Yue Yu opened his eyes wide and touched his throat subconsciously.

There is a collar around her neck, which is a low-key black and red color. It is firmly locked at the throat. It seems to be a kind of armor to protect the deadly part. In fact, it is a camouflage that the original owner spent all his savings and specially purchased. In order not to be noticed by others and found that she does not have the male Adam's apple, the original owner did not even choose the straps or ribbons that girls like, but cautiously replaced it with a cold and stiff collar.

As for the chest...

This isn't much of a problem.

Most of the people who came out of the slums were thin and thin, and the original owner was no exception. Although it was not yet at the level of a skeleton, the front was like a plane on a flat plane, and there was no need to bundle it.

- This is the most inwardly hurtful point in this world that Yueyu wears, even if it fits the original owner's shape, it won't cut it so hard!

With such a perfect concealment, Yue Yu really didn't understand the woman in front of her, why she could see the truth she tried so hard to hide at a glance.

She stared at each other vigilantly, and she was no longer tempted by beauty just now: "I don't understand what you are talking about, although I am not very tall, I am indeed a boy."

The woman hummed lazily, raised her hand and took a sip.

Her face was charming, and the tip of her red tongue was like the letter of a beauty snake. Shi Shiran licked the wine from her red lips. The next second, she smiled sweetly at Yue Yu, and the fox's eyes were glamorous like silk, like a web of affection woven into a net: "Really?"

Yue Yu was glanced at by her, her cheeks couldn't help heating, and just as she was confused, she suddenly woke up the moment she uttered the words. The instinctive sense of crisis made Yue Yu take a few steps back and hurriedly wanted to leave the library, but the woman moved faster than her and appeared behind her almost in the blink of an eye.

The plump and soft body is wrapped in the rich aroma of wine, the white-white arms wrap around Yue Yu's waist, the slender fingers swipe the black and red collar from bottom to top, and finally raise Yue Yu's lower jaw with an irresistible force.

The woman smiled and lowered her head, admiring the gesture of Yue Yu being forced to raise her face.

When the girl in her arms was full of shame and anger, she got close to the other side, exhaled like a blue to the tip of the girl's ears, and teased: "Little girl, remember it next time, men won't show such a cute expression~"

Yue Yu blushed, and she couldn't escape the control of the people behind her no matter how hard she struggled. She was angry and annoyed, sniffing the smell of alcohol that wrapped her, and felt a little dizzy: "You, what are you trying to do...!"

When the woman saw her red from the tip of her ears to her neck, she let go of her hand with a smile, grabbed her loose bathrobe, and sat on the desk at will: "I don't want to do anything."

She shook the wine jug in her hand again, and said with a smile, "I just see that you are young and want you to be an adult in advance."

Yue Yu covered his face in embarrassment, but the temperature of his cheeks was too high, no matter how he covered it, he couldn't reduce the temperature.

She bit her lip, knowing that she couldn't run away if she couldn't beat her, so she muttered: "Drinking is nothing to be an adult."

The woman raised her legs, and a large area of ​​snow white was like lustrous nephrite, lighting up this quaint house for three points. She raised her head, drank the rest of the wine, and then said with satisfaction, "Well...you'll know after you taste it."

Yue Yu was stunned: "You've finished drinking, how can I taste it?"

The woman's smile deepened, she raised her soft and boneless hands, her fingertips lightly tapped her soft and seductive lips, her eyes seductive and seductive: "Of course I taste it in an adult's way... little idiot."

Yue Yu's hair stood up and stammered, "Excuse me, farewell."

She wanted to run away, but this time the woman didn't stop her in person, but when she was about to leave, she said with great interest, "A cute little girl like you will cry for a long time when her true identity is revealed, right?"

Yue Yu: "…"

She slowly retracted the foot she stepped out, turned around silently, and stared at the woman.

The woman chuckled and said in a long voice, "Don't look at me like that, but I will suspect that you are already in love with me?"

Yue Yu's pretty face was taut, ignoring her molesting.

The woman didn't care at all, and continued to smile: "I didn't expect any new players, but if it's you, it seems to be quite interesting."

Yue Yu: "…"


He was threatening to expose her just now, and now it's interesting.

O femme fatale!

"I don't have to tell others about your identity, and I can help you cover it in reverse." The woman put the empty wine can aside, and when she looked up again, the fox's eyes narrowed slightly: "The premise is that you are good."

Yue Yu frowned: "...what do you mean?"

"Don't you understand?" The woman looked at her with a half-smile: "Or are you asking questions knowingly and pretending not to understand?"

Yue Yu was silent.

The woman raised her eyebrows: "Hey? Don't be angry. It is said in ancient books that only when you like a person will you bully her frequently. If you don't know if you are a person with a clean background or a spy sent by other towers, then I It's also difficult to continue pursuing you or protecting you."

"Spies?" Yue Yu ignored the woman's rhetoric that she didn't want money, and asked earnestly, "Why do other towers send spies over? Are the towers all hostile?"

"Hmm~" The woman was noncommittal, smiling like a flower and said, "Children know too much, but they will have nightmares."

Yue Yu: "…"


Why is there such a difficult woman in the world!

He talked a lot with his mouth and mouth, but the key things were not mentioned.

It's no wonder that the other party is the deputy team, hum, he really is nothing compared to the enthusiastic, hearty and rich captain!

Woman: "Huh? Your expression is a bit suspicious, I suspect you..."

Yue Yu was shocked and quickly said, "I'm not a spy!"

Woman: "I suspect you are scolding me."

Yue Yu: "…"

Woman: "Oh, silence, so you really scolded me in your heart?"

Yue Yu's heart attack: "Will you believe me if I say I don't have it?"

The woman grinned: "Of course... I don't believe it."

Yue Yu wanted to cry.

