Help! This savior is too stupid!

Chapter 063 Believe in the wisdom of our predecessors, believe in the wisdom of future generations

You will regret it.

The five bloody words were extremely dazzling, touching people's most sensitive nerves.

"You are playing tricks, do you think I scared you?"

Jiang Bai didn't think twice, stretched out his right hand, and tapped the four corners of the blood blackboard one after another, drawing a complete outline.

Geographical advantage!

In an instant, the blood blackboard was under Jiang Bai's control.

A wisp of Qi overflowed from Jiang Bai and began to seal the blood blackboard.

He used this trick more than once 1200 years ago, and it worked every time.

1200 years ago, during the third mysterious tide, although there were no secret tombs at that time, supernatural phenomena and various incredible mysterious items emerged in an endless stream.

Relying on the geographical advantage, Jiang Bai was always successful in dealing with these things. As long as it was not an event such as a world-destroying disaster, he could "cure the disease with medicine".

Sure enough, the blood blackboard no longer gushed blood, and there was no movement. It was successfully sealed by Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai was calculating in his heart.

He refined 16 pieces of alien bones, with a total of 37,000 Qi in his body.

He spent 5,000 climbing the stairs, 10,000 erasing his and Yi Xun's names, 2,000 going up and down the stairs, and 6,000 Qi sealing the blackboard.

Yi Xun brand power bank charged 1,500 Qi...

During the time he entered the Yinsha Secret Tomb, Jiang Bai still had 16,000 Qi.

Before 6:30, Jiang Bai needed to add his and Yi Xun's names back, and it was expected to consume 10,000 Qi.

In other words, Jiang Bai had to leave 10,000 Qi, as there was not much available Qi left!

Of course, he could use Yi Xun's power bank, or concentrate on practicing, or even cheat himself...

However, today was only the first day, and Jiang Bai did not plan to use up all his trump cards right away.

He had gained enough tonight, so it was time to stop.

Next, what Jiang Bai needed to do was to wait and see.

If Jiang Bai guessed correctly, the ghost would not show up tonight.

The other party could not figure out his depth, and he did not know his purpose. Both sides were still in the stage of testing and would not act rashly.

Regardless of whether the ghost was sane or not, attacking Jiang Bai tonight was obviously not a good choice.

Of course, if the ghost showed up, Jiang Bai did not mind showing his hand to the other party.

I have too many cards!

After sealing the blood blackboard, Jiang Bai picked up the blood blackboard, tucked it under his arm, and walked towards the reading room,

"Let's go, do the task, Yi Xun."

"Ah, Brother Jiang, wait for me."

Yi Xun was stunned for a moment, then he trotted to catch up with Jiang Bai, still a little frightened,

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, this thing... shall we take it with us?"

Jiang Bai nodded,

"I can't go back empty-handed, ahem, I mean, this thing is extremely dangerous, leaving it in the hall will harm people, I picked it up casually, and it can be regarded as a blessing to the world."

Yi Xun: ? ? ?

You are so good at rhyming, you want to be the governor!

Although he didn't know what the blood blackboard was used for, it was not dangerous after being sealed.

If possible, Jiang Bai planned to take this thing out of the Yinsha Secret Tomb and let the director study it. Maybe there would be some unexpected gains.

Even if there were no unexpected gains, this thing was out of print and could be sold to the Governor's Office for a good price.

In the following time, Yi Xun was busy doing [To Do], while Jiang Bai stayed in the reading room and read books all night.

The books here were, as Jiang Bai guessed, 1,200 years old, just like this secret tomb.

Originally, taking any book would consume a lot of Qi, which was extremely difficult for high-level psychics.

But Jiang Bai had the advantage of the location, and the reading room was like going home for him, so he could read whatever he wanted.

Yi Xun took the time to take a few glances and found that Jiang Bai read more things like "newspapers" and "local magazines".

Obviously, Jiang Bai wanted to find clues from these things. If there was "haunted" news from 1,200 years ago, it might be helpful to Jiang Bai.

Unfortunately, Jiang Bai got nothing.

Jiang Bai had been prepared for this.

Jiang Bai was not the only smart person who had come to the Yinsha Secret Tomb. Others could naturally think of digging clues from the newspaper.

Since they did not get anything, it was highly likely that this road was blocked.

Jiang Bai was willing to believe in the "wisdom of the predecessors".

Everyone's intelligence level was actually in a range. Even if they were smart, they were not very smart. There is an old saying that a wise man would make a mistake after a thousand considerations, and a fool would gain something after a thousand considerations.

In the past 200 years, people have been exploring the Yinsha Secret Tomb, but they have not been able to solve the haunting on the sixth floor. There are only two possibilities:

Either they found the ghost, but they did not have a way to solve it, and they lacked the key "key".

Or, after they found the ghost, they encountered a dilemma - the haunting could not be solved at all.

Either way, it was not good news for Jiang Bai.

It would be best if the haunting could be solved. If not, Jiang Bai would not be stubborn.

He could also believe in the wisdom of future generations.

Sitting in the reading room all night, Jiang Bai did not do anything except reading newspapers, and the Qi in his body slowly recovered.

The level of Qi in the Yinsha Secret Tomb is similar to that in the outside world. Most of the superpowers who enter it will feel uncomfortable, their Qi will be suppressed, and their sequence ability will also be affected.

But for some reason, Jiang Bai's cultivation speed here is much faster than outside!

In this regard, Jiang Bai can only understand that the Yinsha Secret Tomb has retained some characteristics of a thousand years ago, which is more suitable for him, a 1218-year-old old comrade.

After a night of hard training, Jiang Bai's body recovered to 27,000 Qi. Even if he is about to consume 10,000 Qi, he can still retain a good combat power.

Jiang Bai put the last newspaper back and greeted,

"gone back."

Yi Xun completed four [to-do items] last night and almost earned 25 dormitory points.

Even if you can't get these points, others can't get them, so dormitory 606 is not a loss.

Jiang Bai took Yi Xun back to dormitory 606. The person on the bed was still sleeping soundly and was not woken up.

Jiang Bai stretched out his hand and restored Yi Xun's name in the same way as before.

Yi Xun didn't waste any time, climbed onto the bed in two steps and fell asleep.

It's good to be young, sleep when you want.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about Yi Xun, Jiang Bai also restored his name, lay down on the bed, took out the Deceiver's Mirror,

"I slept all night, I slept all night, and I woke up at 6:30 full of energy..."

After repeating a few sentences, Jiang Bai closed his eyes, snored slightly, and fell asleep instantly.

At 6:30, the wake-up call sounded.


Jiang Bai opened his eyes, and the entire dormitory 606 woke up at the same time.

"Brother Xun, you are still alive!"

The follower called Liu Tiechui, his voice full of surprise.

Last night, Yi Xun was thrown out by Jiang Bai. He thought Yi Xun was dead!

Yi Xun's expression was very unnatural. He hadn't slept much all night, and he was a little depressed at the moment.

Moreover, his view of Jiang Bai changed a lot last night, and he didn't know how to explain it to his followers at the moment.

You can't just say that Brother Jiang is doing it all for me, right?

Yi Xun couldn't help but look like this.

Jiang Bai got out of bed first and started to wash up, not forgetting to greet everyone.

"By the way, there's something I forgot to do last night."

"We should elect a dormitory leader, be more democratic and vote."


Liu Tiechui didn't expect that Jiang Bai, a bully, would choose this method!

Jiang Bai spit out his saliva, looked at the other three people, and asked seriously,

"Please choose the dormitory leader in your heart and explain why it is Jiang Bai."

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