Jiang Ruobai coughed lightly, took a step outside, stood in the middle, and said, "Your Majesty, are you tired and need to stop your morning rest?"

The emperor held his head with one hand, slowly raised his eyelids after hearing this, and said lazily: "No, if there is anything else, let's continue."


Seeing the emperor's sullen appearance made the ministers who were used to facing the young and energetic Crown Prince feel extremely uncomfortable.

Since the death of Concubine Jin, the emperor was too grief-stricken to attend court. Every day, the courtiers faced the young prince with a calm expression, clear and sharp eyes, and quick thinking.

The prince is diligent and fair in his work. He listens carefully to all the suggestions put forward by the courtiers. Even because he could not use the emperor's eunuchs, the young prince had to read through the chapters and memorials submitted by various provinces and ministries himself.

Those long and lengthy chapters involve the names of places, people, customs and habits from all over the country. Emperors of each generation needed the help of more than a dozen pen-writing eunuchs to understand them.

There was only one prince, and he was able to answer all kinds of questions about this chapter from the courtiers with ease. It was really surprising that the prince was knowledgeable, quick-thinking, and diligent.

Once they are accustomed to such a leader, how can the ministers tolerate a sleepy emperor sitting on the dragon throne?

The chief minister's words were gentle, and the courtiers did not dare to say anything, but they were already a little dissatisfied in their hearts.

An emperor who indulges in the beauty of his harem but indulges himself in national affairs will obviously disappoint his ministers.

In the afternoon, a young and energetic censor sent a memorial criticizing the emperor to Wenyuan Pavilion.

His words were quite sharp, reproaching him for not doing his job properly, doting on the harem, being disrespectful in court, etc. There was no fear of offending the emperor.

Jisuke looked at the fold and sighed: "He is a young man after all."

Chief Assistant Jiang Ruobai smiled and said: "The court cannot be without people like this at any time."

"Having said that, a court battle is probably unavoidable."

"Hey, these censors are naturally not afraid."

Sure enough, the memorial was delivered to the emperor, which made the emperor very angry. He severely rebuked the censor and gave him thirty court battles, beating the young censor until he couldn't get out of bed for half a year.

Fortunately, his life was saved.

No matter what, the emperor is still alive, and no matter how lazy he is, his officials can do nothing to him except criticize him.

And the emperor's love for the Pearl Concubine became more and more intense.

There was even a vague idea of ​​promoting her to a noble concubine.

This frightened everyone.

How many days has Princess Zhu entered the palace?

From a young noble to a jeweled concubine, that's it. She will be promoted to a concubine in a few days. Do you really think that the position of a royal concubine is just a cabbage and can be thrown away casually?

Concubine Jin at that time also gave birth to the fifth prince, and it was several years after the current crown prince was promoted to the position of concubine.

If you want to be a royal concubine, you have to go through the qualifications and give birth to a prince.

Which one does she meet the requirements?

It's just chaos.

The ministers expressed their dissatisfaction and asked the emperor to take back the idea.

The emperor ignored all such tricks, and even had a willful tendency to do something if the officials would not let him do it.

The ministers had no choice but to put the pressure on the chief minister.

He is the chief minister, and if the emperor disobeys, he has to take care of it.

Jiang Ruobai talked with the emperor privately.

"Your Majesty, you don't really intend to make Concubine Zhu a noble concubine, do you?"



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