Hello, Heir

Chapter 1658: Fei Fei Ban (8)

This familiar nasty voice made her walk for a while, and when she turned around, she saw five other people, all wearing the dresses at the banquet.

She was talking about one of the girls who was slightly mean, with more white eyes than black pupils. Her name was Huang Manning. She sneered and looked at Princess Fei. "Fei Ye, tell you, don't really be yourself!" I have always played with you, and I really think that I am different! "

Upon hearing this, Princess Fei raised her lips slightly, and she looked down and said, "Yeah, I'm not an onion. You are an onion. Unfortunately, the young man hates the onion most!"


"Well, Manning, this kind of quarrel is not something a qualified lady should do, you are too morbid!" Song Fangfei said suddenly, interrupting Huang Manning's words.

But of course the irony of Princess Fei in this sentence, of course she could hear it.

Doesn't it mean that you are arguing, isn't everyone a lady?

She frowned, this Song Fangfei still hated as always!

Huang Manning bit her lip, and her eyes were red. "Sister Fang Fei, I just can't swallow this breath. We have worked so hard to make ourselves outstanding for so many years just for this day. I have absolutely nothing to say! But what about her? A despicable means! "

Despicable means ...

Princess Fei clenched her fists and lowered her head.

Song Fangfei gave her a cold look, and then said lightly, "Do you think the young master can be counted? We have to believe the old gentleman and the young master."

Huang Manning pouted his mouth. "Yes, thankfully, Master and Mr. Mr. Qi clearly noticed Qiuhao, and did not get cheated by her. But we still have to wait!"

The Xiao family raised six of them, signed a contract, and when Xiao Munan chose one of them, the remaining five must not be entangled in the Xiao family, they could choose to leave, or they could choose to be married by the Xiao family and marry into other wealthy families.

Since he was a child, he has been grown up as a golden branch. Who would like to leave Xiao's house and return to the ordinary life?

What's more, Xiao Munan is getting better every day. Everyone's thoughts on him are clear. Everyone wants to be selected and can stay as the real hostess in this family.

Even if you really can't stay, after Xiao Munan chooses someone else, the rest can automatically fall in love, so no matter whether there is hope or not, everyone is waiting for this day.

I thought it was the end today, but because of the trouble caused by Princess Fei, everyone had to wait another month to make sure she was not pregnant, and then let Xiao Munan choose.

Huang Manning has an opinion on her, which is affirmative.

Fei Fei thought of this place, and did not follow her general knowledge, and went straight down with her head down.

The six girls do not live in the main villa, but collectively live in a small villa next to it.

Princess Fei opened a distance with several people behind her, and after entering the villa, she said to the nanny who greeted her, "Mom Li, help me get some anti-inflammatory ointment."

If the wound on the arm is left untreated, I am afraid it will leave a scar.

And now it's summer, maybe the inflammation.

Li Ma nodded, and as soon as she wanted to turn away, she heard Huang Manning coming in and said, "Mom Li, please bring all the anti-inflammatory ointment to my room!"

Li Ma froze, "But Miss Huang, Miss Ye ..."

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