Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 696: When you toss she is tossing me

He Chu silently left Gu Nianzhi's cabin, came to the cockpit, and said to Huo Shaoheng on the side of the interphone: "Nian Zhi is feverish, fast."

Huo Shaoheng nodded immediately, "Receive, you are ready to return to the original route, we will **** you."

He Chuchu looked at the two pilots and said, "Follow the original route to the Chinese Empire."

The two pilot pilots were busy changing routes, and confirmed that the ground navigation points were too busy.

Huo Shaoheng opened the intercom with the station: "Ozawa, let Zhou Qiyuan come in."

Zhou Qiyuan is the leader of the Special Operations Division's Fengji team and one of Huo Shaoheng's other two secretive life secretaries.

Zhou Qiyuan waited outside the door and came in immediately when he heard the call.

Huo Shaoheng personally told him: "Suggest the display, let him prepare an ambulance to the Air Force station, and say that Miss Gu has a fever, and he knows what to do."

The last time Zhou Qiyuan obeyed Huo Shaoheng's order, in the name of the Feng Ji Group, he captured all the medical staff in the hospital building at the headquarters.

So far, it is still in the temporary detention center of Fengji Group.

Zhou Qiyuan has completed the first round of interrogation for everyone, and screened out several problematic people. Although the remaining people have not been released, their treatment is much better.

The display situation is quite special.

Zhou Qiyuan had doubts about him, but Huo Shaoheng obviously trusted him.

"Huo Shao ..." Zhou Qiyuan hesitated, and Huo Shaoheng immediately got angry: "Go!"

"Yes, Chief!" Zhou Qiyuan didn't dare to say any more, and immediately saluted the microphone.


It was completely dark.

When the six latest fighters of the Huaxia Empire escorted a large passenger plane and landed at Terminal 3 of the Imperial International Airport, the whole world was amazed. It was also speculated on what was the sacredness that caused the Huaxia Empire to take the highest standard treatment to welcome .

The passenger plane was quickly found out by the relevant agency to whom it belonged, but when the cabin door was opened, it was Major General Huo Shaoheng, the deputy secretary general of the Supreme Council of the Military Ministry of the Huaxia Empire, who would come out of it.

He didn't come out alone, and he held a man covered with a thin blanket in his arms, and just got out of the plane's suspension ladder.

Immediately after getting off the plane, an ambulance drove over, and Huo Shaoheng took the man directly into the ambulance.

Who is this guy?

Almost for a moment, Huo Shaoheng wore sunglasses and a major general, but carefully took pictures of a person getting off the plane and blasted the entire network.

Before, some people intentionally or unintentionally brought rhythm to send Huo Shaoheng and Tan Guiren as piles.

But as soon as this photo came out, even the rhythmic sailors were embarrassed to continue to "lalang match."

Because the "La Lang match" is actually a disadvantage for the women, if they are not careful, they will be said to be "back-posting", so they also know what is appropriate.

Not many people who eat melon have actually seen what Huo Shaoheng looks like, but they all recognize the Venus on his shoulders and his major general uniform.

Such a high position, such a high rank, but so cautious as if holding the treasure and holding the person off the plane.

Coupled with the six fighter jets with the highest welcome specifications, it instantly killed the former new Prime Minister ’s daughter, Tan Guiren, and returned home.

Many people are guessing whether Huo Shaoheng is holding a woman, because the figure under the thin blanket looks slim and abnormal.

PS masters can't wait to pull the picture down and analyze it carefully from the inside out.

It is a pity that the pixels of the image sent out are very low, it is impossible to zoom in, and it is impossible to determine who it is.

But those who knew them knew who they were.

Tan Guiren also saw this scene on his own TV, and his heart was mixed.

Her mother, Cai Songyin, was talking to friends in the media and asked them if they had any news about who Major General Huo was holding.

It's a pity that she asked the media of the entire Emperor, but no media knew who that person was.

However, they recognized the plane and the long man in a trench coat walking behind Huo Shaoheng.

Of course, this man is He Zhichu, wearing big sunglasses, arrogant and silent.

Everyone thought it was the beginning of He's posture, but when Huo Shaoheng got down from the plane with a person, everyone understood.

This person who did not show a strand of hair from head to toe was the real VIP this time.


He Chuchu followed Huo Shaoheng in the ambulance.

Soon, the military vehicle in the front cleared, and the military vehicle in the back was crowded. The ugly black ambulance flashed with emergency lights and hurried to the headquarters of Special Operations Division.

When displayed in the car, he began to measure the blood pressure and temperature, check the infection, and try to rule out all kinds of acute wounds.

Display a calm face without looking at Huo Shaoheng.

From Huo Shaoheng holding Gu Nianzhi into the ambulance, the display didn't even look at him.

Huo Shaoheng also didn't speak, sitting straight upright, looking straight ahead, as if he hadn't seen anything, but no one knew that anyone in the ambulance, anything, had escaped his eyes.

He Zhichu sat opposite him, leaning his arms against the car wall, his eyes only fell on Gu Nian's face from start to finish, and every breath she took would affect his mind.

