Her Majesty the Queen Has Become a God In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 357: The hot pot ant decided to recognize his wife

Chapter 357 The hot pot ant decided to recognize his relatives

Li Yuwen hadn't arrived yet, but the assistant couldn't bear Jing Huai's urging and shamelessly asked the doctor in charge.

 It was rejected as a matter of course.

The doctor almost laughed angrily after hearing this outrageous request. "I have seen many people with coagulation disorders or simply slow coagulation. Besides, the blood test results haven't come out yet. Go back and tell your artist, don't do it yourself." Scared myself. The little blood he lost can be replenished by eating some blood-replenishing food. I really think this blood transfusion can be done at will!"

 Before returning to the ward, the assistant sent another voice message to Li Yuwen asking where he was.

Once he heard that the person had arrived at the entrance of the hospital, his steps to go back to the ward suddenly stopped. He had better go pick him up first!

Looking at Jing Huai, whose assistant had already walked to the door and was about to call someone in, he said: "..."

His mobile phone has just been scrapped and a new one has not been delivered yet. Now he really doesn’t need to read the ridiculing or questioning comments on the Internet, but when he can’t see them anymore, he feels like a cat scratching his head.

 How many people have seen that post now?

 Have you seen Xu Qingmei over there? Have you taken any measures to deal with it?

How do his fans react? Have you lost followers again because of this post?

 Without his mobile phone, he would have no way of knowing any of this.

Until a tired and dissatisfied voice came from the door, "It's just such a small wound, does it need to go to the hospital?"

Li Yuwen did have reason to be dissatisfied.

When Jing Huai approached Xu Qingmei, she only found out after the fact that Xu Qingmei had leaked several good resources from her hands that she didn't like, but for them, they needed to work hard and might not be able to get them. Li Yuwen He also adopted a tacit attitude towards the relationship between the two.

 If her artist is willing to climb up like this, she can also benefit from it, so why should she stop it.

 Until I saw the hot search this morning, I discovered that Jing Huai was involved with Jiang Lingxi again.

 She was grabbing resources out of town at the time, so she only had time to send a message and ask.

  When she learned that it was Xu Qingmei's handiwork, she had to admit it no matter how unhappy or unwilling she was. After hearing Jing Huai's explanation, she also acquiesced in allowing him to take advantage of the opportunity to speculate on CP with Jiang Lingxi.

As it turned out, it had only been half a day, and the cooperation with her was about to be concluded, when she saw the news on the Internet that Jing Huai was injured and hospitalized.

The clause in the newly drafted contract that "requires the contracted artist to have no physical defects within a short period of time" directly canceled the initially negotiated cooperation.

This time all the previous efforts were wasted, and then assistant Jing Huai rushed back to comfort him without stopping.

 At this moment, I finally arrived at the door of the ward. It would be no exaggeration to say that I was almost exhausted.

 What did she see?

 The person lying on the hospital bed had no need to pay special attention to the small wound on her arm, as it would heal in a short time.

 Is it necessary to be hospitalized in such a big way? It was even photographed and posted online by netizens!

With his exhausted body, Li Yuwen felt that his brain was going to explode.

Jing Huai is mentally fragile at the moment. The successive misfortunes and the panic caused by the speculation hidden in his heart have made him extremely emotionally unstable. This time, his manager, who used to take care of him like a sister, rushed over. After that, he didn't show any concern at all. Instead, he accused him of making a fuss out of a molehill. Finally, he couldn't help but sneered and replied: "Then I must be dying before I can come to the hospital?"

The assistant who was following Li Yuwen to help carry the luggage suddenly felt his head pounding.

He expected Sister Wen to come back quickly because he wanted Sister Wen to help stabilize Brother Huai so that he wouldn't suddenly fall into a late-stage state of persecutory paranoia, but it seemed to have backfired.

  Why did the two people get into a fight as soon as they met?

"Sister Wen, Sister Wen," seeing Li Yuwen's livid face and the signs that his thick foundation could not hide, the assistant quickly acted as a helper, "Please sit down and have a rest and drink some water. I couldn't explain clearly on the phone before. , The injury on Brother Huai’s body is indeed a bit strange.”

