Jiang Ning listened to his sigh silently and said nothing.

If you ask him why he sighs, you will inevitably start a conversation, and if he mentions his sadness, you will have to think of a bunch of words to comfort him.

That's really troublesome.

Now she just wants to quietly admire the fireworks.

Fortunately, Li Hongyuan did not take the initiative to talk to her, and just stood quietly.

After setting off a box of large fireworks, several children had itchy hands and shouted that they would also set off the fireworks.

Jiang Yi had already prepared.

The other box is full of small gadgets, some of which can be held in the hand and played with, and some of which are lit and spinning in circles on the ground.

Others are like lanterns, held in their hands.

Various colors and dazzling array.

Even Jiang Ning has never seen some of them.

She couldn't help but sigh that the ingenuity of the ancients was no worse than those made by modern industrial assembly lines.

When the brothers in the main house learned that Jiang Ning had returned with his two children, they all came over to join in the fun, each bringing new styles of fireworks that they had found outside.

Several children were even more excited.

The yard was full of streams and sizzling fireworks.

There was a circle of maids and servants all around, all watching the fun happily.

The Jiang family has always been tolerant to their servants, and they are willing to let them have fun together during the holidays, so they don't care about their behavior of gathering people to watch.

Jiang Ning asked Huang Ying and the other maids to go and reunite with their families for the holidays.

There was only one lonely city following her.

Jiang Ning once gave him a half-day off. He went out for half a day and came back quietly without saying where he went or what he did. Jiang Ning didn't ask.

At this moment, he was squatting on the roof, staring blankly at the brilliant lights filling the yard.

It was really cold outside. Jiang Ning stood and watched for a while, then felt the cold air attack his legs, making the seams between his bones feel chilly.

Her legs are very precious and cannot bear any pain.

"Go back to the house." Li Hongyuan stretched out his hand.

Jiang Ning put her hand on his palm and returned to the warm room with him.

There were only two people in the room, Jiang Yuan and Jiang Yan, eating and talking over a dozen plates of dried fruit snacks.

When he saw them coming in, he stood up and saluted.

"No courtesy." Li Hongyuan raised his hand, "I won't disturb you sisters while you talk." He then said to Jiang Ning, "I'll go look after the children and pick you up later to take you back to the palace."


Jiang Ning watched him go out, then sat next to Jiang Yan, reached out and grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about? Take me one."

Jiang Yan's face turned slightly red.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "I just said that if King Zhao can be like His Royal Highness, the sixth sister will be really lucky."

"How does he look like a prince?"

"Does this need to be said? Everyone knows that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince loves and cares for the Seventh Sister." Jiang Yuan secretly said, "I heard that the Silla Kingdom sent a beauty to the East Palace? Is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince favored? ?”

"not yet."

"Hey. His Royal Highness is really rare." Jiang Yuan curled her lips, "If it were the man next to me, I would have been impatient."

Jiang Ning smiled and said nothing.

She never had any illusions about men's bad nature.

Before leaving, Jiang Ning asked Jiang Yan seriously and asked her if she wanted to consider it again, or that she would make a decision after contacting King Zhao a few more times.

She can create opportunities for them to meet.

Jiang Yan actually refused.

She said she agreed to the marriage.

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