Help! This savior is too stupid!

Chapter 079 You don’t have time!

Evil ghost: ? ? ?

He seemed to understand, but also seemed not to understand. He was nailed to the gun barrel and swayed left and right, as if struggling but not daring to move too much. There was a strange feeling of wanting to refuse but also to welcome.

Oh, there is still a little romance?

Jiang Bai asked in several ways,

"Money, money?"

"No cash, do you have ghost money? Ghost money is also fine. I only accept legal money!"

"No money, can you remove your arms and legs?"


After a simple and friendly inquiry, Jiang Bai was sure that there was no money to be squeezed from the running evil ghost in front of him.

After thinking it over again and again, the generous Jiang Bai decided to let it go.

"I'm here to check the dormitory. You didn't rest well. Stand in the stairwell for half an hour!"

As he said, Jiang Bai forked the evil ghost, took him outside the door, and started to stand.

The evil ghost stood there honestly, looking a little confused.

The evil ghost couldn't speak, but could understand human language, but had no way to communicate with Jiang Bai.

Li Gui was a little bit unconvinced that this ferocious guy in front of him would let him go so easily.

However, Li Gui couldn't think of what this guy could do to him.

He couldn't really kill him, could he?

Li Gui was standing in the corner, and Jiang Bai was not idle either, searching for something in his backpack.

"Found it."

Jiang Bai took out a visualization picture, which was surrounded by clouds and mist, with only a dragon looming.

"Land, come out!"

Jiang Bai smashed the mop on the ground and shouted like Sun Wukong.

Soon, a confused dragon appeared in front of Jiang Bai, with its dragon scales trembling and its little head swaying from side to side, very alert.

Obviously, the Yinsha Secret Tomb made the dragon very uneasy. If it wasn't forced, it would never choose to show up here.

But compared with the Yinsha Secret Tomb, Jiang Bai seemed more terrifying.

This guy really dared to peel the skin, pull out the tendons, knock the bones, suck the marrow, stew the meat and roast the kidneys...

Youlong looked at Jiang Bai, not understanding what job this big guy had.

Jiang Bai asked politely, "Have you eaten?"

Youlong: ???

The visualization map has been in your hands all along, do you think I've eaten?

Since it fell into your hands, let alone eating, I even vomited the overnight meals I ate in previous years!

When mentioning this, Youlong was furious, aggrieved, and almost wiped tears.

The clouds gathered into a few words, writing Youlong's last dignity:

"No, not hungry."

"How can I not eat? The child is growing up, how can he keep up with nutrition without eating?"

Jiang Bai looked concerned and said seriously,

"As the saying goes, a horse will not grow fat without wild grass, and a dragon will become thin without midnight snacks. Look at you, you are so thin that you are just skin and bones..."

Youlong: ???

How can this saying be so vulgar!

Besides, even if you invite Long to have midnight snacks, you have to choose a time and place. At the very least, you have to show some sincerity and put out some edible food!

Youlong looked around, except for a fierce ghost, there was nothing to eat...


After several contacts with Jiang Bai, Youlong had a preliminary understanding of this guy's character.

In short - he is not a son of man, and he does not do human things!

This guy, will he let himself eat ghosts?

Eat a ghost!

Looking at Jiang Bai's expectant eyes, Youlong held it in for a long time and wrote a word with mist:


This is a fierce ghost, dirty things, won't you get a stomachache if you eat it? !

"Oh, you think it's dirty, that's easy to deal with!"

As he said, Jiang Bai picked up the mop and started to wash the fierce ghost.

Fierce ghost: ? ? ?

Youlong: ? ? ?

As soon as Jiang Bai mopped it, the smell was so bad that Lao Ba drooled.

Seeing that Jiang Bai was going to continue washing, Youlong didn't dare to delay any longer. A hungry dragon pounced on the food, opened his dragon mouth, and swallowed the fierce ghost whole!

The evil ghost skewered the gun barrel like a skewer of meat, and was swallowed by Youlong in one bite.

Jiang Bai took out the gun barrel, threw the mop aside, and wiped his gun barrel repeatedly with wet wipes.

He has a mysophobia and can't stand dirty things.


After eating the evil ghost, Youlong's stomach was obviously bigger. Without Jiang Bai's order, he went back directly.

Although he failed to squeeze out the money from the evil ghost, Jiang Bai didn't lose too much.