Li Yuwen didn't answer his question, and walked straight to the hospital bed in high heels. He bent down and took a closer look at the thin wound, "What was it that scratched it? It just looked like it cut through the skin." , at worst, just put some medicine on it and it’ll be fine.”

 “Do you think I didn’t wipe it off?”

Li Yuwen frowned and wanted to teach him another lesson, but when he saw Jing Huai's pale lips and the thin beads of sweat on his forehead, he took a deep breath and swallowed the words, "What's going on?"

Jing Huai held his breath and said nothing, and the assistant who had just put away his luggage had no choice but to help him.

"Sister Wen, Brother Huai's wound was accidentally scratched by Teacher Xu Qingmei with her fingernails. Neither of us noticed it at first, thinking that such a shallow wound would scab over soon. Until we returned to the hotel, someone reminded us, Only then did Brother Huai realize that the wound was still bleeding.”

"Then I went to the drugstore to buy some ointment to stop bleeding, but after Brother Huai applied it, the wound itched terribly. I didn't believe it and tried it, and found that it was fine if I used it. I really had no choice, so I came to the hospital."

Li Yuwen felt incredible after hearing this, but the expressions of the two people in front of him didn't seem to be deliberately pretending, "Then what did the doctor say?"

“The doctor said it might be that Brother Huai’s coagulation function is poor, but Brother Huai insisted on testing the blood from the wound, and the test results haven’t come out yet.”

 Li Yuwen looked at Jing Huai, "I remember that when you were filming the movie Hanging Wia, you had a cut on your calf and went to the doctor. The doctor didn't seem to say that you had a coagulation disorder, right?"

I didn't know what I was, but because he knew that he was by no means because of the coagulation disorders, he couldn't help but panic, and shook his head in his expression, "No."

 “Is Xu Qingmei wearing nail polish or anything like that on her nails?”

As a woman, Li Yuwen knows that some of the current nail polish and other things contain a lot of chemicals, some of which are harmful to the human body. There may be substances that hinder wound healing.

Jing Huai thought about it seriously and said, "No, but it might be painted transparently."

Li Yuwen waved his hands impatiently, "Forget it, the news has already been revealed on the Internet, so it's useless to be discharged now, so let's wait for the test results to come out."

Jinghuai looked at Li Yuwen and knew that she didn't know that Jiang Lingxi had sent a clarification post, so he hesitated to speak.

Li Yuwen knew him better than he thought. Seeing his expression, he suddenly had a bad feeling, "Is something going to happen again?"

"Jiang Lingxi posted a clarification post half an hour ago. She asked someone to restore all the fake photos that appeared on the Internet. I really didn't expect her to act so quickly this time! Also, and, I've seen it Many people who posted the clarification suspected that I directed and acted."

 Li Yuwen, who hadn’t gotten off the plane half an hour ago: “…”

  Can't help but raise his hand and pinch his own flesh.

She now also wants to apply for hospitalization!

 The three people in the ward who were immersed in anxiety did not notice that there was a dazed figure passing by the door, seemingly unintentionally.



 At close to four o'clock in the afternoon, the rain that had been falling for nearly a day finally stopped.

 After a while, the sky cleared up completely.

 At the pavilion by the lake, Jiang Lingxi and Shen Yunqing sat opposite each other. On the stone table in front of the two of them, there was a laptop computer.

 Intermittently voices came from it.

After hearing that Jing Huai also asked the doctor to test his blood, Jiang Lingxi raised her eyebrows, "It seems that this person is not too stupid."

 Shen Yunqing nodded miserably, "That's good. In this way, we will have two sets of inspection data for reference."

 Later, she heard Li Yuwen and Jing Huai discussing how to deal with her clarification post. Jiang Lingxi listened and looked at the lake in front of her leisurely.

An ant that has landed on the hot pot is nothing to worry about. It is better to look at the lake.

This lake is not very big, after all it is a private residence.

  But it is rare to have such a private lake in modern times.

