Hello, Heir

Chapter 2488: Si Mubei's careful thinking (3)

The voice of the other party is very sharp, the voice is very high, and there is a faint sense of superiority.

Since the last time the Su family had divorced, Ji's mother was very unbalanced. Her son is so good, why should she be remarried? Even if it's a divorce, it should be your own divorce!

Lin Muxi is just a tow oil bottle brought by Lin Xier from the Su family into the giants. What is it?

When she asked her son to marry her, she felt wronged.

So although Su Yanbin warned them, she still felt very uncomfortable.

But as she said, Lin Muxi's life circle is very small, so during this time, she never met again, but never expected that she would meet here.

So one can't help but say something unpleasant directly.

Lin Muxi looked up, looked at her, and froze slightly.

She knew that Ji Mu didn't like her, but at first she would still worry about her face, but now ...

Lin Muxi frowned, taking a step back, not planning to talk to her, wanting to let her go first.

But I didn't expect that she would retreat in such a way, and Ji Mu had to go straight into the inch: "Oh, I used to think that you were particularly stuffy, and a mouth has been used to eat. Sure enough, you really ca n’t make a fart with three sticks. Come on! I didn't know what to say when I saw him? Or do you feel shameless? "

Lin Muxi was said to be stunned again, and had to say, "Mr. Ji, what's so shameless to me? It wasn't me who made the mistake first."

When Ji Mu heard this rebellion, she was instantly angry. "What do you mean? Ah? It really is an illegitimate girl who can't get on the stage. Like your poorly born mother, you have no education at all! Sure enough, Even if the parents of the Soviet Union had blood from poor people in their bodies, how could they not get rid of the poverty in their bones! "

Lin Muxi didn't want to have a general knowledge with her, but did not expect that Ji Mu actually scolded her mother, and everyone was angry.

After listening to my mother that day, I knew that my mother married Su Yanbin, but it wasn't as beautiful as it seemed to outsiders. The sadness behind it, where can others experience it?

Now when I face the neglect of my mother, Lin Muxi is angry. "Mr. Ji, please tell me what happened to my mother? Do you think my mother is not worth marrying my father? Now this is In the 21st century, it is not ancient society. What kind of wealth is there? "

"Oh! You said that there is no rich or poor? Then why did your mother marry your father? And ..."

She said here, and looked up and down Lin Muxi, "I used to see you when I was at Su's house. Anyway, I was considered to be well-dressed, but now you look at your cheap clothes, hehe ..."

She lifted her lips, "Thankfully our family Ji Yunfan retired from you, otherwise, I will regret it! People like you who can't stand on the stage, I will tell you, your mother is right, you will find Marry an ordinary man. No one in the wealthy family would want a woman like you! "

Lin Muxi opened her mouth. As soon as she wanted to say something, she heard Ji Yunfan's voice not far away: "Mom, what are you doing?"

Ji Mother turned her head to look at it, and then she saw a young woman standing next to Ji Yunfan. The two were looking at this in doubt.

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