Chapter 53 Different ways of handling prey

 “Are you taking Mucang medicine?”

Lu Zhengzheng looked back at Tong Yue who walked in from the door, "It's not like some of the audience are too irritating. I really can't stand it."

Tong Yue patted her shoulder and looked at the little girl's face filled with indignation, "I've never seen you react so much before."

After the words came out of her mouth, she sighed slightly in her heart.

The reason is simple. In the few short days since Jiang Lingxi woke up, she has completely won over Lu Zhengzheng's heart.

 That’s why I subconsciously defend myself and am dissatisfied with the comments of black fans.

This transformation is naturally not just based on that face. When a person is calm and smart, his personality charm is terrifying.

 As an agent, she is naturally happy to see the results.

“These people dare to bark online. If you feel uncomfortable, just turn off the barrage.”

"That won't work," Lu Zhengzheng shook his head, "I have to write down the account names of these people to see if they will be really popular in the future. By the way, Sister Tong, when you just went out to work, Sister Xixi There was also a near-miss.”

 “Oh, what a near-miss?”


 In the live broadcast room.

Jiang Kaiyuan touched his nose after reading the introduction on the detector, "It does belong to the same family but two plants." He admitted his mistake with drooping eyes, "Sister Xixi, I'm sorry, I did get the bigger one this time. "

Since he couldn't eat, Jiang Lingxi said that he would continue on his way. Jiang Kaiyuan did not dare to say that he was still hungry and wanted to rest for a while, so he followed him obediently.

The deeper you go, the denser the jungle becomes, and the traces of human beings become less and less.

 Jiang Kaiyuan took the tester while walking and tested, and finally found several green fruits and plant roots that were edible and tasted good, enough for the two of them to barely satisfy their hunger.

  But the energy added is still far less than the energy consumed.

 Still have to eat meat!

As the sun set in the west, Jiang Kaiyuan rested dizzily on the trunk of a big tree. Jiang Lingxi climbed onto a rock nearby. After looking at the surrounding environment, she said, "Don't rest anymore. Let's go forward."

Jiang Kaiyuan reluctantly opened his eyes, and suddenly his eyes blurred, and he looked over again, "Meat, there is meat!"

Jiang Lingxi also saw the flower rabbit running among the bushes not far away at almost the same time.

At a single glance, you can tell that this time it was not placed by someone sent by the program team, but a wild one.

 Because he ran too fast!

Before she could assemble her bow, she saw that the man who was so tired just now that he couldn't walk was now chasing the rabbit with bright eyes, so fast that she couldn't even stop him.

With his sight blocked, Jiang Lingxi had no choice but to put down the bow in his hand and chase after him.

 As expected, I didn’t catch up.

Jiang Kaiyuan looked at the rabbit that got into an unknown hole and disappeared in a blink of an eye. His face was full of despair, "The meat is gone!"

Jiang Lingxi: “…” I can’t bear to look at it!

 “Let’s go.”

It's a pity that someone didn't want to give up yet, and asked eagerly: "Would you like to stop looking?"

Jiang Lingxi had already turned around and walked back, "Follow me. Have you ever heard of the Three Cunning Rabbits' Cave? Now is the rabbit breeding season. This place is still on the outskirts of the jungle. There are no large animals. I'm afraid there are rabbit holes extending in all directions. How can you find them?" "

“So, there are rabbits all over the ground, but we just can’t eat them?”

Jiang Lingxi: “…”

This is how persistent you are about eating!

“You didn’t do anti-hunger training before joining the show?”

"Ah, there is this kind of training? I always eat when I'm hungry!" Jiang Lingxi held her forehead, and after taking Jiang Kaiyuan out for a certain distance, she suddenly turned around and looked at a bird on the grass not far away, thinking that there was no danger. The rabbit that just poked its head out of the hole was hit by an arrow unexpectedly.

The arrow flew past less than ten centimeters away from the side of his face, and even brought up strands of hair on his temples. After Jiang Kaiyuan remained on the spot as a wooden figure for a few seconds, he dared to move his stiff shoulders and head, and rubbed his head. He wiped away the beads of sweat on his temples and mechanically looked back in the direction of the arrow.

“Sister Xixi,” a wandering voice sounded, “can we say hello before we shoot arrows?”

 “Want to say hello or eat meat?”

 “Then let’s eat meat. Hey, I’ll pick up rabbits and there’s meat to eat again!”

The effect of this arrow shot was not only that they had meat to eat again, but also shocked many people who were watching the live broadcast.

The shot last night might have been a result of the show's team's coordination, and the shot that shot the bird in the morning might have been a coincidence, but no one dared to say that the shot just now was a fluke.

 The three elements of archery are fast, accurate and ruthless.

 In that arrow shot just now, none of the three elements were missing.

 “I can describe this arrow in just three words, it’s so handsome!”

"It seems that some people who still don't want to believe that Jiang Lingxi is really capable can shut up now. If they are still chattering, why not try shooting an arrow?"

“Don’t talk about Jiang Kaiyuan, I was also scared to death. How did Jiang Lingxi notice that a rabbit appeared and took aim with a bow in such a short period of time? Did someone record the screen? I want to see the slow playback.”

“Plus one, this is my first time watching a live broadcast and I actually want to click slow play.”

Jiang Kaiyuan, who picked up the rabbit, once again acted as a mouthpiece for the audience.

Jiang Lingxi thought for a while and gave a more general answer: "It depends on experience and feel."

 Otherwise, how can she say that as long as she shoots enough enemies and prey, she can achieve this level.

I am afraid no one will believe this answer, and they will think that there is something wrong with her brain.

Jiang Kaiyuan thought for a while and decided to change the question, "Then if I start learning archery, how long will it take to reach your level?"

 He didn’t think so before, but now he discovered that archery is so cool!

 Jiang Lingxi: “…I don’t want to hit you.”

 Jiang Kaiyuan: “Okay, no need to explain, I understand.”

The audience in the live broadcast room not only showed no sympathy, but also said: "Hahahahaha..."

 “Okay, let’s get rid of the rabbit.”

 Jiang Kaiyuan let go of his disappointment and sincerely asked: "How to deal with it?"

Jiang Lingxi wanted to just say peel off the skin, but then she thought that there might be viewers eating in the live broadcast room, so she changed to a euphemistic way: "Keep what is edible and throw away what cannot be eaten."

Jiang Kaiyuan: “…” I’ll fight for the meat!

the other side.

On the way back from avoiding the goddess to go to the toilet, he happened to encounter a lone baby rabbit. After catching it without any effort, he happily went back and presented the treasure to the goddess, "As I said, we have something to eat tonight. Look. , How about having roast rabbit tonight?”

"Ah," Jiang Xiyu exclaimed when he saw the little rabbit's red round eyes. After taking it, he carefully touched the little rabbit's ears that were hurt by being picked up, "It's so cute!"

Seeing her looking like she couldn't put it down holding the rabbit, Yu Hui suddenly had a bad feeling.

 The next second, the premonition came true.

The goddess looked at him eagerly, with an expression of pity and compassion, "Yu Hui, the bunny is so small and so cute, how can you bear to eat it? Otherwise, let it go?"

 (End of this chapter)

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