The princess said angrily: "You are so old, but you still say these things, you are not ashamed!"

"What I said is true." Prince Wutong said with great interest, "Back then you were dressed in red and riding a little black horse. I was attracted by your hotness at first sight!"

"Who are you?"

"Hey, I will send someone to find out where your home is and whether you are married or not."

"What if I have already made a reservation?" The princess looked at him sideways, with a small smile on her eyes and brows, "What are you going to do?"

"Then we have to forget it. I, the majestic prince, can never do such a thing as robbing civilian girls. If word spreads, how can I discipline the soldiers under my command." Prince Wutong said proudly, "Although I am a He’s a rough guy, but he’s also a gentleman.”


The princess spat.

The atmosphere became cheerful.

The Prince of Wutong County even heard the words and said softly: "In the case of the Crown Princess, I need the Princess to help me."

"As long as the Crown Princess can solve the matter of Ling An's marriage, let alone venting her anger on her two sisters, I can even demolish the Earl's Mansion."

Although the princess is no longer a girl, her fierceness as a girl has never disappeared.

Prince Wutong fell in love with her cute look and kissed her on the face, "Princess, can I come to your room tonight? We haven't been together for several days."

"Screw you, my daughter is already so old and she is still too old to be serious."

"In my eyes, the princess will always look like the seventeen-year-old she was when she married me." Prince Wutong chuckled, "The more aggressive you are, the more I like you."

The princess poked him in the forehead: "You are so cheap, no wonder you are happy to be bullied by the princess."

"That's different. We have a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship with the Crown Princess. I truly love the Crown Princess." Wutong County Prince said to her.

"Get out of the way and don't make trouble."

The princess kicked him away unceremoniously, "Since I'm going to Prince Zhao's Mansion and Earl's Mansion, I have to prepare in advance."

"Everything depends on the princess!"

"By the way," the princess held him, "will the princess knock the queen down this time?"

"It's hard to say. However, I think the Crown Princess and the Queen are fighting to the death. They are almost openly fighting each other."

The princess nodded: "Since outsiders think that we are princelings, I really hope that the princess can win."

Jiang Ning sneaked into the East Palace quietly. As soon as he stepped through the door, he raised his head and bumped into Li Hongyuan.

He put his hands behind his back and said expressionlessly: "You are very carefree these days. It is also very difficult for the prince to see his princess."

"Basically, I go back to the palace every day."

"Really?" Li Hongyuan looked at her with his eyes slightly drooped.

"Have Xiaoqian's children not come back yet?" Jiang Ning looked around and asked, "I'm hungry. Has Your Highness eaten?"

She said walking towards the kitchen.

Li Hongyuan stretched out his arm to block her way: "Aren't you going to explain to me what happened to Master of Commandments?"

"Your Highness is just pretending to be stupid. Isn't this the result of our sincere cooperation?"

If he hadn't given the information, how could she have grasped it accurately.

Jiang Ning asked: "How is it? Is the Emperor very happy?"

"What are you happy about?"

"Facts have proved that the commandment is a drunkard and the things he said are naturally nonsense!" Jiang Ning said forcefully, "In other words, the queen is not a phoenix whose fate is related to the fate of the country, so the emperor does not have to worry about anything. ”

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