Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1006: Go back door

Lin Beichen summoned his phone and opened the [Didi Taxi] APP.

   I saw that there was a free ticket in the system.

   and it's a special ticket.

   Click on the explanation of the voucher, after careful study, Lin Beichen determined one thing——

   Use this free voucher, so you don’t have to worry about not having a car.

   However, not all trips can use this voucher.

   Just like not all discount coupons can be used on Double Eleven, the use of this free ticket is also subject to certain restrictions.

   is like taking a taxi from the West Gate of the "Baiyun City Jianxian Yuan" to the "Chaohui Great City", "Beijing City" and other places, without using it.

   And Lin Beichen tried several times, but did not find any itinerary that can use this coupon.

   "Are you cheating again? Are you molesting me again?"

   Lin Beichen was so angry that he almost deleted [Didi Taxi] directly from the phone.

   He turned off [Didi Taxi], switched to the WeChat interface, and continued to ask: "What will happen next? Waiting for you to open the door of Ascension?"

   "The Gate of Ascension?"

   Jianxue Wuming sent a sneer expression, and said: "Wake up soon, brother smelly, you are smuggling this time, and you will go back soon..."

   My Nima...

   Lin Beichen was about to vomit: "Didn't you say that everything has been arranged? What you arranged is smuggling."

   "You think it's so easy to get from the lower bound to the upper bound."

   Jianxue Wuming said: "I am just letting you go through a back door."

"back door?"

   Lin Beichen raised his middle finger, rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "Then after I go, should you say welcome?"

"up to you."

Jian Xue answered the message anonymously, saying: "Brother smelly, please pay attention to it. After about an hour, there will be a hole near the address you sent. Don't hesitate after you find it, and plunge into it immediately. Heaven, you can go to the God Realm."

   Lin Beichen: [?_??]?

   A hole?

   More than ten days?

   You **** let me drill a hole?

   He murmured a few words, but Jian Xue Wuming over there seemed to be preparing something, and no longer responded to the message.

   Lin Beichen put away the phone and sorted out his thoughts.

   He is still looking forward to this trip to the gods.

   After all, he has heard a lot of various legends about the gods.

   For example, in his last life, he was deeply immersed in island animation, manga, and action movies, so he always looked forward to going abroad to inspect Akihabara and Toida Xindi.

   I went this time, and I don’t know how long it will take to come back.

   So before you leave, you still have to make some arrangements.

   So he called Xiao Binggan, Qianqian, Qianqian, and Guangjiang into his room and told him.

"I want to go out, find a hidden place to retreat, and use it to integrate the'Sword Immortal Inheritance'. The length of time is uncertain." Lin Beichen said: "You don't need to stay in Baiyun City for a while. Don't participate anymore."

   He did not say that he was going to the God Realm.

   Normal people will not believe it.

   And once these few brain-dead fans believe, they will definitely go entangled together.

   Especially Qianqian's cowhide candy is not easy to get rid of.

   "Huh? Master, where shall we go?"

   Qianqian rubbed her hair in anguish, and leaned in with a hippy smile, and said: "Why don't I follow you in retreat, Master, I can help you protect the law, help you pour tea, and help you warm your bed..."

   "I am going to retreat, not on vacation."

   Lin Beichen sternly refused, saying: "Go back to Chaohui City, and protect our basics. Before I leave the customs, keep my tail up and be a low-key person. Don't make trouble everywhere. Recently, the country will be uneven."

   Several brain-dead fans saw that he was serious, and suddenly became serious.

Lin Beichen thought for a while, then added, "Also, if you are in danger, don't try your best. If you can hide, you can hide. If you can let it, don't try to be as stupid as Han Fufu, in that case. , Even if I am the God King Linchen, I can't save it."

   Speaking of Han is worthy, I don't know how the Aurora Empire is exploring in Falling Star Abyss.

   After a pause, Lin Beichen took out some special products such as ladies' cigarettes, Erguotou, red wine, Huazi, etc., as well as various antidote such as [Yinqiao Jiedu Tablets], as well as valuable treasures such as Cuiguo.

   Some are for Yue Hongxiang.

  Some are for light sauce.

   The others watched the points by themselves.

In this way, it happened to free up a lot of space for [Baidu Netdisk]. From the light sauce, more than one hundred long swords from the sandy area of ​​the sword mound can be installed in it, so that it can be used in the future. .

   "Brother, what about Wei He?"

   Xiao Binggan asked suddenly.

   "Let him go home to take care of his daughter. Anyway, a little celestial person can't help much." Lin Beichen said.

   Xiao Binggan's faces suddenly turned black.

   Little Heaven...

   I feel offended again, thank you.

   After everything was instructed, Lin Beichen asked everyone to leave.

   He sits in the room, quietly waiting for the teleportation hole that sneaks into the gods to appear.

   "I seem to have forgotten something?"

   Lin Beichen touched his chin, always feeling as if he had overlooked something.

   After about a stick of incense time.

   "Huh? Coming?"

   Lin Beichen felt a strange flow of energy surging slowly over his head and on the ceiling of the room, as if a water vortex suddenly appeared on the originally calm water surface.

   A small black hole appeared slowly.

   is half a meter in diameter.

   Hei Gu Long Dong.

   don't know what the other end is.

   "This is the back door Jianxue Wuming said?"

   Lin Beichen was a little frustrated.

   I always feel that something terrible is hidden behind this black hole.

   He took a picture, sent it to WeChat, and asked, "Is it this?"

   "Yes, drill now."

   Jianxue Wuming responded to the news for the first time, saying: "This back door won't last long?"

   "It takes more than ten days to enter this back door to reach the God Realm?"

   Lin Beichen confirmed and asked again.

   "Yes, this is already fast."

   Jianxue namelessly recovered the news and said: "Don't talk nonsense, drill now."

   Lin Beichen put away the phone.

   looked at the back door that looked like a dog hole, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, and was about to go inside.

at this time--

   "Ding Dong."

   A familiar voice came from the phone: "Dear user, [Didi Taxi] has detected that you have a free ride ticket available for this trip. May I use it immediately?"


   Lin Beichen stopped drilling.

   This trip?

  Could it be the smuggling trip to the gods?

   He summoned his phone again and opened the [Didi Taxi] APP.

   I saw an automatically generated ‘Itinerary’.

   is a itinerary from "the third bedroom of the backyard of Jianxianyuan in the Baiyun City of the Beihai Empire of the East Road" to "the pig dung alley in the northwestern criminal area of ​​the God Realm Great Desert City".

   "This trip has a total of 10 hours and requires 3000 Xuanshi fare. After using the free voucher, you can experience the services provided by [Didi Taxi] for free. May I use the free voucher immediately?"

   A message appears on the phone screen.


   Of course.

   Any more questions?

   Compared to Jian Xue Wuming, the unreliable dog goddess, Lin Beichen trusts the Reaper’s phone more reliably.

   is free anyway, just try it directly.

   He directly clicked OK.

   "The driver has arrived, please prepare to get on the bus..."

   A decent APP system prompt appeared, and then a strange yellow-green light shot directly from the black'back door' on the ceiling, covering Lin Beichen.


   "There are two passengers, please fasten your seat belts and set off now."

   The emotional voice echoed in Lin Beichen's mind as if it were a small smart voice assistant.


   Lin Beichen stayed for a while.

   Where did the two passengers come from?

   Is anyone hitting a ride?


2 more

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