The breeze blew by, looking at the sparkling lake surface in the sun, the water lilies blooming by the lake, and the row of spruce trees on the other side of the lake that she had seen in photos. The scenery in front of her suddenly reminded Jiang Lingxi of her A cutie I saw a few months ago.

Thinking of it, he said: "By the way, do you still remember that I once rescued a black turtle?"

Shen Yunqing remembered it when she said this, "Of course I remember, after all, I have only seen that one black turtle that has lived for hundreds of years. But why did you suddenly think of it?"

Jiang Lingxi looked away from the lake and smiled proudly at Shen Yunqing, "Then you probably didn't expect it to be alive. I even saw it and touched it. Do you think this is fate?"

 Shen Yunqing was really shocked this time. There was no need for His Majesty to lie to him, it was the truth.

"So, it has lived for thousands of years! When did your Majesty see it? Wait, could it be the live broadcast of "Survival" a few months ago?"

 After all, a black tortoise of that size can only appear in inaccessible wild places.

The only program the person in front of me recorded in the wild was the live broadcast of "Survival".

“Did you also watch the live broadcast?” Jiang Lingxi couldn’t imagine what this person looked like holding his cell phone in the live broadcast room. “Yes, it’s the lake at the end, and it lives in it now.”

“That night I heard something moving by the lake. I thought it was the water monster that those people said had come ashore during the day, so I quietly went over to check...”

Before she could finish sharing her experience that night, Jiang Lingxi’s cell phone on the table suddenly lit up.

Shen Yunqing glanced subconsciously and said, "It's An An."

Jiang Lingxi stopped talking and picked up the phone.

"elder sister."

“I’m here. Have you told grandma about the paternity test?”

“Well, Brother Xiaolei is also here. Grandma said she was very happy for me.”

 “But why do I still feel muffled when I hear your voice?”

"But I can feel that grandma is still a little disappointed. Mr. Zhang has other children, but grandma only has me."

Jiang Lingxi narrowed her eyes and asked, "Did grandma say anything else?"

“Grandma said that since the identification results have been confirmed, we shouldn’t let the other side wait too long. Instead, we were told to get Qiao. It would be best to formally meet him as soon as possible.”

 “Grandma is right.”

Jiang Lingxi also agreed to meet early, but it was not because Zhang Nachuan was very eager, but because she wanted to see what the attitude of the rest of the Zhang family, except Zhang Nachuan, towards Xu Ling'an.

It’s not that she likes to think too badly of people, but after nearly twenty years, a new relative suddenly appears. Some people may be able to accept it well, but some people may not be able to accept it.

“Sister, can you come with me when we recognize our relatives? I think I might be a little nervous when the time comes.”

Jiang Lingxi listened to Xu Ling'an's cautious voice as she asked her, and responded without hesitation, "Okay."

If Xu Lingan didn't say anything, she would just pay attention silently.

 But now that she has said it, she will definitely go.

The sister I recognize, of course no one can bully her!

“Well, I’ll call Mr. Zhang later to mention the meeting.”

“Well, there’s no need to rush back to the set tonight. If you rarely go home, just spend some time with grandma. There’s no need to rush there tomorrow. I’ll tell Director Wei.”

 “Okay, thank you sister.”

After hanging up, Jiang Lingxi put down the phone, "Grandma An An's reaction was the same as what I thought."

The raised granddaughter was finally found by her blood relatives. No matter how reluctant she was to let go, Gao Lan would not stop Xu Ling'an from recognizing her.

 She is happy that her child can be loved by multiple relatives, even though she will be disappointed.

“I just don’t know what Zhang Nachuan’s eldest son’s family’s attitude is towards An An.”

 Can’t blame her for being realistic, it’s been this way since ancient times.

When An An officially recognizes his ancestor and has a clear identity, with Zhang Nachuan's net worth and one more descendant, he is still a descendant who originally felt guilty. At that time, An An will definitely be biased and compensated.

 In addition to spiritual preference, there is also material compensation.

But to the rest of the Zhang family, is An An a niece or sister who has been found, or is she someone who has taken away the benefits that should belong to them?

 Jiang Lingxi had reservations about this before meeting the rest of the Zhang family.

 (End of this chapter)

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