Just after dealing with the evil ghost, the blood blackboard in Jiang Bai's arms moved again, as if to guide Jiang Bai to the next dangerous dormitory to check the dormitory.

If the third floor doesn't kill Jiang Bai, then the second floor!

"Have you had enough fun?"

Jiang Bai pulled out the blood blackboard, pressed one hand on it, and took advantage of the terrain to control the blood blackboard instantly!

The handwriting on the blood blackboard stopped changing.

"You like to check the dormitory, right?"

Jiang Bai sneered,

"Some floors, I like to check more times!"

As he said, the first number on the blood blackboard slowly changed: 6.

That's right, the sixth floor!

Jiang Bai has checked the dormitories on the sixth floor.

Logically, there are no more dormitories to check on the sixth floor.


Jiang Bai remembered correctly, the blood blackboard is on the sixth floor, and haunting is also on the to-do list for the sixth floor!

In other words, the ghost must be on the sixth floor!

When he checked the dormitories before, the ghost did not show up, and he did not find anything unusual.

That means one thing - there is another dormitory on the sixth floor!

After the first number changed, the ghost who was originally standing in the corridor on the sixth floor suddenly flashed and disappeared from the spot.

"Are you scared?"

Jiang Bai smiled,

"It's too late!"

He started to go upstairs, and the numbers on the blood blackboard continued to change:


Check the dormitory 666!

666, in the West, is a number that represents the devil.

Jiang Bai did not expect that this ghost had some Western elements.

After going up to the sixth floor, Jiang Bai immediately noticed something unusual. There was a bloody road in the U-shaped dormitory building.

This bloody road was illusory and followed the U-shaped shape. Finally, in the middle of the U-shaped shape, there was a dormitory door.

That was dormitory No. 666.

That was the haunted dormitory, and it was also the place where Jiang Bai and the ghost had a decisive battle!

Without hesitation, Jiang Bai stepped directly onto the bloody road and walked forward.

The area of ​​the dormitory building was not large, and the straight-line distance between the two was very close, but this bloody road kept folding back and forth, which consumed a lot of Jiang Bai's time and Qi!

Even so, Jiang Bai walked forward slowly on the bloody road.

He found that although this road was full of evil spirits, he did not need to deliberately expand the terrain. He allowed the evil spirits to refine his body, and his physical fitness would improve little by little. The Qi in his body even showed signs of transformation under high pressure!

If Jiang Bai keeps walking on this blood road, it is very likely that immortal matter will be born in his body!

Jiang Bai kept moving forward on the blood road like an old man taking a walk.

This walk lasted all night!

It was not until dawn that he stood at the door of dormitory 666.

At this time, the wake-up call rang!

Along with the wake-up call, the lights in the dormitory building lit up at the same time, and the night was over.

And dormitory 666, where the ghost was, also began to fade and disappeared from the air.

No matter what Jiang Bai wanted to do, it was too late at this moment!

Tonight has passed.

And today is Jiang Bai's third day in the Yinsha Secret Tomb, and also the last day!

After the high-level math exam in the afternoon, Jiang Bai will be teleported away and leave the Yinsha Secret Tomb!

He has no chance to return to the dormitory at all!

Whether Jiang Bai has the ability to kill the ghost or not, he has no chance!

This is the ghost's biggest trump card!

It takes three nights to kill it. On the first night, take away the blood blackboard. On the second night, step on the blood road and check the dormitory 666. On the third night, kill the ghost!

And everyone will only stay in the Yinsha Secret Tomb for three days and two nights!

In front of Jiang Bai, six bloody words slowly appeared on the small window of dormitory 666, revealing pride and arrogance in the scribbling:

"You don't have time."

If Jiang Bai is willing to pay a huge price, violate the rules of the Yinsha Secret Tomb, break in and forcibly kill the ghost, there is still a glimmer of hope!

Opportunities are rare and will never come again!

However, Jiang Bai obviously did not intend to do so.

He stepped back a few steps, letting the blood road and dormitory 666 disappear in front of him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

On the first floor of the dormitory building, Wei Junjie stuck out half of his head, his face full of disappointment!

He thought Jiang Bai would risk his life!

What about now?

Smashed! All smashed!

Jiang Bai's ears rang with that arrogant and unpleasant laughter, and the ghost was laughing at him.

Facing the provocation of the ghost, Jiang Bai stretched out his left little finger and dug in his ear, then put it in front of his mouth and blew a breath,

"Why do I feel like it's just the beginning?"

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