Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1104: arrangement

Lin Beichen did not hesitate at all, and chose ‘system upgrade immediately’.

   This upgrade needs to consume 100G of innate traffic.

   Then Qing Lei was surprised to find that this time the double repair, the little man seemed very excited.

   Because he called louder than himself.

   An hour later.

   Qinglei Yun was scattered on the temples, his face flushed, and the long legs of his lotus arms were tinged with a faint pink, and he fell asleep for a long time.

   Lin Beichen wore a robe and came to the outside room barefoot.

   He sat on the silk futon and began to condense and condense the supernatural power in his body.

   After two battles, and also experienced the baptism of God's power and power, plus the double repair just now, Lin Beichen vaguely felt that the power in his body began to boil uncontrollably.

   With the experience of upgrading from the last time, Lin Beichen realized that his divine way cultivation level had to cross a new level.

  Speaking of which, since he came to the God Realm, he has not yet properly measured his cultivation realm.

   Logically speaking, when he was in the host Zhenzhou, his profound energy cultivation was a high-level celestial being, and he still belonged to the category of celestial beings.

   And the martial arts system of the host country, Zhenshu, is supreme above the heavens and humans.

   There are false gods above the supreme.

   God is above the false god.

   So after he came to the God Realm, the five elements of the innate profound energy in his body were too low in rank to match the laws of the God Realm, so he was firmly suppressed and unable to function.

But because he had obtained the position of Sword Immortal before coming to the God Realm, and after being activated by Jian Xue’s nameless renewal, he finally mastered the true divine power. The [Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue] he cultivated was originally the first technique of the God Realm. , Coupled with Qing Lei's special physique, leveled up after slap, slapped up, trained into the'shen fire state' by accident, and mastered the power of sacred fire.

   One big problem that puzzles Lin Beichen is--

   Now his divine power cultivation base, is it a **** warrior or a god?

If    is a **** warrior, what level is it probably?

   Warrior class?

   Warlord level?

   Although he can already kill high-ranking warriors, his cultivation and combat power are two different things.

  If it can be considered a god, what level is it?

  A false god?

   The lower god?

   or a middle-to-high-level **** in the cloak of a lower god?

   Lin Beichen did not fully understand.

  Because the dog goddess Jianxue is irresponsible and lacks the necessary enlightenment guidance, Lin Beichen is not even very clear about the division of the realm of the gods.

   Especially an event that happened today made Lin Beichen a hypothesis in his heart——

   The position of the sword fairy is not simple.

  Because even the Lord God, one of the five main gods of the Great Desolate God Race, only saw that he was a dependent of the Lord of Sword, but did not find that he still had the position of Sword Immortal.

  Thinking about it, there are many possibilities.

   And Lin Beichen is most willing to believe in such a possibility--

   Sword Immortal God's rank is extremely high, and it cannot be peeped by the Lord God.

   If the Sword Immortal God's position is really a super-order God's position, wouldn't he have posted it?

   Many thoughts flashed through my mind.

   The divine power in the body gradually has a tendency to boil.

   Lin Beichen quickly suppressed with all his strength.

   "I must go to the Demon Abyss."

   In the entire God Realm, only the Demon Abyss is a place that the gods cannot look at.

   In the Demon Abyss, using the [Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue] to condense the boiling divine power should be the same as the last time, with another small breakthrough.

   Just when Lin Beichen was about to set off, he received a message from Lu Bingwen.

   The gifts have almost been received.

   In addition, Shi Gandang and Guan Ruofei also passed on Lu Bingwen's message, wanting to "Mianji".

   "See you in the transfer hall on the sixth floor of Demon Abyss."

   Lin Beichen sent a message using the Kirin third-generation superconducting system.

   He left a note to Qing Lei and left the Xiaofushan mansion.



   The sixth floor transfer station of Demon Abyss.

   Compared with the transfer station on the fourth floor, the area is much smaller.

   If the transfer station on the fourth floor is a small town, then the transfer station on the sixth floor can only be regarded as a small manor.

   This is the territory under the jurisdiction of the Great Desolate Protoss.

  The Great Desolate Protoss squad dressed in black mysterious armor patrolled back and forth to maintain order.

   There are a lot fewer people on the streets.

   appearing here are basically large adventure teams and powerful individuals.

   Any one of them is surging with powerful divine power fluctuations.

   Regardless of men and women, with complete armor, they all have a stern look, and they are all ruthless characters that are not easy to mess with.

   In the only restaurant on the sixth floor, Lin Beichen met the three of Lu Bingwen.

   The moment he saw Lu Bingwen, Lin Beichen couldn't help but smile, as if a bank manager saw a major customer, with gold coin symbols in his eyes.

