Hello, Heir

Chapter 1725: She hurt him (1)

Everyone is a college classmate, so it ’s a good conversation. When we talk about it, someone joins us.

"Yes, Cai Jiejie became popular in" Ultrasonic ", but she only imitated others, and she had no characteristics at all. If it wasn't for" Confusion "by Nan Fei, the composer and composer of the year, I'm afraid she wouldn't be where she is today. But why hasn't Nanfei appeared in these two years? Shouldn't it be two people who have fallen out? "

"No! You're stupid, how could Cai Jiejie make trouble with Nan Fei? After Cai Jie Jie became popular, how many people want to buy lyrics and buy songs with Nan Fei, but no matter how much the price is, people don't sell it! Cai Jie Jie even made Nan Concubine is a guest of honor! "

"It is said that Nan Fei is a magical figure. No one has ever seen her true face. Cai Jiejie's agent said that his contact with Nan Fei was all on the Internet or phone." Chaos "created a new music industry. Legend, but two years ago, Cai Jiejie's agent suddenly could not contact Nan Fei. The phone was turned off and the email was not returned. They even found a hacker to search for Nan Fei's email IP, trying to find Nan Fei, and looking at her. What happened, but it didn't work out. Nanfei's computer is equipped with high-end computers and anti-hacking software, which completely blasted the other party! "


The more people talked, the more interested, only the Princess Fei, who was next to him, became a little awkward.

However, it is embarrassing for Ren Ren to be discussed in person.

Yes, Nanfei is her.

She was inherently very sensitive to music, and then trained by the young master, she learned to write and compose, and was very talented in this regard.

So thinking of it this way, isn't she doing nothing?

But, what's the use of that?

The original mailbox password and the mobile phone number used as a temporary contact were with the young master. She is Nanfei, but she has no way to prove that she is Nanfei.

Fei Fei thought of this, she lowered her head, and then looked at Xu's look, but did not have the kind of interest around her, she pursed her lips and smiled.

After a while, they ordered the rice noodles, and the two of them quickly finished eating. Ye Feifei took out only one hundred dollars from her body. Before the student Xu had not responded, she paid for the meal first.

When two people walked out of the store, Mr. Xu was very embarrassed. "Concubine Ye, I said I'll ask you. You can't pay for it. I'll give it back to you."

Princess Fei shook her head and looked at him with a smile. "Student Xu, thank you for your kind act just now. But ... I don't like you. I don't feel that way about you. I think I have to give it first. You can make it clear. "

Xu did not expect this to happen, and suddenly hesitated.

Princess Fei said, "You made me feel warm, thank you, but we will just be ordinary classmates in the future."

After she said this, she turned and left.

She always has a clear love-hate relationship, likes to like, dislikes, and does not want to play ambiguous with others, so even at this moment, she really needs such a friend, but she refused the other's pursuit immediately.

She walked easily to the school, but after taking two steps, she suddenly saw her classmates in the school and looked at her one by one.

She froze slightly, thinking of something. She immediately picked up her mobile phone and landed on the school's intranet, and she saw that there was a hot post, and she hung high on the hot search list!

The post name is: [Student Ye surnamed the second generation of the rich, there is a picture and the truth]

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