Hello, Heir

Chapter 1646: Holder's Hand [Monthly Ticket Plus 5]

This guy!

Si Jingyu immediately pushed Zhuang Nina, "What a blind word!"

Zhuang Nina smiled and jumped away. "I'm not mistaken again. Everyone is a woman. What are you shy about! Sister, you are married much earlier than us!"

In the room at the moment were Zhuang Ninai and Lin Xi'er, both of whom had children, were married, and had no problem speaking.

Si Jingyu's ears were still red. When she saw Zhuang Nina's smirk, she looked at her with a smile now, "Look, are you talking about experience?"

Zhuang Nina's face turned red, "Sister, how are you doing this! I'll give you a way to think of it!"

Having said that, as soon as people turned around, they went out, "Oh, I'll see if there is anything I can help you with?"

Si Jingyu watched her run out, couldn't help but think, a little, but also fight me!

Lin Xi'er was afraid she felt embarrassed, so she also made an excuse to go out and closed the door. Si Jingyu was relieved. She quickly untied her wedding dress, picked up the breast pump, and was preparing to start work. Suddenly pushed away!

Si Jingyu was startled, and when he looked up, he saw Shi Jinyan walk in, and then he was relieved.

Thinking of Zhuang Nanai, Si Jingyu's cheeks turned red all of a sudden, "What are you doing?"

She hurriedly picked up her breast pump, "I, I'll just use this, no you!"

Shi Jinyan raised her eyebrows in surprise, and suddenly smiled, "I'll see what else to prepare. By the way, the wedding will start at 12 o'clock on time. Then you will be on the red carpet along with the golden boy and girl."

Si Jingyu: ...

Si Jingyu was embarrassed. Thinking of her careful thinking, she suddenly felt that her neck was red!

What was she thinking? I thought Shi Jinyan came here to help her ...

But just thinking about it that time, she saw Shi Jinyan approaching her, bending down, his breath instantly covering her whole body.

Si Jingyu looked up and heard Shi Jinyan bow her head to her ears, grinning and said, "But are you sure this thing is better than me?"

Then, he pointed his finger on the breast pump.

Si Jingyu's cheeks became redder now, "You ..."

This man, who is a Lai Pi, how can he say such explicit words! ...

In the end, Si Jingyu solved the embarrassing problem. Only two couples knew this, but when Shi Jinyan walked out of the lounge, he obviously smiled on his lips, as if eating honey.

And Si Jingyu in the lounge was full of shame, pretty and not ridiculous!

After finishing her wedding dress, she heard the door was ringing. She stood up, walked over with the wedding dress, opened the door in person, and then the whole person caught it.

The person standing outside the door was not someone else, it was Yao Teng's parents.

The two were wearing formal clothes and holding invitations in their hands, and they were obviously the ones invited to the wedding.

Seeing two people, Si Jingyu's eyes were sore all of a sudden, and he choked and shouted, "Uncle, aunt."

Mother Yao smiled at her, nodded, and looked inside, "Can we go in and say a few words?"

Si Jingyu nodded hurriedly, let go of his body, and invited two people to enter.

Mother Yao was sitting on the sofa, looking at Si Jingyu, sighing, "Our family, Yao Teng, has loved you the most since I was a child, and I also like you. It ’s informal and atmospheric. I still want to wait until you are all old. I I will also give you a wedding ceremony, which will be more luxurious, so that the entire city of Beijing will know ... but our family does not have this blessing ... "

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