Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace

Chapter 267 The Tyrant Who Went to Nima

"It's good, it's boring to fight for power." Jiang Ning said with a smile, "Your Majesty is thinking of King Yu. King Yu is blessed."


The emperor couldn't help but said, "Don't you care about King Yu at all?"

"I really feel good about it."

"What a fart!" The emperor couldn't help but swear.

Jiang Ning remained calm.

He did the same when he pretended to be a poor man. Jiang Ning felt that there was actually no difference between an emperor and a butcher.

It's just that one of their knives is a human and the other is a pig.

And all the same swearing.

Jiang Ning said: "If Your Majesty thinks this is not good, then don't let him guard the imperial tomb."

"I don't want to either."

"Then no."

"Unless you get back together with the fifth child and bring your two children back to Prince Yu's Mansion."

"..." Jiang Ning was speechless.

After a long time, I still can't bear to part with my two grandchildren.

Threatening her with King Yu's future?

It's a pity that Jiang Ning doesn't like this.

That is your own son, as long as you don't feel bad, you can punish him or not.

She said: "Your Majesty, don't take your imperial decree seriously. I have officially reconciled with King Yu, and it will have nothing to do with it in the future. Go back if you say it, and make people gossip."

"I will give you a marriage decree, and you will marry again."


"So far, no one has dared to express my wishes to my face."

"Your Majesty, there are not many loyal ministers around you, admonishing ministers."


The emperor was a little angry and wanted to get angry, but seeing her face, he couldn't.

He sneered: "What you said also included your father Jiang Xiang. Are you trying to say that your father is unfaithful and dare not speak up?"

"Perhaps what His Majesty said before is right."

"...glib." The emperor patted the table, "The fifth one lost his position as prince because of you, so you should give him some compensation."

"Promise with your body?"

"Do you really want to take my two grandsons and marry someone else?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will not marry anyone."

"What happened to Wenrenzong?" The emperor's tone was a bit meaningful, "I heard that you hijacked Wenrenzong?"


"This Wen Renzong is the fastest person I have ever seen to solve a case. Although he is young, he has dealt with criminals all day long and has rich experience in handling cases."

"What does His Majesty want to say?"

"What I mean is, if he didn't let you hijack him on purpose, you wouldn't be able to hijack him."

Jiang Ning was silent for a moment, and asked, "How will His Majesty deal with Wen Ren's family?"

"Even if King Chen is executed, let alone his minions."

"Wenren's family has more than a hundred people, old and weak, women and children, should they all deserve to die?" Jiang Ning thought of the straightforward and lovely Mrs. Wenren, and the large group of chattering sisters in Wenrenzong.

The emperor said: "Treason is a heinous crime that affects the whole family. Before doing this, I heard that people should have considered the consequences. People always have to pay the price for the wrong things they do."

"Zhulian, it's not good."

"What do you know, little girl." The emperor glanced at her, "Recently, Xiaoqian often goes to eat at your place, saying that the food you cook is even more delicious."

Jiang Ning didn't even move his eyebrows.

The emperor had no choice but to say: "There is nothing else, you can take the child back."

"Your Majesty hasn't said how to deal with Wenren's family."

"Everyone asked to be executed in the street."


Go Nima's tyrant.

Do you think she will give in if she is threatened by Wen's family?

"Jiang Ning resigns."

Jiang Ning pushed the wheelchair away by himself.

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