Hello, Heir

Chapter 1706: Hello Master, good-bye! (7)

After finishing her sentence, Princess Fei felt that all the courage that had disappeared suddenly returned again.

Two years ago, she was lawless, but in the past two years of suppression, it was not only the wild nature, but also the courage.

She smiled bitterly.

I think my previous thought is really a magic obstacle.

What if Ding Jian really didn't let go of her?

The soldier came to cover the water and the soil. She was barefoot, and she was afraid he would not be able to wear shoes? !!

Big deal, let dad move away from Beijing and settle down in another small city.

These thoughts made her suddenly bright.

She looked up again and looked at Xiao Qi, and said those words just now, this time with a loud voice: "Huang Manning said well, I'm not pregnant at all, so I will leave! I will accept you to me Any punishment! But this matter has nothing to do with Li Yan. Please do n’t be angry with others. It ’s not good to pass it on, it ’s not good for Xiao ’s reputation! ”

In a word, Xiao Qi narrowed his eyes directly, "Are you threatening me?"

Princess Fei said seriously, "It's not a threat, it's just a reason."

In a word, Xiao Qi became more serious.

He fixedly looked at Princess Fei, and then sneered after a while. "Since you admit that you are not pregnant, the Xiao family will not be able to tolerate your location, pack your things, and leave Xiao family immediately. In addition, damage With the property of the Xiao family, you and Huang Manning alone paid half of it. Manning is from the Xiao family, so there is no need to pay, as for you ... "

He paused, observed Ye Feifei's expression, but saw a flash of panic in her eyes.

Xiao Qi then looked at the steward, "Record how much damage was made, convert it into cash and tell her how much to pay! In addition, supervise her not to take away any property from the Xiao family! As for the ten years of the Xiao family's upbringing to you ... "

Princess Fei bit her lip and said, "I will always remember it."

The Xiao family even gave her a bright and beautiful life for so many years, even when it was not good for her. When the Xiao family bought her from her father, she also gave her a sum of money.

This money, it stands to reason, the Xiao family should not have to go back.

Xiao Qi sneered when she saw her talking like this, the old face looked a little distorted: "You can rest assured that you can't afford it! I just hope that the Xiao family will not raise a white-eyed wolf!"

Princess Fei bowed her head and bowed to Xiao Qi deeply, "I remember."

Xiao Qi waved, "Let's go."


Feifei Ye supported Li Yan and walked out of the study.

The whole person who Li Li was crying was a bit prostrate, and Princess Fei had a grim face, knowing that she still affected her.

She didn't know what to do, but clenched her lips and stopped talking.

The steward walked ahead, and several security guards followed behind them.

Xiao Qi's work has always been fierce, so they only have half an hour to pack and leave.

Two people returned to the villa, Li Yan entered his bedroom without a word, and the moment the door was closed, there was a depressing cry.

Princess Fei looked at the door over there and wanted to persuade her, but didn't know what to say.

Without her, maybe Li Ye had not lived well in the ten years in front of the Xiao family, but it wouldn't be too bad, but because of her, Li Ye would now be kicked out.

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