Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace

Chapter 265 The fifth child is not bad

No wonder it is said that after being an emperor for a long time, and being at the peak for a long time, he loses his humanity.

Jiang Ning felt that being the emperor's son was really miserable.

It was simply being forced to rebel, to fight, to rob.

Jiang Ning thought of Li Hongyuan who was standing aside and being ignored at this time, and felt a little pitiful for him.

The emperor glanced at Li Hongyuan and said: "Old Wu, the two children seem to be crying, take them to the side room for a while, I have something to say to Xiao Ning'er."

Passing people over, without giving them a good face or saying a word, they just kicked them away.

Jiang Ning watched Li Hongyuan leave, feeling... strangely uncomfortable.

It seems that he became like this, all of his own making.

Feishuang Hall was quiet, only the emperor and Jiang Ning were there.

This was the first time Jiang Ning was alone with the emperor after returning to the Jiang family.

But he is no longer the cute fat old man who eats and burps.

"Xiao Ning, I haven't tasted your handicraft for a long time, and I really panicked." The emperor's voice was more gentle and friendly.

If he ignored the surrounding environment, Jiang Ning would really feel as if he had returned to those three dilapidated thatched houses.

Jiang Ning said: "Why did Your Majesty hide his identity?"

She was too lazy to chat nonsense with him, and directly sent out soul torture.

The emperor laughed: "If I say so, can I still go to eat every day?"

"Your Majesty is not afraid that I will really sell those antique calligraphy and painting treasures you gave me as sundries."

"Sell it if you sell it. I used it to pay for the meal. It's your thing."

"It's worth the food, just say it openly. If you want to beat around the bush, it's obviously just pretending to be coercive..." Jiang Ning whispered.

"What did you say?"

"Your Majesty, I saved you with good intentions back then, don't care if you pretended or not..."

"It was true that I fainted in front of your house that time. I was a little unwell at that time, and I felt dizzy and uncomfortable when I was walking alone. But, it was just that one time, and later... Cough." Thick, also a little embarrassed.

A lot of old people, cheating a little girl into a movie.

It doesn't look good anyway.

Jiang Ning said: "At any rate, I saved Your Majesty sincerely, and gave you half a bowl of rice... Although it is half a bowl, it was all my belongings at that time. I am also a subject of Your Majesty, and I have such a kind heart. Your Majesty has the heart to plot against me?"

"How did I calculate you..."

"You haven't figured it out yet? If you haven't figured it out, how did Wen Zan and Ling Zi get here?" Jiang Ning asked.

Because of those few months of getting along, she didn't have so many scruples when speaking to the emperor.

The emperor didn't seem to be angry, but smiled.

"At that time, I saw that you and your mother looked alike, so I ordered someone to investigate, and it turned out that you were a child of the Jiang family. I thought that the fifth child has no wife yet, and you are just right."

"If you really want me to be your daughter-in-law, wouldn't it be a good idea to marry me as a fair and honest matchmaker?"

"Hey, I don't know your parents' temperament? If you don't use some tricks, your parents won't let you marry the fifth child. I know that when you were young, you had a marriage contract with Wenren's children."

The emperor spoke quite frankly.

Jiang Ning said: "You are right, you are the emperor, no one can count against you."

"Actually, the fifth one is pretty good, right?" The emperor smiled, "I won't mention the previous things. This time, King Chen rebelled, and the fifth one didn't rush to enter the palace to make meritorious service, but went to Jiang's house first. How do you feel?"

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