The ambulance whistled all the way and soon returned to the hospital building at the headquarters of the Special Operations Division.

Gu Nianzhi was lifted onto a mobile operating table and, with the help of several medical staff, was brought into the operating room on display.

In fact, Gu Miss did not need surgery, but she needed a thorough physical examination.

Huo Shaoheng should know if she has been subjected to any other abuse.

He Chuchu didn't follow, but put his hands in his pants pockets, stood in the corridor outside the operating room door, looked out the window, and looked at the headquarters of the special operations department.

Huo Shaoheng followed the display and watched him perform various tests on Gu Nianzhi.

After waiting for the ct data to come out, the display said to Huo Shaoheng with a stern face: "It didn't matter, but it suffered another round of torture. Like the cat that was repeatedly thrown downstairs, it was thrown again." Then, he looked at Huo Shaoheng with a stingy expression, "Say, who threw her this time?"

Huo Shaoheng sighed, "Are you sure she's fine?"

"I'll know it tomorrow, not the first time." The display laughed even harder. "Aren't you guarding me? Let me participate in such an important inspection? You know I will leak in minutes!-I talk to You said, Huo Shaoheng, otherwise you would kill me! That would be a hundred, and no one would reveal your little secret of the baby! "

Huo Shaoheng knew that the display had vented his grievances after being held for no reason for so many days.

He glanced at him and asked, "How is Nian Zhi now?"

"It has started to have a high fever, and she should have no consciousness now. Rest assured, not the first time, I have data observations." Zhan skipped, "If it wasn't for the face of Nianzhan, you thought I was right you?"

Huo Shaoheng nodded, "Okay, it seems you are looking for a difference today.-Go to your office first, I will tell you later."

"You said it! You kept my people locked up! I haven't settled with you yet!" The display threw the materials in his hands to the table in a rage and turned into his office.

Huo Shaoheng stepped out of the operating room and said to He Zhichu outside the door calmly, "Nian Zhi is having a high fever. There is no other problem."

He Zhichu exhaled a long breath, he looked at his watch, "Okay, then I'll leave. When the reading is over, I will call her again."

Huo Shaoheng nodded, "I let Nobita take you out."

Yin Shixiong and Zhao Liangze worshipped He Chu very much. With them both to send, Huo Shaoheng was more at ease.

When He was undecided at first, he glanced into the half-opened operating room door, and seemed to see Gu Nianzhi lying peacefully in the middle of a pile of instruments.

He looked at Huo Shaoheng.

Huo Shaoheng bowed slightly. "Rest assured, all the data here will be destroyed, and I will personally watch them destroyed."

He Chuchu nodded slightly. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that Gu Nianzhi has followed Huo Shaoheng for so many years. No one knows her special constitution, which proves that Huo Shaoheng is very cautious in this respect.

"Just know it. This is my last concession. If you let others know this last secret, no matter what you say, I will definitely take her away." He Zhichu said politely, imposing Much more than before.

Huo Shaoheng raised an eyebrow. "I'm still saying that, if you take her away, you can keep her safe? Can you let others not hesitate?"

"Hehe ..." He Chuchu just smiled, and didn't talk anymore.

How did Huo Shaoheng know?

Ha ha……


After He Zhichu left, Huo Shaoheng came to the display's office.

The display is holding rags and buckets to clean the office.

His place has never allowed others to come in. Ye Zitan used to clean it for him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Now Ye Zitan and he have been locked up, everything here is covered with dust.

Huo Shaoheng did not help him clean, but stood alone silently, took out a cigarette, walked to the window, pushed open the window, lit a breath.

The display smelled of smoke, came over with a stinking face and drove him: "Walk on! You don't smoke here! I am a smoke-free area! Understand?"

Huo Shaoheng pursed his lips, tossed the cigarette into the trash can, turned around and said, "Zhou Qiyuan told you?"

The display snorted, "I'm sitting satisfactorily! I've never done anything inferior! You suspect no one should doubt me!"

Huo Shaoheng's dark eyes were dull. Although his heart was infinitely depressed, he still sat across from the display and said to him, "Zhou Qiyuan's investigation into you is to listen to my order and it's a routine thing."

"Routine business is to put the person who has been in love with you for more than ten years into the detention center without saying that?" Huo Shaoheng! I told you, if there is a slight black spot in my profile, I will kill you! "

"I want to divulge secrets, when can't I divulge them ?! Do you have a secret in front of me?" The display simply pointed at Huo Shaoheng's nose. I ca n’t do it! No way! "

Huo Shaoheng quietly listened to his vent, and waited for him to say angrily before he asked, "Did you finish?"

"No!" Shouted Zhan, "and Dr. Ye! I tell you, hurry up and let her out! If you toss her, you will toss me!"


This is the second more. There were a total of four changes yesterday, and the last one was 11 o'clock last night. Parents forgot to watch it!

Today is Monday, remind everyone to recommend tickets!

Goodnight everybody.

o (n_n) o ~.

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