"It's so noisy!"

Prince Xinhai grabbed a towel and stuffed it into Gu Feng's mouth.

Gu Feng was lying on the ground, his eyes widened, and he was whining.

Crown Prince Xinhai came to Jiang Ning overjoyed, looked up at her with an infatuated attitude, and said with a slightly trembling voice: "Crown Princess, are you really willing to obey me?"

"Well, as long as you don't hurt Lone Peak."

"Of course I won't. As long as you are willing to follow me, I will promise you anything, even if I give you the entire Silla!"

"Then let him go first." Jiang Ning raised his chin towards Gu Feng.

Gu Feng's eyes were about to burst and he shook his head desperately towards Jiang Ning.

Prince Xinhai pondered for a moment and shook his head: "No, we can't let him go now. After all, I don't know if the Crown Princess is sincerely following me, or if it's just a temporary measure."

"That's okay." Jiang Ning said it didn't matter, "Then let Gu Feng go after you are satisfied."

"That's no problem."

Prince Xinhai looked towards her.

Jiang Ning's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly raised his unchained left hand. The light of the golden hairpin flashed and stabbed the Xinhai Crown Prince's neck fiercely.

Although Prince Xinhai is lustful, he has martial arts skills after all.

He hid in a panic.

The golden hairpin scratched a bloody mark on his neck, and the blood droplets flew out and splashed on the carriage.

This time, Prince Xinhai really felt the threat of death.

Jiang Ning was so cruel that she would definitely cut his throat.

Fortunately he hid in time.

Prince Xinhai covered his neck, and in shock and pain, he struck Jiang Ning on the head with a palm.

Jiang Ning's whole body flew out, and her wrists made a snapping sound.

Her wrist actually broke free of the gold chain and she was thrown out of the carriage.

Jiang Ning, who was lying on the ground, felt the blood slowly leaving her head, blurring her eyes.

In her blurred vision, she saw a black horse galloping towards her.

A figure jumped off the horse, ran to her side, untied his cloak, wrapped her tightly and hugged her.

"Li Hongyuan..." Jiang Ning murmured.

"Sorry, I am late."

Li Hongyuan kissed the top of her head.

Then Lucheng also fell beside them.

When he saw Jiang Ning's appearance clearly, murderous intent filled his eyes instantly.

"Go kill them."

Li Hongyuan looked up at him, and every word came out from the bottom of his heart, "One, one, no, stay."

Jiang Ning looked back at Gucheng with difficulty and whispered: "Don't kill Lone Ying."

"Take her back."

After Gucheng said these four words, he jumped into the air and quickly caught up with the carriages and horses in front. Every time the crescent scimitar in his hand flashed, the life of a Silla guard was harvested.

After dealing with all the guards, Gucheng squatted on top of Prince Xinhai's carriage.

He bent down and slapped it hard with his palm, and the carriage immediately fell apart.

Splintered planks of wood flew in all directions.

Gucheng saw Lone Ying at a glance.

He cut Lone Ying's rope with a knife, lifted him up, and punched him in the face.

Lone Ying's face suddenly blossomed, and his original appearance was almost unrecognizable.

Lone Ying raised her head and asked vaguely: "How is Miss Seventh?"

"You deserve to die." Gucheng said coldly, kicked him to the ground, then stepped on Crown Prince Xinhai, raised his double crescent swords, crossed them and stabbed Crown Prince Xinhai in the neck.


The two swords are staggered.

The sharp blade cut off Prince Xinhai's neck!

Prince Xinhai's eyes were rounded as he took his last breath.

Even to the end of his life, he could not believe that the Dasheng royal family would really dare to kill him.

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