"The Masked Singer" has 14 singers, but only 2 places, one for each singer, and the votes will determine who will advance.

In the breakout competition, there are not only on-site voting, but also online voting.

However, the voting calculation method is a bit complicated. The online voting will be calculated by dividing the number of votes by the total number of votes of the 14 singers, multiplying this ratio by 1,000 votes, and adding the on-site voting results to get the final voting results.

In other words, on-site voting is as important as online voting, and the promotion results are even more confusing.

Even if the on-site votes are not high, it is possible to surpass in online voting, and vice versa.

One singer after another went on stage to sing, and the atmosphere was very warm.

When it was Chen Zhiqiu's turn to go on stage, the applause reached another peak.

It's not that he is so popular now, but that he has too much experience.

A person who has not appeared on the stage for ten years is back on the stage, and everyone is looking forward to what surprises he can bring.

When Xu Nuo signed him, he gave him a song "Missing a Deserted Name", thinking of using this song as his first song after his comeback.

As a result, Chen Zhiqiu insisted on singing it in the breakout competition, and said that since he was making a comeback on the stage of "Masked Singer", he would use this song as an explanation to his fans who supported him.

Chen Zhiqiu wore a mask when he went on stage, and the moment he took off the mask, applause broke out again.

He was not very good at communicating with fans, he just bowed and raised his hand to pluck the guitar.

Such a simple action caused cheers from the audience.

"Chen Zhiqiu!"

"Five-finger guitar demon!"

Guitar is Chen Zhiqiu's specialty. Whenever he takes out the guitar, it means victory.

"Thank you everyone, today I will sing a song "Missing a Deserted Name" for you."

The song information was displayed on the big screen.

[Missing a Deserted Name]

[Lyrics: Nuoyan]

[Composition: Nuoyan]

[Singer: Chen Zhiqiu]

The audience was thoughtful. The title of this song fits Chen Zhiqiu's experience too well.

In the years of being banned, except for his works that could be heard occasionally, the name Chen Zhiqiu seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth.

Fields will be abandoned, and people's names will be abandoned.

Some old fans were about to cry, "Nuoyan is really, I'm crying."

"Nuoyan understands Brother Qiu too well!"

"To be honest, Nuoyan is the best boss for his artists. Phoenix Group is about to become popular all over the country. Now it's Chen Zhiqiu's turn."

Amid the cheers, Chen Zhiqiu plucked the guitar and opened his mouth softly.

"When the years take me far away like the waves,

every day when I can't see the edge and hear no love,

I use my belief in tomorrow to weave a lie,

to deceive every sleepless night."

As soon as Chen Zhiqiu opened his mouth, he caused screams from the audience.

The melancholy and sad music, in the guitar playing, seemed to be stained with the breath of the past.

Both the song title and the lyrics are the same as his previous style.

Chen Zhiqiu's fans are most worried that Nuoyan will let him sing high notes or rock songs in order to help him win.

But Chen Zhiqiu's best skill is still the "missing" love song. If he changes this style in order to win, it will be a betrayal to many die-hard fans.

After singing four sentences, screams came one after another.

Chen Zhiqiu did not continue to speak, but lowered his head and concentrated on playing the guitar.

Only Chen Zhiqiu was left with a guitar and playing solo on the stage.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The contestants were a little uneasy.

This is the stage of the breakout competition, and the quality of the music will directly affect the live effect.

It's okay to show off your skills occasionally with a guitar, even if you let the music stop for a few seconds.

For example, like "Rice Fragrance", it's just two seconds.

However, Chen Zhiqiu didn't seem to let the band play at all. He played the guitar attentively.

The careful audience heard a different sound.

Yes, it was humming.

Chen Zhiqiu's humming became louder and louder.

He even closed his eyes, his fingers danced on the strings, and his humming gradually increased.

Under the spotlight, Chen Zhiqiu opened his mouth, singing a long passage, as if to release all the silence and unwillingness of so many years in the song.

Under the camera, Chen Zhiqiu's eyes were red for some reason, and tears flashed in the corners of his eyes.

The guitar solo of more than one minute, coupled with the extremely complex singing, made the contestants participating in the breakout competition feel a little bit calm.

The solo, singing, lasted for one minute, and only Nuoyan dared to play like this, and probably only Chen Zhiqiu could cooperate so perfectly.

"I used belief in tomorrow to weave a lie,

deceive every sleepless night,

see the story of the changes after the time is rewritten,

who are you thinking about now."

It was still a guitar solo, and the contestants felt like they were going crazy.

Are all you people in Fanxing crazy? Nuoyan played and sang directly on the piano a few days ago, and now Chen Zhiqiu is actually playing and singing on the guitar in the breakout?

Which star doesn't go to great lengths to improve the music effect? ​​How can others play if you do this?

"Who are you thinking about now?

Those happy and heart-throbbing memories

make me miss a deserted name."

