Jiang Ning picked up Ling Zi, kissed her soft face, and coaxed her.

After Ling Zi calmed down, she hugged Wen Zan again.

Although they stopped crying, the two children were still whimpering and unsteady, they couldn't let go, and they started making noise when they let go.

Fortunately, there are many nurses and maidservants in the house, and everyone takes turns to hold her, without getting tired.

Jiang Ning went back to the house, asked Chunlai to lay down the pen and paper, and continued to write the recipe. I have already written a small stack, all of which are preparations for the opening of the restaurant.

Usually as long as she starts to write recipes, she will become very calm.

But today, I can't calm down.

After writing a few words, I feel a little distracted.

Jiang Yi didn't come back until noon.

He went directly to Jiang Ning and said that King Yu woke up, but he was choked by the smoke and his arm was burned, and he would probably take a long time to recover.

"Have you found anything?" Jiang Ning asked.

"No. Your Majesty got angry several times. All the guards guarding the Linde Hall were sent to prison for interrogation and punishment. They tortured them all morning, but nothing was found." Jiang Yi laughed, "Fortunately, King Yu is fine. "

"Where is King Yu?"

"I was sent back to Prince Yu's mansion to be raised. In such a situation, the three-month confinement is fine, and there is no punishment. I can't write with my hands, and I can't copy scriptures."

Jiang Ning nodded.

Jiang Yi said again: "Daddy asked me to prepare some things and send them to Prince Yu's mansion. Do you have anything to explain? Bring something or a message to King Yu?"

"No." Jiang Ning said coldly.

Jiang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "Although you are separated, you are also good at getting together, but now you are like enemies."

Having said that, he also understands his sister.

If she was really living well, why would she want to reconcile.

It's not easy for others to guess too much about the matter between the two of them.

But he felt that sister Qi still cared about King Yu in her heart.

As soon as he came back, he hurried over to report the letter, clearly seeing the concern in her eyes.

Jiang Yi didn't point it out, got up and said he was going to prepare something, and left.

Jiang Ning picked up the teacup, took a sip of the tea, and continued to write the recipe.


After the new year, the weather is getting warmer.

Every day when Jiang Yi came back, he would first come to report to Jiang Ning about King Yu's situation.

He didn't care whether Jiang Ning wanted to listen or not, he left after he finished talking.

Jiang Ning expressed his impatience at first, but later he got used to it, doing his own thing, and he said his own.

King Yu's situation is getting better day by day.

But one day, Jiang Yi didn't come to report the situation.

Usually he would come in the evening, but today it was dark and there was no sign of him.

Not only him, Jiang Ruobai didn't come back either.

Even Lin Zizi was a little uneasy, so she came to stay with her daughter and asked the housekeeper to inquire about the situation.

As a result, even the housekeeper didn't come back.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

No one knows what happened.

At the same time, many imperial guards suddenly appeared in Chang'an City, besieging the mansions of major officials and nobles.

The elder of the Jiang family's eldest house is far in the northwest, and only the eldest wife and Da Lang can head the house, but Da Lang is still young after all, flustered by the situation, and took his mother, younger siblings and hid in the second room of the Jiang family.

"Did the second master not come back? What happened?" The lady was panicked.

The brothers and sisters in the room all looked dignified.

Jiang Yan, who was the least courageous, had red eyes, and leaned against Aunt Bai's arms, sobbing softly.

Of the women and children in this room, only Lin Zizi and Jiang Ning could make up their minds.

Lin Zizi said: "We don't know the situation outside. Right now we can only guard the door, and nothing will happen."

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