Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace

Chapter 406 Why Are You So Fierce To Her?

With the scream, a small figure rushed in.

"Uncle Five!"

Li Tingqian staggered in with a big burden in his arms.

Li Hongyuan was both surprised and happy, and hurried forward to hug him up: "Xiaoqian, why are you here? Hey, he's a lot heavier, and he seems to have grown a lot taller."

Li Tingqian's little face was blushing: "Uncle Wuhuang, I miss you so much! I wanted to come to see you a long time ago, but the emperor's grandmother forbade me to come, saying that this kind of place is not clean..."

He poked his head out and looked around: "It's very clean here."

Li Hongyuan put him down and looked at him carefully: "Well, he has grown up a bit. He looks stronger and fatter. Are you still picky eaters?"

Because he is a picky eater and has been thin since he was a child, Li Hongyuan has a headache for this.

Li Tingqian smiled shyly: "As long as my aunt makes it, I like to eat it."

He suddenly sniffed and looked into the food box.

There is still a lot of food in the food box.

Li Tingqian gave birth to a small tongue and licked his lips.

"Greedy cat, I haven't seen you for more than half a year, and you have become like this." Li Hongyuan casually took a piece of pastry and put it in his hand.

Li Tingqian took it, ahhh took a big bite, "This is the meat floss baby."


"Little aunt made dim sum." Li Tingqian ate his mouth full, extremely satisfied.

Li Hongyuan smiled and said, "What's the name?"

"Auntie said, this is called meat floss Xiaobei, it's delicious."

"Does Xiaoqian often eat dim sum made by my aunt?"

"Yes, but the little aunt said that I am still young and can't eat too much sweets. So I only eat it once every few days. I usually only let me eat more. The meals that the little aunt cooks are also delicious. You can have one Eat the same food every month."

Li Hongyuan's heart moved slightly: "You eat three meals a day at my little aunt's?"

"I live in Uncle Wuhuang's palace. Of course I have to eat three meals a day."

"You live in Prince Yu's Mansion?"

"Yeah!" Li Tingqian nodded, and sighed like a grown-up, "Uncle Wuhuang, you should have come back earlier, fortunately there is little aunt here, otherwise I would be bullied and sick by the prince and concubine."

"What's going on?" Li Hongyuan frowned.

Although he and Jiang Ning had occasional correspondence, he also knew that she had brought Xiaoqian to live in the palace. But exactly what happened is unclear.

Xiaoqian told the story aggrieved.

Li Hongyuan's face was sullen.

It turned out that Jiang Ning offended the prince and princess because of protecting Xiaoqian.

Thinking that she is a little girl who can't even walk, but she wants to protect someone from Donggong, I don't know how much risk she has to take.

And she didn't even hesitate, she just did it without hesitation.

Li Hongyuan didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

He thought that he was paying for her, but he didn't know that all the setbacks and tribulations she encountered were brought to her by him.

If it wasn't for him, who would be so full to deal with Jiang Xiang's daughter?

Li Jixian regards him as a thorn in his side, and if he wants to get rid of it quickly, he will naturally not let his princess go.

Her legs haven't healed yet, so she cooks and cooks so much food for herself, but his attitude towards her just now was not very good.

This made Li Hongyuan feel a little regretful.

Why do you want to be fierce to her?

Is it because I haven't seen you for so long, and I miss you so much that I don't know how to express it?

Li Hongyuan really wanted to see her again now.

Think, he did just that.

In the evening, he left Dali Temple Prison and came to the Prime Minister's Mansion. He was familiar with Jiang Ning's courtyard.

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