Help! This savior is too stupid!

Chapter 081 I love doing multiple-choice questions!


Jiang Bai grinned slightly as he watched 5,000 points being deducted from his points.

Under the rules of Yinsha Secret Tomb, you can only go back to the dormitory after school in the evening.


You may have forgotten that there is another situation where you can enter the dormitory during the day - general cleaning!

Ghosts will forget, but Jiang Bai will never forget!

Every time there is an inspection by a leader, every time there is an evaluation of excellence, and even before every open day, teachers will organize their free labor force to start cleaning the whole school. They also euphemistically call it a sense of collective honor. The campus is my home, and hygiene depends on everyone.

Jiang Bai was very curious, why couldn't he sleep more at home?

When Jiang Bai raised his question to the teacher, he mentioned a distinguished guest in the corridor.

In short, Jiang Bai, who is 1218 years old, once again won with his common sense of life 1200 years ago!

I'm afraid Gui would never have thought in this life that Jiang Bai had planned everything before the start of the second night!

After deducting the points, a hoarse voice said,

"The general cleaning is scheduled after the exam in the morning. After the general cleaning, we have lunch. After the lunch break, we will continue the exam in the afternoon..."

According to the general cleaning schedule, it takes one hour for the teaching building, half an hour for the dormitory building, and 15 minutes for the archives...

Jiang Bai nodded and had an idea in his mind, "Half an hour should be enough."

After finishing the general cleaning, Jiang Bai found a place to rest and wait for the morning exam to start.

Before the exam, it was obvious that everyone was very nervous.

It takes a total of three days and two nights to stay in the Silver Sand Secret Tomb. According to past practice, before the exam starts on the last day, people can earn at least 30 to 50 points to have a chance to qualify for the follow-up.

However, this time the situation is different from before.

The appearance of Jiang Bai broke the rules. He never played according to the routine and took away most of the points!

Right now, most people are around 5 points and are extremely poor.

The exam is their last chance to make a comeback!

"As usual, there are multiple-choice questions in the morning, and the exam in the afternoon...there is nothing to prepare for, and if you prepare, it will be in vain..."

For the high-mathematics exam, the vast majority of people have chosen to give up.

There is no way to test this!

They bet on multiple-choice questions and have the wisdom of a scumbag.

Looking at the uneasy people, Jiang Bai decided to make some pocket money.

He came to Yi Xun and whispered a few words. Yi Xun was overjoyed!

"Brother Jiang, is there such a thing?"

Of course Yi Xun would not doubt the authenticity, so he directly called his people together and ordered,

"Brother Jiang got an exam secret book and found it in the Yinsha Secret Tomb. It is said that students more than 1,000 years ago used this set of secret books to do multiple-choice questions..."

After a simple preparation, under the expectation of everyone, Yi Xun announced the price.

"Not 188,000, nor 88,500,000 per copy. Don't spread it to others. If you want to buy it, hurry up!"

50,000 star coins? !

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, suspecting that they heard wrongly.

Only 50,000?

When did Jiang Bai become so generous?

This is not in line with their understanding of Jiang Bai!

To be honest, they have been slaughtered by Jiang Bai a lot, and Jiang Bai suddenly stopped killing people, and they are still a little unaccustomed to it!

"Of course, there are conditions."

Yi Xun changed the subject and told Jiang Bai's additional conditions,

"If you want to buy the secret book, you must get an outsider to buy it. Brother Jiang said that this secret book belongs to the Yinsha Secret Tomb, and he must share it with everyone fairly!"


High emotional intelligence: share fairly with everyone

Low EQ: I want to make everyone’s money

Jiang Bai's bundled sales were not unexpected, and even seemed natural.

This is what Jiang Bai would do!

Of course, the main reason is that this secret book is too cheap, only 50,000.

Even if they were deceived by Jiang Bai, no one would feel too distressed.

What if the cheats are really useful?

The people of the Solar Eclipse Sect dispersed and began to sell the secret book to others, preparing to buy it in a group.

"A secret book worth 50,000 yuan, let's buy it now and go!"

"Don't hesitate. If everyone buys it but you don't, won't you fall behind?"

"How do I know if the cheats are useful, but I know I'm definitely useless! I can do multiple-choice questions? It's not like rolling dice!"


Soon, people flocked to buy the cheats.

