Generally speaking, King Huai's ascension had the greatest influence on King Yu.

Among the several princes, he was originally the most promising and the most distinguished. But if King Huai became the crown prince and became the crown prince, he, who was originally the most noble prince, would instantly become a minister.

This kind of gap is just a trivial matter, the most terrible thing is that King Huai will never let go of any chance to attack King Yu.

After all, now that King Chen has been punished, King Wei is stupid, and only King Yu can be his opponent.

The days ahead for King Yu will be difficult.

The Jiang family was fine, although they were related to King Yu, but after all, the two important ministers were still in control, and if King Huai hadn't ascended the throne for a day, they couldn't offend them too much.

Jiang Ning said: "You are his opponent, why don't you still speak for him?"

"The opponent can also be admired." Wen Renzong said, "If I had a choice, I would definitely choose King Yu."

"Then you won't get close to me on purpose, will you?"


Wen Renzong looked back at Jiang Ning's beautiful face, "Even if I am loyal to King Chen, I will not marry a woman I don't like at all."

He walked up to Jiang Ning, took out a bracelet from his arms, put it on her hand on her knee, then reached out and hugged her gently, and whispered: "Keep a souvenir. Take care, Ningning."

After speaking, he quickly let go of his hand, turned around and strode away.

"Wenrenzong!" Jiang Ning called out behind him.

Wen Renzong stopped, but didn't look back.

Jiang Ning said: "Your family members must have been arrested, and you can't save them even if you go back now, so why bother? Listen to my advice, you go."

"It's impossible for me to ignore my grandmother, mother, my brothers, sisters, nieces and nieces. Ningning, if there is a chance in the next life, I will definitely be honest with you... that's all."

He stopped talking and walked away quickly.

"Wenrenzong, stop!"

Jiang Ning pushed the wheelchair and chased him out.

He walked quickly, without looking back, without any hesitation.

Jiang Ning could only watch his back disappear into the dark night before dawn.

Looking at the silent night, she felt a little lost and uncomfortable.

Footsteps sounded behind him.

Jiang Yi walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder: "Do you think Wen Renzong is too loyal and stupid? He knows that going is death, but he still wants to go."

"It's like he knew that following King Chen would definitely fail this time, so he followed."

"No, these are two different things. The rebellion still has the possibility of winning, but now he has completely lost. Wenren's whole family has been arrested."

"It's really stupid."

"It's stupid." Jiang Yi sighed, "Don't he know that if he goes, he will die? But he can't just run away like this."

"I won't report him."

"I know Seventh Sister will not. Because of this, Wen Renzong cannot leave."

Jiang Ning was slightly moved: "The third brother said that he didn't want to implicate me?"

"You finally understand."

"I didn't participate in the rebellion..."

"You didn't participate, but everyone knows that you hijacked Wenrenzong. If you just let him go, what do you think those people will think?"

Jiang Ning didn't speak.

"Don't feel guilty about it. It's true that he doesn't want to hurt you. It's also true that he refuses to abandon his family and run away. It can only be said... that temperament determines fate."

Jiang Ning raised his head and asked him: "Third brother, how do you think His Majesty will punish Chen Wang and Wen's family this time? Will he really kill his whole family?"

there will be more

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