She found that she couldn't get enough of the old fox in front of her.

What's even more sad is that she can't afford to be provoked and can't hide, so she can only watch the other party lean forward slightly, put her hands on her thighs, support her face, and say with a smile: "The days to come are still long, I will slowly observe. Are you good or not, now, tell me your name first."

Yue Yu: "... Yue Ze."

Woman: "Lying one's name is what every spy does."

Yue Yu said aggrievedly: "Yue Yu! Fishing from fishing boats!"

The woman couldn't help laughing: "Don't yell so loudly, in exchange, I'll tell you my name too."

Yue Yu turned his face away and said stubbornly, "Deputy team, I don't want to know about you..."

Woman: "When my name is Yan Ying, the color is Yan."

Yue Yu: "I don't want to hear it."

Yan Yingshi: "The Yingge of Yingge and Yanwu is the hour of time."

Yue Yu: "…"

Yan Yingshi: "Remember?"

Yue Yu: "...I remember."

Yan Yingshi: "Call for my sister."

Yue Yu: "Deputy team."

Yan Yingshi didn't get angry, but the branches of the laughing flower trembled, and the fox's eyes were full of water, and the beauty was indescribable.

Yue Yu wanted to be angry.

But she didn't find out until now that she was a dog.

In the face of the too beautiful young lady, she can't get angry...

Yue Yu hated himself for being iron and steel, and began to feel sullen to himself.

After Yan Yingshi finished laughing, she kept staring at her, and when Yue Yu turned her head, she said slowly, "You are so cute."

Yue Yu snorted coldly: "Your rhetoric is finally out of words?"

Yan Yingshi curled her lips. Rarely did not refute and continued to tease her. Instead, she brushed off the topic and said, "You are a little stupid, but you don't look stupid. You have the courage to join our 7th team. It means you have the confidence to be a good doctor?"

Hearing the word doctor again, Yue Yu couldn't help asking the system: [What exactly is a doctor? Medicine or doctor? Wouldn't it be the one who asked me to go to the operating table to get the knife? 】

The system has long known that she would ask, and said: [There is a kind of creature in this world called alien beasts. They are beasts that have been eroded by gray fog and often haunt the ruins. In the ruins there are ancient books, weapons and armors, fabrics and daily necessities, which are urgently needed by the existing human beings. 】

[In order to obtain these items, humans will go to find ruins and fight with alien beasts. ] The system succinctly said: [Once the alien beast is killed, the gray fog in its body will enter the human body. When the erosion rate reaches about 80%, if the purifying liquid is not injected or the doctor is asked to disperse it, this person will Stepping into the footsteps of alien beasts, he turned into an irrational monster. 】

Yue Yu: [So, the doctor... No, can I dispel it? 】

System: [Of course it can, otherwise the original owner would not breed ambition and give birth to the idea of ​​replacing it. 】

Yue Yu felt a little at ease and looked at Yan Ying: "Yes, I promise that I can be a good healer."

Yan Yingshi was pleased: "Since this is the case, then you can work hard in the team in the future."

Yue Yu: "Yeah."

Yan Yingshi: "…"

Yueyu "…"

As the conversation ended, the room gradually fell silent.

Yue Yu continued to ask questions while waiting for Yan Ying - for example, what is her relationship with Yue Ze, who was supposed to come? Why didn't Yue Ze come? How did she get this spot?

However, Yan Yingshi didn't speak as she expected. Yue Yu didn't speak, and she didn't speak. She stared at Yue Yu with great interest, and her squinting fox eyes made it impossible to read her mind at all.

Yue Yu couldn't bear her scrutiny, so he had to ask: "Do you have anything else to ask?"

Yan Yingshi: "No."

Yue Yu raised his eyebrows, feeling very strange, and couldn't help but say, "Why not?? Don't you wonder who the original doctor was and where did he go?"

Yan Yingshi said casually: "Since you have replaced him, then whether he is dead or alive, what does it have to do with me?"

Yue Yu: "…"

Yan Yingshi tilted her head: "Am I right?"

Yue Yu sighed: "That's right."

It's just such a cool and calm self-interested thought that really doesn't match the sentimental words of the other party.

Yue Yu didn't want to stay with Yan Yingshi more and more, and said firmly: "Since you have nothing to ask, can I leave?"

Yan Ying always had a smile on her face, her eyes paused on her, and then she quietly moved away, and laughed as before: "Usually only when my wife is going out, she will ask such a deliberate question."

Yue Yu: "…"

Yan Ying said excitedly, "Want to know why?"

Yue Yu: "…"

Yan Yingshi: "This is because... ah, it seems that you don't want to know, so I won't say it."

Yue Yu: "???"

Her expression suddenly cracked, and just when she was thinking about staying away from Yan Ying, she became angry and turned into a puffer fish: "How can you speak halfway?!"

When Yan Ying saw her broken merit, she couldn't help but smile and said innocently: "Who told you to ignore me? How is it? Want to know?"

Yue Yu was caught in a difficult decision.

Yan Ying stared at her expression with great interest.

In the end, Yue Yu couldn't resist curiosity, and squeezed out the words from his teeth: "I want to know."

Yan Yingshi didn't care about her voice like mosquitoes and flies, and met her needs generously: "This is because my wife is shyly asking for a kiss~"

Yue Yu didn't react at first when he heard it.

It wasn't until she put herself into the role of a wife that she remembered what she deliberately said just now... She suddenly froze, glared angrily at Yan Ying who was teasing her, and turned her head to walk out.

The moment she stepped out of the library.

Yan Yingshi's charming voice came out, so soft that her bones were almost brittle: "Our seventh team always welcomes well-behaved children."

"If you don't behave well, my heart will be unbearable..."

"And then I killed you with my own hands."

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