   Sit down, simply go through the program and talk nonsense.

   Lin Beichen couldn't wait to say: "Xiao Wen, how many gifts did you receive this time? I will let you convert all of them into faith points. Have you finished?"

   Lu Bingwen happily said: "Boss, I'm doing things, don't worry... Hey, all are done, all the gifts are received, I didn't agree to one request, hey, a total of 330 million faith points were gained."

   Lin Beichen was overjoyed when he heard this.

   This number is far beyond his imagination.

   It seems that this kind of ill-gotten wealth is really the more the better.

   "Good job."

   Lin Beichen handed over a commendatory look, and said: "As expected of my favorite brother."

   Lu Bingzheng smiled on his face.

Guan Ruofei on the side of    asked curiously: "How do you receive the gift without agreeing to all the requirements?"

   "It's very simple."

   Lu Bing steadily said: "I'm just a gift-receiving tool. The boss is the one who can really call the shots. I have all been pushed to the boss."

   Lin Beichen: "???"


  Dog things, why do I smell the smell of Wang Zhong’s old dog on your body?

   You are not my favorite brother anymore.

  Shi Gandang and Guan Ruofei have seen Lu Bingwen in such a short time, they have become so familiar with Jian Xiaoyao, the son of miracle, and they are a little anxious—some chances, if you don’t want to grasp it, once you miss it, you can’t get it again.

   For the new generation of their big family, in addition to maintaining the family base, making foreign aid is the most important thing.

  Especially during the selection of the gods, being able to make friends with a promising player is absolutely profitable and harmless.

   Many vivid examples in the past God’s election contests have already said all this.

   "Boss, I listened to the Lieyang Divine System to say that you suspected that you were related to a killing case in the ruined area on the 8th. Last night, they lost seven high-ranking warriors in the ruined area on the 8th..."

  Shi dare to be euphemistic and authentic.

   "Huh? Really?"

   Lin Beichen looked surprised and said: "Are they finally suspicious of me?"

   Lu Bingwen: (‘◇’)?

  Dare to stone: (O_O)?

   Guan Ruofei: (O_o)??"

what's the situation?

   Why does the boss seem to be very happy after being suspected?

   Just listen to Lin Beichen happily: "Then tell them that I can't say everything involved in this matter, I just personally directly, oh ha ha ha ha, the seven high-ranking warriors were all killed by me."

   The three of them suddenly looked shocked.

   admit it?

   also admitted so happy.

   Boss, you seem to be a little fluttering.

Lin Beichen roughly said the reason for the matter, and said: "You can also help me out. If I meet Pan Duoqing that turtle grandson on the Howling Abyss Bridge, I will definitely scatter his ashes. In the abyss under the bridge."

   The three of them looked dull, and subconsciously supported the huge beads of sweat that had fallen from their foreheads.

   As expected, genius thinking is beyond their ability.

   Lin Beichen said again: "By the way, you help me find some books on the basic cultivation knowledge of the God Realm, I have great use."

   "There is no problem with this... leave it to me."

   Guan Ruofei took the task first.

  Since the brain circuits of geniuses are different, of course you shouldn’t ask why the old convention needs such books on basic training and common sense.

   "By the way, remember to remind me of the account."

Lin Beichen said again: "When the'Mission Idol' was auctioned, some guys issued IOUs, and you all saw it at the time. I was in urgent need of money recently, so I can't help you remind me so that these guys can pay the debts as soon as possible. Called to my Kylin Crystal account."

   "I will do it, I will do it."

   Ishigami did not hesitate to receive the task this time.

Lin Beichen thought for a while, and said: "There is another very important thing. I need to buy a [Wood Spirit Heart] of the Aoki God System. You can help me touch the channel in advance. It is best within ten days. The kind that can be traded."

Lu Bingwen said: "The Aoki Divine Element is one of the seven main war **** races. [Wood Spirit Heart] is one of the treasures of the Aoki Divine System. It has always been priceless and priceless. Boss, I will help you figure out a solution. But it may not be possible."

   Lin Beichen nodded, and said: "Then I will trouble you three. The three are indeed my favorite brothers."

  Three people:...

   These words are familiar.

  The negotiation has been finalized.

  Four people are separated.

   Lin Beichen entered the sixth floor of the Demon Abyss.

   At this time, the emotional voice of the intelligent voice assistant's mini-computer came in my mind.

   The mobile phone system has been upgraded.


The first one, today is still the 4th guaranteed.

On the first day of March, ask for a monthly pass.

Thanks: Yuheng, Tianqing, etc. in the movie, Misty Rain, Jiang Jiang gnawing chicken legs, and several big brothers for their support. Thanks to the little brothers of the Black Blade League for their rewards.

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