"Damn! Lu Lao Liu, you are the real Lao Liu!" Lu

Feng's big hand was placed on Su Ru's head and ravaged wantonly, "Princess Taiping, I just saved you, is it appropriate to talk like this?"

"Take your hand away!" Su Ru dissatisfiedly knocked off Lu Feng's hand on his head.

Lu Feng was not interested, withdrew his hand and looked at her and asked, "Do you really plan to go back to school

?" "I can help you solve a wave of people, but what about the rest of the people?"

Su Ru behaved very chicly, of course, if you ignore her red eyes and the tears on her face that Lu Feng can't wipe clean.

"Okay! don't be reckless!" Lu Feng grabbed Su Ru's wrist as white and tender as mutton fat jade with his big hand, "Uncle Ben will reluctantly accept you." "


Su Ru immediately broke free of Lu Feng, like a frightened rabbit, three steps and two steps to distance Lu Feng.

Looking at Su Ru in front of him, with his arms around him like a frightened rabbit, Lu Feng was a little speechless, and said helplessly:

"What are you afraid of?" Do you think I will be interested in a steel plate

?" "Damn! Lu Lao Liu, what are you talking about?" Su Ru said and made a gesture, and he was about to rush up with his teeth and claws.

After that....

After that, he was pinched by Lu Feng with one hand and carried it on his shoulder, "Snow Death!" Cangshan Snow

Eagle King is extremely human, and after hearing the master's call, he immediately rushed over.

Lu Feng carried Su Ru on his shoulders and sat calmly on the Snow Eagle King of Cangshan, "Go home!" "

Damn! Lu Lao Liu, you are a robber of the people's daughter! You think about the consequences!" Su Ru naturally refused to be stable, kept struggling, and even made threats.

It's a pity that this has no effect on the land breeze.

"Hey, hey~" Lu Feng let out a lewd and obscene perverted laugh, "Then do you know what to do after robbing the people's girls?"

"Let me go!"

"Don't let it go."

Su Ru's kung fu has always been inferior to Lu Feng, no matter what kind of attack he has, he can always be easily blocked back by Lu Feng.

In this way, Su Ru gradually gave up resistance, and her whole life was loveless on Lu Feng's shoulders.

complained in a low voice, "Lu Lao Liu, your shoulders are so narrow!

"Princess Taiping, don't pick. The exam is not allowed to drive, if you don't lie on my shoulder, the two of us will have to walk back on foot.

"You know where my home is, right? In the center of Liuyun City, you know how far that place is from here.

Su Ru glanced around and found that the Cangshan Snow Eagle King, although the bloodline level had reached the king grade, was too weak due to his strength.

Even if it is expanded to the extreme size, there is only one place for one person to stand on the back of the eagle, and there is no way to send people under the fence, so Su Ru has no choice.

Because she was really bored, Su Ru suddenly began to carefully measure Lu Feng.

I have to say that Lu Feng's conditions in all aspects are extremely excellent, with wide shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs, the ratio of the three is excellent, which makes Su Ru envious of every girl.

As for his appearance, this is even more outstanding, Lu Feng's appearance is different from Xu Jin, the abstinent boss who has always been cold-faced, and Gao Yunchuan, the gentle and reliable senior brother.

Lu Feng's appearance is a little frivolous, and between his eyebrows and eyes is the confidence of a teenager, a pair of amorous peach blossom eyes.

Lu Feng is one of the few handsome guys who is biased towards both bones, but because he has been following behind the better Gao Yunchuan, coupled with his more lively and cheerful personality.

This also led to the fact that in the entire Third Royal Beast High School, few people found that Lu Feng was actually handsome upside down.

Su Ru suddenly became interested, Xu Jin has never had a woman by his side, it is understandable, after all, no one should like an iceberg, right?

This is not a novel in which a domineering president falls in love with me, Xu Jin This guy is a pure abstinence.

