Help! This savior is too stupid!

Chapter 058: Playing by the rules

"what are you up to?"

Yi Xun's eyes widened, his face full of confusion.

"It's bedtime now. If you don't sleep, you will be found out by patrol, and your points will be deducted..."

Although there was only one bedtime check, there was always a dark shadow wandering in the stairs.

During the three days they came to the entrance of the Silver Sand Secret Tomb, they had to deduct as few points as possible and earn more points before they had the opportunity to enter deeper.

If Jiang Bai keeps Yi Xun from sleeping, their points will be at the bottom tomorrow morning!

"Remember what the rules say?"

Jiang Bai repeated,

"Students are not allowed to leave their dormitories after lights out."

Yi Xun nodded, "Yes!"

Now that Jiang Bai knows the rules, what else is he going to do?

He had an ominous premonition.

Jiang Bai stood on tiptoes, reached out and grabbed Yi Xun, and actually lifted Yi Xun up from the bed!

He really refined the alien bones in his hands!

A huge force came, and Yi Xun was unable to resist for the first time!

After he came to his senses, Yi Xun did not struggle rashly.

Playing and fighting is prohibited in the dormitory. He has to wait for Jiang Bai to make the first move, so Jiang Bai will be deducted points and may even be punished!

Jiang Bai lifted Yi Xun out of bed like a bag.

"So, I have a bold idea. You said that students cannot leave their dormitories, but if this dormitory is not yours, can you leave?"

With that said, Jiang Bai raised his other hand and pressed it on the label on the edge of the bed, where the name [Yi Xun] was written.

Convenient location!

Using Jiang Bai's palm as the coverage area, he gained control of this area.

Then, with a touch of Jiang Bai's palm, the name [Yi Xun] on the label disappeared!

Just this one action consumed Jiang Bai's 5,000 energy!

Even Jiang Bai's face turned slightly pale and he was a little overwhelmed.

"Activating the Earthly Power to go upstairs costs about 1,000 Qi per floor. From the first to the sixth floor, it costs 5,000 Qi. Erasing Yi Xun's name costs 5,000 Qi..."

The Qi in Jiang Bai's body originally had 37,000 points.

In less than two hours after entering the Silver Sand Secret Tomb, 10,000 points were consumed!

If it were other high-level superpower users, even if they had [geographical advantages], they would not be able to support such horrific consumption!

Seeing his name disappear from the label, Yi Xun's face was full of horror and he said in a trembling voice, "You, what did you do?"

Why is my name missing? !

Do you no longer belong to this dormitory?

No, it's impossible. Jiang Bai must have used a cover-up trick. This is his fraud. You can't believe it, you can't believe it...

The [Fraud] inscription in Jiang Bai's body flickered slightly.

[Qi recovery +500 points]

Jiang Bai glanced at the frightened Yi Jin, a little surprised.

Oh, I didn’t expect it to be a power bank!

"Didn't I say it? Use your first life."

With that said, Jiang Bai walked towards the dormitory door.

Yi Xun seemed to have guessed his ending, and before he had time to struggle, he flew out!

The door was opened and Jiang Bai threw Yi Xun out!



With a muffled sound, Yi Xun fell heavily to the door, and the dormitory door was also closed at the same time!

Jiang Bai stood by the door, leaning against the small window, carefully observing the changes around Yi Xun!

There is no longer Yi Xun's name in the dormitory. He is not counted as a student in this dormitory, so he can leave!

However, Jiang Bai was not sure whether Yi Xun would be obliterated by the existence of the corridor after leaving the dormitory.

This is how Yi Xun’s first life is used.

Being thrown into the corridor, Yi Xun stood up suddenly and rushed back to the dormitory. Even if he and Jiang Bai fought to the death, he would admit it!

Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!



Yi Xun is as solid as a sculpture, motionless!

Because, less than one meter away from him, a dark figure was checking the bed next door!

Yi Xun didn't dare to show off his arrogance!

The black shadow in the corridor is part of the secret tomb of Silver Sand. Four palace masters once attacked the black shadow together, and the result was no doubt that all four of them died!

If the other party is alerted, not to mention dragging Jiang Bai to death, he will die suddenly on the spot!

Heiying was checking his bed. He seemed to have seen something irregular. He took out a notebook and wrote and drew in it.

After doing all this, the black shadow continued to wander in the corridor.

When it passed by Yi Xun, it didn't even look at Yi Xun, as if Yi Xun didn't exist!

It wasn't until the black shadow disappeared at the end of the corridor that Yi Xun regained his breath, and his back was covered in cold sweat!


so close!

No, why doesn't the shadow kill him?

Why don't the rules here erase themselves?

I have clearly left the dormitory and violated the rules here...

Yi Xun had too many questions but couldn't figure out the answers.

Before he could rush back to the dormitory to settle accounts with Jiang Bai, the dormitory door opened again with a creak.

This time, Jiang Bai walked out of the dormitory directly!

"Congratulations, you survived."

Jiang Bai applauded as he spoke, without any regard for the shadows and rules here, very arrogant!

"I'll fight with you...Brother Jiang, if you have something to say, please tell me..."

When the gun was pointed at Yi Xun, his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and he even squeezed out a few forced smiles.

"I still like your unruly look before."

Jiang Bai took the noon hour and scanned the corridor at the same time.

The shadow has left.

Through the previous test, Jiang Bai determined that after using the geographical advantage to erase the name, he can leave the dormitory freely without being bound by the rules!

This is the conclusion that Yi Xun risked his life to help him test!

Jiang Bai must make good use of it!

"It is 22:25 now, and the time to get up is 6:30, which means that there are 8 hours of free time..."

Listening to Jiang Bai's words, a question mark appeared on Yi Xun's head.

What are you talking about?

While he is still alive, he hurried back to the dormitory to sleep, get up and leave after dawn, and do everything according to the rules, isn't it good?

Although the contact time was very short, it was not difficult for Yi Xun to find that Jiang Bai, this guy, did not play by the rules!

First go to the dormitory and steal the label.

Pile the garbage on the desk and put the books in the trash can.

Erase the name, break the rules, leave the dormitory...

Everything Jiang Bai did was beyond Yi Xun's imagination, and he showed his operation crazily in his cognitive blind spot!

Didn't Jiang Bai ever think that this kind of unconventional play is like walking on a tightrope. If you touch the rules, you will die immediately!


Yi Xun suddenly took a breath of cold air. He discovered something very scary!

From the beginning to the end, all the things that Jiang Bai showed off were experiments on himself as a guinea pig? !

What if Jiang Bai guessed wrong and it was himself who died, what does it have to do with Jiang Bai? !

Could it be that he had planned all this from the beginning? !

Yi Xun raised his head again, but his eyes when looking at Jiang Bai changed. There was doubt, confusion, hostility, fear... and a trace of awe.

This man is so terrifying!

He is not his opponent at all. If he continues to play, he will be killed!

Feeling the change in Yi Xun's eyes, Jiang Bai kindly reminded,

"You still owe four lives."

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