Hello, Heir

Chapter 1703: Hello Master, good-bye! (4)

In Xiao Qi's study, at this moment is the tranquility before the storm.

Li Yan was crying silly, staring dullly forward, squatting silently on the ground.

Princess Fei was kneeling in front of Xiao Qi, lowering her head and not speaking.

Huang Manning's nose was swollen and his face was swollen, with tears weeping beside him, and he occasionally made a sob.

The rest of the girls were silently lowering their heads, standing on both sides, afraid to say a word.

Xiao Qi narrowed his eyes and looked at the girls in front of him. After a while, he smashed the water glass in the ground fiercely!

The crackling sound of "Pop!" Surprised everyone in the room.

Princess Fei nodded, her head lowered a little, and she was still kneeling there. From the corner of her eyes, you could see Huang Manning scared the whole person into a panic.

Then I heard Xiao Qi's voice, "The Xiao family spent so much money to train you, just to make you fight? !!! Just to make you plant money to frame others ?! Princess Fei, you really make me look good! Two You suddenly became honest years ago. I thought it was you who changed from evil to evil, but you challenged my bottom line again and again! "

Xiao Qi said here, and pointed his finger at Huang Manning, "And you! I don't like a nanny, but I took this kind of thought to deal with her! You are my adopted daughter of the Xiao family, and I am the half owner of the Xiao family. That ’s how I teach you ?! Against a nanny, even this method is used! ... "


Xiao Qi cursed, and finally punished, "Huang Manning, fine your living expenses for the next two months! Do you know what's wrong?"

Huang Manning hurriedly lowered his head. "Old man, I know I'm wrong."

Xiao Qi snorted and looked at Princess Fei, "Princess Ye, you are not allowed to go out for a month! Copy the Xiao family rules a thousand times in the room!"

After this sentence, Princess Ye suddenly raised her head. "Old sir, I will have an exam in a week, I ..."

Fine money is fine. Her living expenses have been fined these years. I do n’t know the year of the monkey, but she is not allowed to go out for a month. What should I do about her exams? What about her credits?

"Exam? Exam can fight at home regardless of family rules? This is the punishment for you!"

In a word, Xiao Qi made a conclusion directly. Such an unfair judgment, Ye Feifei had long been used to, but still clenched her fists and bit her lips.

Yes, I am the adopted daughter of the Xiao family, so I have to accept the punishment of the old man unconditionally.

She didn't speak, and endured a anger in her chest.

After waiting a while, I heard Xiao Qi say again, "Li Zhi, do you know what's wrong?"

A word fell, and Princess Fei was suddenly surprised, and looked up in puzzlement.

Xiao Qi said directly, "Because of you, the two young ladies in the churning family don't agree, and even hit hard. You are punished for making up all the damaged things in the villa, and then you can pack and leave now."

Are all the damage done?

The coffee table and carpet in the villa are all tens of thousands of dollars. How can Li Yan make up for it? !!

Moreover, Li Minming did nothing, so why dismissed her? !!

Princess Fei thought of this, and before Li Yan spoke, she shouted directly, "Old gentleman, I ..."

"Shut up!" Xiao Qi said here, her gaze fell on her. "Who makes sense to my decision, get me out of the Xiao family right away!"


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