Fifty thousand per person, fifty thousand per person, not only high-level superpowers buy it, but even the masters of the palace are famous.

In less than ten minutes, everyone has a secret book, and Jiang Bai wishes to withdraw 3.3 million star coins!

After holding the secret book, everyone began to mutter words and recite the secret book as quickly as possible.

"Three short and one long choose the longest, three long and one short choose the shortest..."

"If both are long and two short, choose D; if they are both long and short, choose A..."

Don't tell me, this secret book is catchy and it actually sounds like what it is!

There are even careful people who took out the examination papers and reference answers of previous Yinsha Secret Tombs and used this set of cheats to practice. They were surprised to find that using this set of cheats, they could actually get a score above the passing line!

This discovery immediately aroused everyone's enthusiasm!

They changed from reciting silently to reciting it aloud, reciting it repeatedly to increase their memory, and strive to engrave this set of secrets in their minds in the shortest possible time!

Yi Xun stood aside, watching this scene with great emotion,

"Brother Jiang, you are actually willing to share this secret book,"

Yi Xun thought of many adjectives, but none of them seemed suitable. Finally he could only say,

"Brother Taijiang!"

Jiang Bai yawned on the side and said casually,

"Oh, the secret book is fake."

Yi Xun:? ? ?

"Then, why is the accuracy rate of the secret book so high?"

How could a fake secret book do so well in the exam?

"Who told you that fake ones are useless?"

Jiang Bai sneered and said,

"For fakes, of course, the more authentic they are, the better. The fake shoes I bought back then were more durable than real shoes. When I went to the stadium and wore fake shoes, people recognized them at a glance. I asked him how he could tell, and he said I The shoes are not glued, but the real shoes are glued. How can this be justified?

I compiled the secret book, so the adaptation is not random. I compiled the test papers and reference answers from previous years and compiled them according to the answers. The accuracy rate must be high! The guy who just discovered this incident, I refunded his money and gave him 10,000 star coins as sealing fee. Otherwise, do you think he would really find out about this detail? Even if he discovered it, would he be so kind as to announce it?

Didn't I tell you that the best fraud only requires the simplest techniques. "

Yi Xun: .....

As expected of you...Brother Jiang...

While everyone was reciting the secret book, the [Fraud] inscription in Jiang Bai's body kept flashing, and his energy was also recovering rapidly.

Of course, the more power banks the better!

Soon, the bell rang and the exam began.

Just like the usual monthly exams, everyone sat in separate seats while the teacher explained the rules and distributed test papers.

"Students are asked to answer the questions on their own. You are not allowed to peek at other people's answers or pass the answers to others!"

"The exam lasts 120 minutes. You will start answering questions after the bell rings. You can raise your hands and hand in the papers in advance after you finish."

"Please write the correct answers to the multiple-choice questions on the answer sheet. Each correct answer is worth ten points. There are twenty questions in total."

"In the same exam, the candidate with the highest score will receive double points. In the case of the same score, the candidate who takes the shortest time to answer the question will receive double rewards. The other candidates with the same score will not receive rewards."


The rules taught by the teacher are also printed on the test paper, in black and white.

The test paper and answer sheet were assigned to Jiang Bai. He glanced at the test paper with a confident smile on his lips.

History questions, math questions, English questions, geography questions...

Not at all.

These are all contents of university. Jiang Bai's education is high school, which is beyond the standard.

Even if he can't understand a question, Jiang Bai still has a kind of self-confidence and has everything under control.

The bell rang again and everyone began to answer questions.

Jiang Bai didn't look at the test paper. He directly picked up the answer sheet and scribbled the answers on it with a pencil.

Five minutes later, others were still doing the second and third questions, but Jiang Bai had already finished answering!

He raised his right hand, indicating that he wanted to hand in the paper.

The answer sheet flew up, and at the same time Jiang Bai was pushed by a mysterious force and walked out of the classroom.

The answer sheet fell into the hands of the teacher. The teacher inserted the answer sheet into a machine and began to correct it.

10 seconds later, Jiang Bai's results came out.

In all examination rooms, there is a display screen hanging at the front of the classroom. A line of bright red words appears on the display screen, as red as spring flowers:

"Candidate: Jiang Bai..200 points..Time taken: 5 minutes and 33 seconds.."

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