As for Gao Yunchuan, there has been no woman by his side before, but there is a rumor that Gao Yunchuan had a childhood sweetheart when he was a child.

However, later, I don't know why the childhood sweetheart was broken up, and Gao Yunchuan began his long road of guarding himself like a jade.

However, at the recent banquet, Su Ru saw Gao Yunchuan bring a woman here.

Don't think about it, Gao Yunchuan, one of the three major iron trees in Liuyun City, has bloomed.

As for why Lu Feng has never had a girlfriend, there are different opinions.

Some people say that Lu Feng actually doesn't like women, he actually likes men, so he has been following Gao Yunchuan, preferring to be a green leaf to set off Gao Yunchuan.

Some people also say that Lu Feng's tutoring is extremely strictly controlled, so Lu Feng has never had the opportunity to fall in love.

What's more, the three major iron trees in Liuyun City, if you play another group, whoever has a girlfriend first will lose.

Others said that Lu Feng has always been surrounded by women, but it's just a good cover.

But these kinds, Su Ru is even more willing to believe that Lu Feng and Gao Yunchuan, Xu Jin have a bet about who has a girlfriend first and who loses first.

"I said Lu Lao Liu, why don't you have a girlfriend all this time?"

Su Ru could clearly feel Lu Feng's body stiffen for a moment, and then Lu Feng replied as before.

"What, Princess Taiping has taken a fancy to me?" Su

Ru's white little face slowly climbed into a layer of redness, and hurriedly defended: "I didn't

!" "No, what are you asking?"

"Curious can't you do it!"

"No." "

I said okay!" The corners of Lu Feng's mouth suddenly hooked a smile

, "You said okay?" "Yes! I said okay!"


Feng's arm that had been hugging Su Ru suddenly loosened, and Su Ru immediately let out a wail, "Ahh

"You are a good person!" Su

Ru knew that he was not an opponent, so he immediately admitted and hugged Lu Feng tightly, like a scarf wrapped around him.

The flight speed of the Cangshan Snow Eagle King was extremely fast, and after a while, the two of them saw a magnificent villa.

Xue Yan landed automatically after seeing the villa, and when the two of them left him, he flapped his wings and flew to a big tree specially planted for him in the villa.

Lu Feng's villa Su Ru has also been here a few times, so he is more familiar with it, and collapsed directly on the sofa after changing his shoes.

"Princess Taiping, are

you so relaxed?" Su Ru raised her eyes and glanced at Lu Feng, "I'm a weak woman who can't resist, so I can only enjoy it!"

Lu Feng pursed his lips, "Weak woman?"

"I'm going to take a bath, you can pick the room yourself! Anyway, it's me in this house except you." "

This villa is Lu Feng's own private property, and Lu Wuwu usually doesn't come here when there is nothing to do.

After Lu Feng left, Su Ru was left alone on the sofa watching TV.

At this time, an old man with an old face, a tall figure, and a meticulous suit on his body walked out of the study.

When Su Ru saw the old man, she immediately adjusted her sitting posture and shouted politely, "Uncle Mo is good."

"Hello, Miss Su. "

Why did Uncle Mo come here?"

"The master asked me to send something to the young master, Miss Su, I may be a little presumptuous in what I say below, please forgive me."

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Su Ru hurriedly waved her hand, who didn't know the status of this Steward Mo in the Lu family

? Who dared to be angry with him?

"Miss Su, will the young master bring you back alone

?" "Huh?" Su Ru was a little unsure, but still subconsciously replied, "Yes!"

"Hahaha~" Steward Mo suddenly laughed, "The young master brought a woman home for the first time!"

"Huh?" Su Ru was confused by Steward Mo's words, and asked, "Did Lu Feng bring me back before

?" "Really?" Steward Mo stepped back with a smile on his face, "Miss Su should rest early, after all, there will be a martial arts exam tomorrow."

"Thank you, Uncle Mo, for your concern.

"No thanks. "

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