Hello, Heir

Chapter 1648: Holder's Hand [Monthly Ticket Plus 7]

"That ... Actually, when Bai Ao was hospitalized, she called your mother and asked her to take care of her, saying that she had a child with Jin Yan in her belly. At that time we did not know that the child was not Jin Yan, but Your mother ... didn't agree, she said, only the child you gave birth to is our family. Other people gave birth to her, and she will not want it in the future. "

Si Jingyu looked up.

Father Shi immediately waved his hand. "I'm not saying that you forgive your mother. I just want to tell you that your mother will never be confused again. She is completely awake."

Si Jingyu felt sore.

After all, they are their parents-in-law, and she will not forgive Baiyun in her life, but for them ...

Si Jingyu looked at Father Shi, "I know, Dad, I forgive Mom."

She smiled at Da Shi, her smile was very warm, and there was no falsehood.

Father Shi looked at this daughter-in-law and lamented in their hearts that they really did n’t know what high incense was burned, and they could get such a daughter-in-law.

If someone else's daughter-in-law was treated like that by her mother-in-law, I'm afraid I'd be glared in this life, but Si Jingyu forgave Shi mother.

Dad Shi sighed and wanted to say something. He heard someone shouting, "Jing Yu, pack up, the wedding is about to begin!"

Father Shi hurriedly waved his hand, "Jingyu, you are busy."

Si Jingyu looked at him and felt funny, "Dad, we are a family. I got married today, and I will go home to live! Tonight, our family will talk again."

Dad Shi dazed.

Before getting married, Si Jingyu lived in the Si family. This time when they got married, they naturally moved back to Shi family. Isn't he faint? !!

Father Shi smiled suddenly, "Well, I'll tell your mother, she must be happy!"

Dad Shi turned around excitedly and left, Si Jingyu smiled and shook his head, then turned around and straightened himself in the mirror, and then turned around.

As soon as I went out, I saw Zhuang Nana rushing in, "Did you see Xiaoyu?"

Si Jingyu froze, "Ah, no!"

Zhuang Nina was anxious. "The wedding is about to begin, but Xiaoyi doesn't know where to go, Golden Boy and Jade Girl, what's so good without one!"

The flower girl is a man and a woman, the man is Xinxin, and the woman has no daughters, and Nian Yao ca n’t walk yet, so she chose one of the girls in the Xiao family. She got on.

But at this moment, what about this child? !!

She was in a hurry, and saw Lazy running over, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Zhuang Nina said, "Why is Xiaoyu gone? Do you know where she is?"

Little lazy blinked his eyes, apparently a ghost, and shook his head, "I don't know ~"

Zhuang Nina frowned. Just now what she wanted to say, the voice of the emcee speaking outside had spread in: "Ladies and gentlemen, first of all, thank you for coming to the wedding of Mr. Shi Jinyan and Ms. Si Jingyu ...

Zhuang Nina was even more anxious. She turned around and saw Xiao Feifei probe her head at the door, and hurriedly waved at her, "Xiao Feifei, you go up first!"

Xiao Feifei changed her little fluffy white veil, and nodded as soon as she heard this.

At the beginning of the wedding, Zhuang Nina watched Si Jingyu's arrival on the red carpet, and then turned around to find, but found out, what about the little lazy man? !!

PS: What about little lazy people? Why did you go?

Promise your updates, I did it ~ a total of fifteen more! I started writing in the early hours of yesterday, until now ~ Well, what about your guaranteed monthly pass?

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