Hello, Heir

Chapter 2321: Eating with Brother Mubei ~ (10)

Lin Muxi turned back blankly, usually looking like a small room. At this moment it seemed a little empty, she took two steps and sat on the sofa.

It's only 8:30 in the evening, and it's too early to go to bed.

She won't go to work tomorrow. If she used to, she must have swiped her Weibo or friends circle with her mobile phone or watched a variety show, but today she finds that she can't do anything.

She tossed her mouth, lay down on the sofa with her pillow, picked up the remote control, and turned on the TV. The popular variety show was being played in the show. She was the favorite to watch. She always watched me and always laughed. My stomach hurts, but today, after watching it for ten minutes, I feel extra boring.

She started to change channels with the remote control. After changing some, she still felt too boring. At this moment, her cell phone rang.

She hurriedly dropped the remote control, picked up her phone, opened it, and found out that it was a message from her WeChat boss Mubei:

[Si Mubei: Arrived home. 】

Lin Muxi's mood suddenly flew up. She dropped the remote control, held the mobile phone in both hands, and started to send a message to Si Mubei:

[Lin Muxi: Just get home. If you lose it, Aunt Nana will probably eat me ~]

After this message was sent, she was holding her own, gosh!

What did she say to Brother Mubei!

How can you send such a casual message!

Will Mubei be angry!

Lin Muxi tangled her hair and lay on the sofa with both legs kicking!

Struggling, the phone vibrated a bit, she sat up awkwardly, picked up the phone and opened WeChat directly, and then saw the response of Si Mubei:

[Si Mubei: How can I lose it, I will not lose it if you lose it. 】

Lin Muxi: ...! !!

Lin Muxi was really dumbfounded.

In her impression, Brother Mubei has always been a serious and stereotyped person. He can be seen by looking at him with a stern face and a formal smile. He also has heard from colleagues when he is working in the company. Serious people, everything in the company is in order, so now Mu Bei brother chats with her so easily.

Lin Muxi said: Chen Ye received the shock!

Lin Muxi held the mobile phone, reflecting for a long time, and then she came back to her, and chatted with him in a small mood:

[Lin Muxi: I think I should send you back first because your worth is too high! Too unsafe without bodyguards! 】

After the news came out, there was no sound across.

Lin Muxi's heart suddenly stunned again, staring at the distance in a daze, why did Mu Bei brother go, why not reply.

Did Brother Mubei get angry and thought he was too expensive?

She was holding a mobile phone, she had only a few chat records, and turned over and over again. I did n’t see any problems with her chat content!


What the **** is going on!

Lin Muxi held the phone, got up, opened the refrigerator, picked up a bottle of water, and turned around. The phone vibrated a bit. Then she picked up the phone and looked at it.

Lin Muxi talked a little, usually talking to her mother for a long time. After listening to the voice today, she said she was a little impatient after speaking two or three sentences. She simply cut into the topic:

"Mom, is there anything wrong with me?"

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