The contestants were no longer interested in listening to the songs. Their attention was all on the band. They wanted to know when Chen Zhiqiu was going to let the band intervene.

The audience was ecstatic.

Guitar is Chen Zhiqiu's best instrument. If they only use guitar accompaniment, it would be a kind of enjoyment for them.

Even if a lot of musical effects are sacrificed.

Xu Nuo used an adapted version. After repeated consideration, he directly removed the band accompaniment and combined the half of the song that Chen Chusheng sang in the singer with the half of the song that Chen Chusheng sang in the brother who overcame difficulties.

The guitar accompaniment was retained, and the whole song was also retained.

The sound of the guitar quieted down, and Chen Zhiqiu played quietly.

"Leave the light of the last moon,

Because loneliness is afraid of the darkness of the night, open the past,

Repeatedly play that regret,

The past that cannot be touched or erased,

It is the fragmented beauty reflected in the water,

I hold my breath and don't want to mention it but I am afraid of forgetting it."

Singing softly is a singing method that seems simple but is actually difficult to master. In Blue Star, when it comes to singing softly, everyone may think of Yu Zhou first.

But many years ago, Chen Zhiqiu was the representative of this term.

Long ago, he proved to the audience that singing doesn't have to be explosive. Now he just found himself again.

The song ended in section A and began in section B. Chen Zhiqiu raised his voice.

"When the years take me far away like the waves,

every day when I can't see the edge and hear no love,

I use the belief in tomorrow to weave a lie,

to deceive every sleepless night."

With a crying voice and a guitar that is about to play sparks, Chen Zhiqiu on the stage seems to be just singing quietly to himself.

However, the audience has already fallen into madness. They love Chen Zhiqiu so much.

It seems that more than ten years have passed, and Chen Zhiqiu is still the same as before.

"Look at the changes in things and the stories are rewritten by time.

Who is the person you are thinking about now?

Those happy and heart-warming past events,

let me miss a name that has been abandoned!"

It was still a guitar solo, and the other contestants were dumbfounded.

This guy is going to play solo to the end!

On the stage with only one chance, Chen Zhiqiu adopted the most daring solo.

This is very risky. If you are not careful, you will be eliminated.

Only the top two of the 14 people can advance.

Almost everyone wants to play it safe and seek breakthroughs on the basis of playing it safe.

But judging from the audience's reaction, Chen Zhiqiu has undoubtedly won the bet.

The atmosphere was warm, with constant applause and screams.

The intense guitar sound continued, and Chen Zhiqiu raised his head and sang: "Oh~ Oh Oh Oh~"

The singing that hit the heart made the audience feel that even their souls were baptized.

"Oh my god, I have goose bumps!"

"Brother Qiu is the eternal god!"

"Soul singing."

Chen Zhiqiu's eyes were red, the sound of the guitar became weaker, and the singing became softer.

"When the years take me far away like the waves,

Every day when I can't see the edge and can't hear love..."

This casual switch was not inconsistent, and Chen Zhiqiu's singing skills were recognized by everyone.

In the last sentence, Chen Zhiqiu raised his voice: Those happy and heart-throbbing past memories,

Let me miss a person who has been abandoned...”

The guitar stopped and Chen Zhiqiu closed his eyes.

The applause was thunderous, and the cheers and screams ignited the whole audience.

After a ten-second pause in the music, Chen Zhiqiu raised the microphone again and sang the last three words: "The name of..."

The applause became even more enthusiastic.

Not only did the contestants not expect it, but the audience also did not expect that on the crucial breakout stage, Chen Zhiqiu boldly adopted the form of guitar singing.

And this song not only fits Chen Zhiqiu now, but also has the warm feeling of the past.

The judges nodded one after another: "From your singing, I seem to see your experiences over the years, reluctance, anger, sadness, joy, so many complex emotions, all put into this song. "

"Not only sad, but also a very warm feeling, a healing effect. "

Zhao Lei sighed: "In fact, this song should be sung as the first song of your comeback, and use this song to tell the world that you are back. ”

Chen Zhiqiu smiled and said, "Teacher Nuoyan said the same thing, but I think since I am making a comeback on the stage of "Masked Singer", I should also sing this song here."

Zhao Lei suddenly realized, "I said how could Nuoyan not think of this, with his habit, he will definitely choose a song that suits you best."

"I have a question, how dare you choose to sing guitar by yourself here?" Li Zhengyi asked.

"I said I want to try, and Teacher Nuoyan agreed."

Zhao Lei shook his head: "It seems that he is really optimistic about you."

"Very bold, but very reasonable."

"If it is Nuoyan, everything seems normal."

No matter who dares to play tricks, they will definitely be criticized.

The same is true for Xu Nuo, but everyone seems to be particularly tolerant of his tricks, and geniuses always have their own freedom.

The breakout competition is still going on.

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