She hit Xinxin hard with a moment, "You let go, you let go! Seek death, you don't let go and watch how I pack you!"

But Xinxin seems to be bitten, just not let up!

Bai Ye was anxious, and shouted, "What are you two still doing? I'm not here to help you! It hurts me!"

As the words came out, the two babies came forward subconsciously and wanted to help break Xin Xin away. They grabbed Xin Xin's arms and shoulders, and tried to separate him from Bai Yan.

At this time, at the door of the house, there was no one to guard!

Little trouble and little lazy looked at Xinxin in shock. At this moment, they finally understood that the original Xinxin had just been acting, and now, Xinxin was just to give them a chance to escape!

Although the two knew that it was wrong to leave a new one, they also knew that they must leave now and report to Dad! Otherwise here is so remote, how could my dad come over? !!

So the three children looked at each other, slowed down one by one, walked quietly to the door, seized the opportunity, and ran out!

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