Chapter 10 The sun rises in the west

The entire program team just felt that tonight was a particularly dreamy night.

Jiang Lingxi, the famous Jiang Lingxi who is as annoying as her face and temperament, actually apologized to Director Zhao and the people behind the scenes in public!

 Obviously they just drank some crude tea made by the locals tonight, but they felt that they might have drank a lot.

 Otherwise, I would be so dizzy that I would be hearing hallucinations!

 Zhao Hengsheng was also at war with nature in his heart after he returned.

While thinking that Jiang Lingxi was pretending and apologizing in public was nothing more than a compromise, at the same time she couldn't help but think back over and over again to the way the other party looked when she held a cup and apologized. It really didn't look like she was pretending.

 He is also a director after all. Whether an actor is pretending or sincere can be seen at a glance.

 But it was really that Jiang Lingxi had left a very bad impression on him.

  He regretted more than once in the past few days why he invited such a little artist to his variety show!

“That’s all, I’ll be under the camera for the next three days, whether it’s a human or a ghost, there’s always a time to see clearly.”

the other side.

Jiang Lingxi and several temporary roommates also returned to the small country villa where they lived.

 After saying good night, she walked towards her bedroom.

Noticing a few more complex glances behind her, Jiang Lingxi calmly opened the door in front of her.

She didn’t feel embarrassed at all to apologize to the behind-the-scenes staff of the program, even if it was just a small worker carrying equipment.

In the last life, she was able to brave the disapproval of the world and become the emperor. In addition to possessing absolute skill and power, she was able to be sincerely convinced and honored as the emperor by the ministers in the following days and months. She also relied on her courtesy and virtuous corporal.

If you want to be a wise king who treats both your ruler and his ministers well, how can you do it without some charisma?

  She had a sound sleep all night, but it also caused many people to toss and turn.


 The small mountain village is particularly quiet at night.

 Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, it seems that even sleep is heavier than before.

As the morning light faded, a rooster raised by someone nearby began to crow, and then a series of birds chirped outside the window, completely breaking the silence of the night.

Jiang Lingxi sat up from the bed, hugged the quilt and listened to the noise coming from the window for a while, then whispered: "The early bird catches the worm." She got out of bed and washed up.

In the living room of the small country house, the staff behind the scenes of the program who had gotten up earlier were busy installing recording equipment. Someone heard footsteps coming from the direction of the bedroom corridor, and subconsciously glanced back. The task at hand was a meal.

 “Jiang, Teacher Jiang?”

He almost couldn't help turning his head to look at the sun outside the window. Did the sun rise from the west today?

 It’s only after six o’clock in the morning!

He wouldn’t be too surprised if he saw Teacher Sheman and Teacher Xu Yin now. Even if it was Lin Xuefei, he would accept it, but he didn’t expect that the first one to get up would be Jiang Lingxi!

 In the past, Jiang Lingxi and Jiang Kaiyuan were the two guests who had difficulty getting up. One was an Internet-addicted boy and the other was an infertile woman. The two of them started a competition to see who could get up the latest.

First he apologized in public yesterday, and now he has changed his behavior as a householder who has difficulty getting out of bed. The contrast between this and the other has completely overwhelmed him!

Jiang Lingxi adjusted the zipper of her jacket as she walked. She raised her eyes and nodded to the young man opposite who looked over with his mouth slightly open, "Morning."

 “Ah, it’s early too, Teacher Jiang.”

“You guys get busy first, I’ll be back in a while.” When he walked to the door and was about to cross the threshold, Jiang Lingxi suddenly turned back, “I won’t delay the recording of the program, right?”

“No, no, the recording doesn’t start until eight o’clock.”

 This time is also the normal time for guests to get up.

 Watching the figure in sportswear with a bare face disappearing from sight, the people in the living room looked at each other and couldn't help but communicate in a low voice while continuing to work.

“Is Jiang Lingxi really coming to her senses and ready to change her past? She actually said hello to us just now!”

This was something that was simply unimaginable before.

"I was also nearby when she fell off the cliff. It was really thrilling. She almost died. When she was rescued, she had fainted. I heard that she lay in the hospital for two days and two nights before she woke up. Maybe it was true. I want to change it.”

“Indeed, I also feel that it is much more pleasant to see her when I come back this time. In the past, I could only enjoy her through the screen and photos. It was really difficult to deal with her in real life, but I just felt fine.”

