Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1001: True form

Lin Beichen was also attracted attention.

   Old Ding is awakening?

   After awakening, is he still the old Ding?

  On the giant black rock chain, dark red lines flickered frantically, like an overloaded high-voltage wire, transmitting energy frantically.

   Even on the maroon stone walls around, there are also a series of dark red rules and mysterious patterns flowing.

The magma lake below    suddenly gurgled frantically.

   seems to be a pot of eight-treasure porridge.

   If Xiao Binggan were here, I'm afraid he would drool.

   Lin Beichen didn't know why such a thought came to him in his mind.

   Countless lines of dark red mysterious lines flowed towards the giant stone sword in the middle of the magma lake,

   To be precise, it surged toward Ding Sanshi's body.


   There was a sound like a surge of electricity in the air.

   "Is Lao Ding charging?"

   Lin Beichen complained in his heart.

  The next moment----


   The strange sound of gold and iron breaking, resounding densely, echoed in the entire space.

   I saw a chain of black rocks, suddenly bursting apart, turning into pieces of rock fragments of different sizes, falling towards the magma lake below.

   The tiny rock chain inserted into Ding Sanshi’s body was then pulled out ‘bobobobo’, splashing with blood, leaving blood holes the size of a child’s fist on his body, and bones are vaguely visible...


   Ding Sanshi suddenly opened his eyes and roared up to the sky.

   Lin Beichen covered his face.

  Master, you are too embarrassing.

   So howl in pain?

   In the next moment, Ding Sanshi suddenly stood up.

   Dark red flames radiated from his body, and the mysterious mysterious patterns that had previously flashed on the rock chain, as if they were tattoos, were highlighted on his neck, shoulders and other bare areas.

   It can be imagined that at this time Ding Sanshi's body is covered with black tattoos.

  'S face is no exception.


   Lin Beichen was startled, and immediately relaxed again.

   It's okay.

  On the old Ding’s face, disfigurement is tantamount to plastic surgery.

   With tattoos on his face, it is ugly and more individual.


   The entire magma space shook crazily.

   Ding Sanshi's injury caused by the chain being pulled out recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon disappeared, leaving no trace.

   And the giant stone sword under his feet also changed in the shaking, and the mottled texture of the rock on it began to fall off, exposing the glorious sword body underneath that was as shiny as a metallic paint surface.

   Ding Sanshi figure floated into the air.

   The original long black hair, dancing without wind, fluttered like a jumping flame.

   He let out a weird cry and pressed one on the hilt of the giant stone sword.


   The turbulence of the underground magma space became more intense.

   It seemed to collapse at any time.

   The giant stone sword shook violently, and immediately began to rise slowly.

   Ding Sanshi is drawing his sword.

  He will pull this giant stone sword directly from the magma lake.

   "Fuck me (soon)?"

   Lin Beichen realized something.

   It turned out that this giant stone sword, which looked like a sculpture, turned out to be a real sword.

   is not a sculpture for decoration.

   Do you want to, who would be so painful to make such a long one here for decoration?

   Ding Sanshi’s figure is compared with the giant stone sword, it’s like a fly fell on the head of chopsticks.

   The contrast is exaggerated and sharp.

   But the awakened Dark Moon's divine power will slowly but evenly pull it out.

   I don't know why, in Lin Beichen's mind, the picture of Monkey Sun pulling out the Dinghai Shenzhen needle on the seabed appeared.

   In a blink of an eye, a giant stone sword about sixty meters long was finally pulled out of the magma by Ding Sanshi.

   Within the mottled texture of the sword body like a coral reef, the crimson lava drips like red blood.

   The screen looks very visually stunning.

   "Small, small, small..."

   Ding Sanshi danced wildly with black hair and drank loudly.

  The giant stone sword really began to shrink quickly.

   The expression on Lin Beichen's face became weird.


   Are you pulling out a wishful golden hoop sword?

   If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, if someone else had written the content of a novel, I would definitely be plagiarized by the sand sculpture readers as Journey to the West?

After    a few "small", the huge time became the size of an ordinary long sword, and he held it in his hand.

   The stone skin on the surface layer has fallen off over the years.

   The sword body resembling white jade, under the reflection of boiling magma below, gleamed with a faint dark red blood.

   The most weird thing is that this sword is different from ordinary swords. The blade is round and has no blades. There are only four shallow blood troughs, and all the sharp points are concentrated on the tip of the sword.

   This is a sword that can only be used to stab.

   And, if it's a sword, it looks more like a stick.

  啧啧, a stick that can be big or small.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

  At this time, Ding Sanshi suspended the strange stone sword.

   Sword light circulating.

The magma below    was sucked up like a waterspout, gathered towards the stone sword, and then it was like a whale sucking water, all submerged in the sword.

   In a blink of an eye, the ‘water level’ of the magma lake below began to drop crazily.

   About one cup of tea time, the'water level' dropped a full 200 meters.

   Lin Beichen was stunned.

   A small sword can absorb so much magma without any side leakage?

   Soon, the sword body turned red.

Ding Sanshi’s blood-colored black tattoos became more obvious. He seemed to be running a certain technique, absorbing the hot power of magma in the sword body. The sword body flashed with red light like breathing, and the endless hot power poured into him. In the body.

   When the sword body returned to its lustrous white jade color before, Ding Sanshi's figure swelled twice as much and became a giant more than three meters high.

   Not only can swords become bigger, but people can also become bigger?

   Isn’t that...

   Another weird shoulder appeared in Lin Beichen's mind.

Lu Guanhai beside    was extremely nervous, staring at Ding Sanshi, obviously, it was the critical moment to awaken his soul.

   Ding Sanshi’s mysterious lines flashed crazily, and the whole person seemed to turn into a round of red sun, releasing a hot, harsh light.

   Lin Beichen covered his eyes with his hands.

   It was time for another stick of incense, and the dazzling red light gradually disappeared.

   When Lin Beichen looked up, the whole person was as if struck by lightning.

   Where is Old Ding?

   Where did Old Ding go?

A hundred meters in front, a handsome young man with a slender figure of about 1.9 meters, standing in the air with a hand-held stone sword, with long red hair like a morning glow draped over his shoulders, his skin is crystal clear like white jade, flawless, The vital parts are covered with maroon lava armor, like a **** of war...

   Young, handsome, full of sun-like masculinity.

  Who is this?

   Many small question marks appeared in Lin Beichen's mind.

   "It succeeded."

Lu Guanhai on the side of    let out a cheer.

   Lin Beichen slowly turned to look at her: "You mean... this handsome young man... is he old Ding?"

   "Yes, this is the true form of Dark Moon God."

   I don't know if it was because I drank too much of the Great Wall dry red, or was too excited, the cold and arrogance that originally belonged to Lu Guanhai disappeared, and that beautiful face was full of joy and liveliness like a little girl.

   Lin Beichen inhaled Liangpi.

   He suddenly understood that opinions are important and important things.


By the way, are you interested in the author's original keyboard draw?

( ̄ェ ̄;).

When I started it before, they were all very expensive mechanical keyboards (〃\'▽\'〃)

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