Her face is charming and her smile is charming.

She is the only beauty in the world.

She smiled tenderly at him.

However, Li Hongyuan's heart was untroubled.

"See for yourself, are you sincere in what you say?" Li Hongyuan took his arm out of her arms, "Although I can't be said to be extremely smart, I can still tell the difference between the sincerity and the falsehood of the people around me. Ling An It’s up to you to take care of the matter yourself.”

He took off and left.

Jiang Ning looked at his back and said to herself: "Are my acting skills really that bad?"

"It's really not that good." Gu Feng replied quietly.

Jiang Ning looked back at him, sizing up his reddish nose and round deer eyes. Suddenly an idea came to her mind and she waved, "Come here."

Gu Feng was summoned and immediately came over with a smile on his face: "Miss Qi, what are your orders?"

"Wouldn't I be able to disguise myself?"

"Will do."

"Then you disguise yourself as someone else. Your temperament, expression, and style of speaking and acting are all different. Wouldn't it be easy for others to see through you?"

Gu Feng immediately understood what she meant and said with a smile: "Miss Qi, acting also requires talent. My disguise master said that I am naturally suitable for this industry."

"Damn it."

Jiang Ning sighed, "Hard work can never match talent. This God is so unfair."

Gu Feng chuckled and said, "Miss Qi, although you don't have any talent in this area, as long as you give sincerely, others will feel it."

"It's not just that I don't have any talent in this area, I simply don't have any talent at all. I can't do it in writing, but I can't do it in martial arts."

She doesn't understand anything about the chess, calligraphy and painting that most ladies do.

Gucheng bluntly stated several times that she was not suitable for practicing martial arts.


Thinking about it this way, isn't she just a natural loser?

Jiang Ning was immediately discouraged.

But fortunately, the solitary summit is comforting.

With just one word, he successfully comforted Jiang Ning.

"Miss Seventh, although you are not good at writing and have ordinary martial arts, you are very lucky."

"Huh?" Jiang Ning thought about it and realized that this was the truth.

Isn't she lucky?

Gu Feng said: "You see, my subordinate, I am praised by my master for my talent, right? And that arrogant guy in Gucheng, who is aloof and aloof by nature, is not looked down upon by anyone except the general. But we two people still have to serve. Miss Seven?"

Jiang Ning squinted at him: "I feel aggrieved by what you mean."

"No, no, no, I'm not aggrieved at all. I'm so happy to be able to live like this every day." Gu Feng was afraid that Miss Qi would chase him away, so he knelt down, hugged her legs, and cried, "Subordinate I said something wrong, Miss Seven, please forgive me!"

The cry attracted the attention of people outside. Huang Ying led a few people and rushed in. Seeing this scene, they all rolled their eyes and walked away.

This Gufeng's attitude towards outsiders was as cold as the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, but towards the Crown Princess he was like a docile kitten, wishing he could really turn into a cat and lie on her knees begging for petting.

Jiang Ning told him to go away and cry, then called Wenxi over and asked him to take Shui Hua away.

Wen Xi asked if he wanted to take her to the inner prison for torture.

Jiang Ning thought for a moment and asked, "Is there a place like that where she can be kept alive without being taken away by the Queen?"

Wen Xi was silent for a moment and said, "If Miss Seven wants to keep her, then send her out of the palace."

The queen is the master of the harem. As long as a palace maid is still in the palace, it is impossible to escape the queen's control.



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