Hello, Heir

Chapter 1718: Debt repayment, righteousness (4)

Princess Fei was lying on the bed, and the sound of the argument in the next room was clear.

"What is she doing here? What will happen next? I tell you, this house is a son, don't want to give it to her! She has been in the Xiao family for so many years, can she have a little savings? Ye Guoqing, if you don't tell me clearly, just Don't want to sleep! "

"You shut up! The sound insulation of the room is poor, and I was sad to hear it! I haven't had a good time at Xiao's house in the past two years. I called her to get her back!"

"Ye Guoqing, you can do it at your leisure, and you will let her go back tomorrow! You ... hey!"

"You shut me up and look beautiful! I'll put it here for you now, I ’m my daughter, and I ca n’t ignore her in my life! Besides, even if I ’m out of the house, I ’ll go to college right away After graduating, I will eat and live at home for two months. After graduation, I will be able to find a job! Also, you give me two thousand dollars. "


"Did you come back without seeing me? Bring me two clothes tomorrow!"

"What clothes to buy will cost two thousand dollars. You must die! You have only received a month's salary, and the family has two thousand left!"

"I've been wearing name brands since I was little. You don't give me two thousand, but you can give me a thousand."

"five hundred!"


The voices of the two kept getting smaller and smaller, but they continued into the middle of the night before they finally stopped.

Princess Fei was in the dark bedroom, hugging her knees.

She looked up at the furnishings in this room, all of Ye Qi's things. Obviously, this home had no place for her to stand.

Suddenly she felt extra lonely. She used to whisper to the young master and didn't want to have anything, just had fun, but at this moment, she felt that she was useless.

Her heart was heavy, and she fell asleep until early in the morning.

It wasn't until the sun hit her on her face that she held out her hand, subconsciously touched it under the pillow, and touched a small picture book. She took a moment's glance, took it out, and found that it was an extremely exposed day. Man.

Ye Feifei's doze was frightened away, and she suddenly threw the book to the ground, and everyone sat up!

When I saw the small room in front of me that was almost breathless, I realized where I was.

Concubine Ye looked at the room for a while, and suddenly thought of something. She turned her head and saw a small alarm clock next to it pointing to nine, and everyone bounced!

Ten o'clock electives are late!

Princess Fei jumped up and spun around the room, only to find out that she didn't change clothes.

She lowered her head and looked at her clothes. She jumped into the sand yesterday and the clothes were dirty.


She bit her lip, went out, went into the bathroom, and found a brand new toothbrush cup on it. She picked it up and brushed her teeth. Then she looked at the white dirt on the comb and the broken pieces on it. Hair, gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand to choke his hair, tied it up.

When I walked out, I saw that the room was empty.

She was about to rush out. The door was opened. Dad Ye came in and saw her suddenly smile. "Oh, just woke up. I bought you a skirt. You can change to school."

He said, and took out a white dress from the bag.

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