Hello, Heir

Chapter 1641: How does this person look like Shiba?

Little lazy little heart is not very good, he had a heart stent operation.

At a young age, after this operation, you need to take a good rest, and the doctor explained that you must not do vigorous exercise in the future!

Zhuang Nina was watching Lazily in the ward. He slept very deeply, but his face was still tight. She clenched his little hands tightly, thinking about what happened when she was pregnant. It was really regretful at the moment.

She bowed her head, and stood beside Zheng Zhengting. She was stubborn and didn't sleep. She just stayed next to the little lazy, but she was a child, and she couldn't manage to fall asleep in the end, lying with the little lazy. Asleep on the bed.

Zhuang Nina wiped a tear again and bit her lip.

Si Zhengting sighed, "You can rest assured, I have asked the doctor, even if you have a heart stent operation, as long as you pay attention to it, there will be no problems. Our family is in good condition, and even lazy will not have problems. Now. "

Zhuang Nina heard this, nodded, and immediately bit her lip again.

Si Zhengting patted her on the shoulder, stood up, and walked out. He was no less worried about Zhuang Nina than Zhuang Nina, but he couldn't let his emotions go, because there was an old man at home who needed his comfort .

But when he walked out of the ward, he found that Xiao Qi was not outside. Si Zhengting frowned, walked out, went around the hospital, and finally found Xiao Qi's body in the doctor's office.

"How long can I live with my grandson?"

The doctor spoke earnestly, "Master, I can't answer this question. Young Master has a bad heart and will be slightly weaker than ordinary people, but if properly maintained, depending on the conditions of your family, he will definitely live to be old no problem."

Xiao Qi frowned and sighed deeply, but his heart did not let go.

Their Xiao family, several generations of single pass, have been particularly difficult for their children and grandchildren. This time, they have a grandson, but how is it so ...

Si Zhengting heard the conversation inside, saw Xiao Qi's appearance, and sighed, didn't enter, instead turned and walked out.

Three of them are now hospitalized, and it really is ...

Si Zhengting shook his head and went to Si Jingyu's ward.

Because Laziness is also out of danger and it is judged that there is nothing serious, everyone is relaxed at this moment.

Xinxin was about to wake up soon. He first went to Xinxin for a walk, and then went to Si Jingyu's ward. As soon as he went in, he saw that Si Jingyu was a little faint.

He stepped forward and asked, "What happened?"

Si Jingyu pointed to the TV, "You watch this."

Si Zhengting turned his head and saw a news broadcast on TV.

It is said that there were wolves in the mountainous area of ​​Hebei, and tourists trespassed by them. They were bitten very fiercely, but fortunately they were rescued by the local residents. However, even if this is the case, one leg was broken, the facial muscles were scratched, and the body was bitten in many places Traces and trachea were bitten and are now being taken to hospital for emergency treatment.

"... According to this reporter's communication with the doctor, even if the patient can be rescued, her bitten leg can no longer be recovered, and she has suffered multiple muscle injuries. She has been paralyzed, disfigured, and unable to speak while waiting. Now is the season of high tourism. Here we remind everyone that there are wolves in the mountains, and it is forbidden to leave the army ... "

Si Zhengting looked at the news, his eyes narrowed, "What's wrong?"

Si Jingyu shook her head. "How do I look at this person, this person looks so white!"

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