"Pull her down. Anyway, I don't believe she can change. She has caused such a big loss to the show team. If she doesn't stay low and do nothing, she can still stay. Just wait, as soon as the show ends, I bet she will be exposed. ”

When the others heard this, they immediately thought that the increased workload they were now forced to have was caused by the person just now, and they fell silent. “Yes, let’s wait and see.”

There were only five guests staying in the small country house. The others, whether they were directors, behind-the-scenes staff, assistants brought by the guests, etc., all lived in the homes of nearby folks.

Tong Yue and Lu Zhengzheng stayed together last night. When they heard that the host's family had gotten up outside, they both got up quickly.

Tong Yue's luggage was packed before going to bed last night. It was just a small suitcase, which was kept by the enthusiastic host. After having breakfast, she rushed to the country villa with the suitcase.

After entering the living room and saying hello to several busy staff, she was about to walk in the direction of Jiang Lingxi's room when she was stopped by one of them.

“Sister Tong is here to see Teacher Jiang? She is not here.”

"Not here?" Tong Yue couldn't help but raise her voice, "Where has she been so early?"

“Teacher Jiang didn’t say anything when she left just now, but we saw that she was wearing sportswear and running shoes, so she must have gone out to exercise.”

“Exercise?” Tong Yue murmured and repeated, “She actually knows how to exercise by herself?”

 The people who heard this wanted to laugh but held back.

Even the agents find it incredible, so it’s normal for them to be surprised just now.


On the country road, Jiang Lingxi adjusted her breathing and jogged slowly.

At this moment, she realized that the original body's physical condition was too weak.

 After running very far, my physical strength couldn’t keep up.

 But it is impossible to give up just now.

 She was thinking about finding a doctor to take care of her after she went back after recording the show.

 Or you can learn to cook some medicinal food yourself.

The internal and external training has quick results, but she really can't stand the body that is now so weak that her original self could fly away with a slap!

Just as he was lost in thought, a hearty laughter came from the opposite side.

 “Girl, you got up so early!”

Jiang Lingxi came back to her senses and recognized that the person walking in front of her was the aunt who warmly invited her to the table last night. "Come out for a run. Madam, you got up very early."

"Hey, we country folk always get up as soon as the rooster crows. We usually go to bed early and get up early. No, let's go to the fields to weed before the sun comes out, and we'll just have breakfast when we get back. You haven't eaten yet. What about breakfast? Look at how pale this little face is. Why don’t you just go to my house to have it? "

“Thank you for your kindness. I won’t bother you with breakfast. The program team will probably prepare my meal.”

"Okay, then when you're not busy, come and sit at my aunt's house. It's the first one at the entrance of the village. And I think you'd better stop running. Looking at your face, I'm a little afraid that you'll faint while running."

Jiang Lingxi was amused by the aunt's straightforwardness, and nodded somewhat self-deprecatingly, "My body is indeed a little weak, so I won't run away, I'll walk back."

"Not only are you weak, but you are also thin. I saw some of your colleagues yesterday. They are colleagues, I guess. Except for that boy, they are fine. You girls are all very thin, and you eat like that little bird."

“Yes, but yesterday I ate two bowls of rice with your chicken stewed with mushrooms.”

 “Is it delicious?”

 “It’s delicious, this is my aunt’s craftsmanship.”

"If it tastes good, eat more and try to gain weight. I see there is no blood in your mouth at all. You are indeed a bit weak. Oops," the aunt said, suddenly slapping her forehead, "I just thought of someone. I heard that That old man is an old Chinese medicine doctor from the imperial capital. He comes to our place for retirement when he is old. If anyone in our village has a headache or fever, he goes to see him. Girl, do you want to go and see him too and see what the old Chinese medicine doctor says? "

After saying this, I was still afraid that the girl in front of me wouldn't believe it, "Girl, it's not my fault, our area is a bit off, but this Feng Shui really nourishes people. Otherwise, why would the old Chinese medicine practitioners leave the big cities alone and come to our place?" Come to retire.”

Jiang Lingxi looked at the warm-hearted lady in front of her who could tell that she was sincerely thinking about her, smiled and nodded, "Okay."

  What is this called? When you feel sleepy, you will be given a pillow.

Don't worry about whether the old Chinese medicine doctor has real skills or not, you will know it when you see him.

 (End of this chapter)

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