Jiang Ning's words contradicted the emperor's previous words criticizing the prince.

Just when everyone thought Jiang Ning was bound to offend Long Lin, the emperor burst into laughter.

He pointed at Jiang Ning, laughed for a while, and then said: "You are unwilling to take any loss, and you have to get back such a small amount of revenge. I don't understand, Jiang Ruobai and Lin Zizi are both so elegant. How could a person like you give birth to a scoundrel like you?"

"Your Majesty, let's discuss the matter without personal attack." Jiang Ning was a little unhappy, "Can I compare with them? Why don't you think about where I grew up? If I grew up in Jiang's family, I would also You can be as elegant as them.”

The emperor smiled and said: "I can only say one word, and it brings out so many complaints from you. It's not my fault that you are living outside."

"It's naturally the parents' fault for not taking good care of their children. But..." Jiang Ning paused, "When heaven is about to entrust this person with a great responsibility, he must first strain his will, strain his muscles and bones, and starve his body."

The emperor smiled and scolded: "Tell me, God has made you suffer so much. What important tasks have been arranged for you?"

"Of course it's to meet someone very important."

The emperor and the prince had different expressions after hearing this.

This doesn't sound like anything special, but in different people's ears, it has different effects.

After Jiang Ning traveled through time, although he was poor, he soon met an even more "poor" emperor. With the idea of ​​respecting the old and loving the young, he gave him the last half bowl of porridge.

In fact, she was really tired of eating gruel, and she was starving and not full.

She originally planned to give half the bowl of porridge to the "beggar" and then go out to earn money. Even if she went to defraud a fortune teller, or simply went to a brothel to sing and perform, it would be better than starving to death.

She doesn't have any ancient concepts. She feels that it is not shameful to rely on her talents to earn a living.

Unexpectedly, he saved a big boss.

From then on, a new life was opened up.

To the emperor, Jiang Ning's words clearly referred to her. God arranged for her to live in the old alleys to save him, the emperor.

In the prince's opinion, the very important person she was talking about was of course him.

For a woman, is there anything more important than meeting her future husband?

Jiang Ning looked at the emperor, and then secretly glanced at the prince beside her. From their expressions, she also knew that what she said was somewhat ambiguous.

But it doesn't matter, that's exactly what she's trying to achieve.

Sure enough, the emperor's expression became much more relaxed.

Everyone in the world respects him, and many people are loyal to him and are willing to die for him.

But that's all because he is the emperor.

With the blessing of the emperor's identity.

What if he is just an ordinary person, even a beggar on the street?

How many people are willing to give him the last half bowl of porridge they have left?

In addition, this girl did not have the rules bound by a big family. Although she said and acted without restraint, she laughed and cursed, was naive and straightforward, and dared to tell the truth to him.

This inevitably made the emperor feel the emotions of an ordinary old father.

He has many children, but family love is hard to find.

For these reasons, the emperor's preference for Jiang Ning in his heart was somewhat conniving.

The emperor's tone became much gentler: "We all know that you have worked hard in the past, so don't mention those things. No one wants to listen."

Jiang Ning thought to herself, am I afraid that you, the old man, will forget my life-saving grace for you?

Can it be done without being miserable?



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