Chun Lai said, "Once or twice is fine, but there is a banquet held every now and then, and we have to go every time."

Huang Ying said: "If the princess doesn't want to go, just refuse. Even if she is a crown princess, our master is weak, and even your majesty and the empress and concubine will not let the princess suffer, let alone her? Forgive her and dare not do anything."

"Actually, I'm not doing it for her, I also want to go to the palace to see Xiaoqian."

Li Tingqian lost his parents since he was a child, and has been hanging out with Li Hongyuan since he was a child. He has always lived in the East Palace, because he was born in the East Palace.

Now that Duke Huai is the crown prince, he brought his wife, concubine and children into the East Palace, and with Li Hongyuan away, the responsibility of raising the eldest grandson of the emperor fell to the crown prince and the crown prince couple.

In the past, Xiaoqian was more free and could go wherever he wanted, but now he is under the control of the princess, which seems to be stricter, and he hasn't been out of the palace for a long time.

The last time Jiang Ning entered the palace to see him, the princess said that he was six years old now and was studying with the adults of the Hanlin Academy, so she didn't let her see him.

Jiang Ning was very worried about not seeing each other all the time.

Taking advantage of entering the palace on Qixi Festival this time, she specially prepared her own food, which Xiaoqian likes.

He definitely doesn't lack other things. Jiang Ning is good to people, but he likes to give people delicious food.

Huang Ying is stable, smart and capable, and now she is in charge of the entire palace affairs, so she can no longer follow Jiang Ning out at any time. Jiang Ning only brought Dongxie and Xiaoman with him when he went out.

Dong Xie is also gentle and introverted, while Xiao Man is strong and loyal.

Don't worry about taking them out.

As for Chunlai and Xiachu, one is aggressive and the other is bluffing.

Neither fit.

Both Wen Zan and Ling Zi have grown up a lot, and they have already started to crawl around, babbling and trying to learn to speak.

Jiang Ning told Huang Ying to take care of them, and brought Dongxie and Xiaoman into the palace.

After entering the palace, she first went to greet the empress as usual, and then greeted the imperial concubine.

Qixi Festival is a festival for young women, the queen and the imperial concubine are too lazy to participate, but when they saw her coming, they still met her with a smile.

The queen's age was about the same as the emperor's, she was not in good spirits, and moved lazily. After a few gossips, Jiang Ning asked Xiaoqian.

The queen is such a grandson, so she naturally feels distressed, but she has never been in good health, and she has no energy to bring Xiaoqian by her side to raise him.

She smiled and said: "The Crown Princess is also from a noble family background, and she is docile and decent. It should be good for Xiaoqian to take care of her."

"I haven't seen Xiaoqian for a long time, I'm so worried."

"It's hard for you to worry about it. Now that he's grown up, he should learn and improve." The queen smiled, "How about this, I will send someone to tell him to come back, saying that he doesn't need to study today."

Although the queen is not in good health, she still understands in her heart. Probably also know the strict management of the prince, Jiang Ning may not be able to see Xiaoqian when he goes.

If it is passed on in the name of the queen, neither the prince nor the princess can violate it.

Jiang Ning was very happy, got up and saluted, left, and went to see Concubine Jin.

Concubine Jin has always been indifferent, and every time she greets her, she will send her away with a few words that are neither salty nor light.

Unless, Jiang Ning brought home-cooked food.

Only then would she light up her eyes and talk a lot to Jiang Ning with a smile on her face.

Today Jiang Ning brought a small packet of melon seeds.

Concubine Jin looked at it, and said somewhat disinterestedly: "Today's snacks are not fresh, I eat them every day."

Jiang Ning said with a smile: "Although the appearance looks the same as what your mother used to eat, the taste may be different. Why don't you try it?"

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