Jiang Ning smiled and said: "If you like elegance, you should like Jin Liangyuan's Plum Blossom House. Now the plum blossoms in the courtyard are blooming just right."

"Really? I'll definitely go and reward it someday." Yafei finished speaking enthusiastically, then sighed, "It's just that I don't have the blessing to live there."

"You and Jin Liangyuan are both from Silla. You can move around more in the future, which will also ease your homesickness."

"The Crown Princess is so considerate."

"Isn't Lady Yafei going to treat me to tea?" Jiang Ning saw that she was sitting still and reminded her proactively, "I haven't tasted your Silla's good tea yet. If it can be paired with your Silla's special snacks, That’s even better.”

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot."

Ya Fei hurriedly stood up, went to bring tea and snacks herself, poured a cup, and brought it to Jiang Ning, looking at her with worried eyes.

Jiang Ning picked up the tea, smelled it first, and praised, "It's very fragrant."

She brought the tea to her mouth——

"Princess!" Yafei called her.

"What?" Jiang Ning looked up at her.

Yafei picked up a piece of snack and said with a smile: "I made this snack myself. I don't know if it suits your taste. Try it and see."


Jiang Ning put down the tea cup and took the snack.

Ya Fei was obviously relieved.

After finishing a piece of snack, Jiang Ning picked up the tea cup again.

Yafei said: "Eat another piece."

Jiang Ning smiled and said, "My mouth is a little dry. I'll drink some tea before eating."

"This tea has gotten cold. Can I change it for you?" Without waiting for Jiang Ning's consent, she reached for the tea cup and turned around to change it.

Seeing this, Jiang Ning had no choice but to pick up another snack and eat it.

After a while, Ya Fei brought another cup of tea and delivered it to Jiang Ning personally: "It's slightly hot, just right to drink."

Jiang Ning picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and smiled: "It's really delicious, I like it very much."

The nervous look on Ya Fei's face disappeared. She sat down with a smile and said, "The Crown Princess likes it and will come to my place for tea from time to time."

"That's still a bit troublesome. Why don't you, Madam Yafei, give me some of your good tea leaves to take home and I'll cook and eat them myself."

Yafei pursed her lips and smiled: "This is even better."

In the corner, Gu Feng blinked at Jiang Ning, probably asking her if the tea had been changed, would she pretend to be faint later?

Jiang Ning ignored him.

Is this kid stupid?

Yafei has changed the tea, so what else can she pretend to do?

Yafei changed the tea at the last moment, which made Jiang Ning very happy, indicating that she was kind in nature and unwilling to help her brother do evil.

It's not in vain that Jiang Ning helped her sincerely.

However, how could Prince Xinhai just give up?

She came here in vain.

When Jiang Ning was thinking about how to help the enemy carry out the conspiracy, he suddenly felt a pain in his head.

Then there was a feeling of dizziness.

Her vision became blurry, and as the world spun around, the last image she saw was Yafei's horrified and confused face.

Ya Fei watched her fall to the ground in shock. Without any time to think, she rushed over and shouted: "Crown Princess! Crown Princess! What's wrong with you?"

A figure suddenly rushed in from outside the door and struck Gu Feng's neck with a palm.

Gu Feng fell softly to the ground.

Yafei turned around and said in shock: "How could this happen?"

Prince Xinhai, dressed as a palace maid, came over with a smile and said, "Sister, can't you understand?"

Yafei stared at him for a moment, and suddenly realized: "Oh my god...you, you put the medicine in the snack..."

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