Chapter 378 Marriage engagement

  In this posture, Zou Heng almost wrapped Si Fu in his arms, and the two of them rubbed together at the hem of their clothes from time to time, making rustling noises.

   Zou Heng's voice is very nice, full of magnetic youthful voice, but no matter how nice the voice is, it can't stand the boringness of this book.

  Si Fu unconsciously yawned before finishing listening to a page.

  The next second, Zou Heng spoke suddenly.

"Feeling bored?"

  Si Fu rubbed her nose resentfully, and stammered.

   "It's not... I just don't understand the art of war."

  After speaking, Si Fu cooperatively scratched her head, expressing that she really didn't understand.

  Zou Heng lifted his thin lips.



   Before Zou Heng could say anything, he was interrupted by the sudden sound of the door opening.

  After Zou Heng let Zou Bing in, Zou Bing raised an eyebrow at Sifu.

   "It's started outside, they're all seated, I'll take you out for a walk."

  As soon as Zou Bing came, Si Fu immediately pushed the book away, then stood up, making a gesture to leave.

   Zou Heng stood between Si Fu and Zou Bing, and didn't move for a while. After Si Fu raised his eyes and looked at him suspiciously, he moved, turned slightly sideways, and let her go out.

But when Si Fu was walking out, she tripped over something, her body was unstable, and she suddenly fell forward. Si Fu subconsciously exclaimed, and fell straight into Zou Heng's arms inside.

  Zou Heng stretched out his long arms, and pressed Si Fu's shoulders before her forehead hit his chest, and he said two words lightly.


  Si Fu was a little dazed and didn't know what was going on, but she thanked her and went out with Zou Bing.

   After going out, Zou Bing was still puzzled, he turned his head and glanced at Si Fu.

   "What happened to you just now, were you drunk?"

  Si Fu rolled his eyes at him.

   "You are drunk, I just tripped over."

   Zou Bing let out an "Ah", then he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly he laughed twice.

   "It means that the elder brother is familiar with you. If it was another woman, he would definitely think that she was throwing herself into her arms, and would immediately get out of the way, and let you fall to hell."

  Recalling the scene just now, for some reason, Si Fu actually felt a little hot, and she didn't have the heart to play tricks with Zou Bing again.

   "Come on, you, where are we going?"

Zou Bing led Si Fu further and further away, until they came to a tall and narrow house. In fact, it is a bit far-fetched to say that this is a house. At a glance, there are spiral stairs from bottom to top. Can't see it, don't know what it is.

  Si Fu followed Zou Bing up, and when she got to the top, she realized that it was a gazebo. She was quite surprised, this place happened to be able to see the stage, not to mention how beautiful the scenery is.

   Si Fu looked at the surrounding scenery and couldn't help but praise.

   "How did you discover this place? It's quite novel."

   Zou Bing slumped on the bench and said triumphantly.

   "Is there anything else I don't know?"

  Looking at Si Fu, Zou Bing thought of what his mother said just now, and suddenly his expression was not as relaxed as before.

  He signaled Sifu to sit down, then straightened up, his expression became serious.

   "Tell you something, my mother saw you with me just now."

  Sifu didn't think it was strange, and looked at him with raised eyebrows.

   "What did Concubine Shu say?"

  Zou Bing cleared his throat, and looked at Si Fu with strange eyes.

   "She said... that she would marry us."

  Si Fu was startled, a little at a loss.

   "Ah? Why so suddenly."

  (end of this chapter)

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