Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1138: Waist Terminator

"She? She's been drinking all the time, drunk to death."

   The barefoot girl in a black robe said, "Master, I think this guy is just a waste."

   "Are you still drinking?"

  A weird look appeared on the face of Lord Lan, and said: "From now on, you stare at Jian Xiaoyao and Jian Xue Wuming. Don't do anything else. You don't need to investigate the Pantheon."

   "Yes, Mianxia."

   The barefoot girl in black robes saluted respectfully, and said: "Mianxia, ​​since that sword Xiaoyao may be a chance, how can he be a man of God Lord, why not let me go and kidnap him to your command..."

   "The real chance is not something that can be obtained by abduction."

  Lord Lan waved his hand and said: "Follow my instructions, don't make your own way."

   "Yes, Mianxia."

   The barefoot girl in a black robe bends down and salutes. The black robe outlines peach-like hips and petals, with clear and graceful outlines.

   She stepped back.

  The Lord Lan is standing in place, seeming to be thinking about something.

   After a long time, he let out a long sigh of relief.

   "The second chance comes, will there be a second father of the gods?"




"how can that be?"

   Madam Jiang paled after hearing the report of her subordinates.

   "Sword Xiaoyao has become a general trend, and it is beyond my Jiang Fu's ability to contend."

Jiang Jiuhe looked at his wife and said, "What you asked the butler to do secretly, I have blocked it, and fortunately, I have blocked it. Otherwise, do you think my Jiang family can be compared with the Pan family of the Lieyang Protoss? The family is ruined."


  Mrs. Jiang was flustered and a little unwilling, and said: "We Lin'er, we are still half dead now, can we just forget it?"

   "Lin'er is half-dead and not alive, it is better than my Jiang family's destruction."

   Jiang Jiuhe said indifferently: "I will solve this matter myself, madam, you don't have to be extravagant, otherwise, you and I will become prisoners if you cause great disasters."

   "I...but Liner..."

   "I said, I'll go back and solve it."

   "Then... well, I won't intervene anymore."

   "Okay, that's it."

   After speaking, Jiang Jiuhe was about to turn around and leave.

  At this time, Jiang Fu thought of something, and said: "Master, then Xiaobai...If she encounters Jian Xiaoyao in the God's Choice contest, isn't it dangerous? Or... let her retire."

   Jiang Jiuhe shook his head and said: "I have persuaded Xiaobai, she will not retire."

  Mrs. Jiang suddenly became nervous: "What should I do?"

   Jiang Jiuhe gave his wife a hug gently, and comforted: "Leave everything to me."



  Outside the city.

  In the dilapidated manor.   One cat, one dog, two birds.

   Jianxue Wuming lay face up on the blanket.

   The sun shone through the dome of the main hall and fell on her face.

   After the main hall repaired by the craftsmen of the Gods, it is warm and bright, but it is a pity that the smell of wine in the air is full, but it is strong and pungent.

   The ground is full of wine jars.

   Strange dark red lines, constantly flashing on Jian Xue’s namelessly exposed white skin...

  Time seems to be frozen.

  In the center of the main hall, on the statue of [Sword Lord] that can communicate with the followers of the lower realms, a faint light is constantly coming out, seemingly endless whispers, if there is no...


   A gap was opened in the idol.

   Its light has dimmed a bit.




   There is endless singing and dancing in the private room.

   "Boss, this is Mr. Mori from the Aoki sacred system. He admires you very much and is your supporter."

   Lu Bingwen was pale with sunken eye sockets, and introduced with his hands on his waist.

  Mr Mori looks like a twenty-two year old, with long green hair, clear eyebrows, and feminine features, but his body frame is huge, more than two meters high, and he is wearing a strange green jersey.

   "I have seen Master Jian Xiaoyao."

   He was very polite, looking at Lin Beichen's eyes, it was as if a fan had seen his idol.

   Like Lu Bingwen, this son of Mori held his waist with both hands, a little rickety, as if he was hollowed out, his eyes were sunken, and his breath was weak.

   "Sit down."

   Lin Beichen smiled authentically.

   I didn't expect that in a short time, I would have fans in the God Realm.

   To be reasonable, fans of the gods should be stronger than mortal fans of the host country, right?

   One pink top ten pink?

   Lin Beichen even wanted to take out his mobile phone and take a look at his Weibo fan data.

   The old shopkeeper in Xiaomeilou served in the box himself.

   "The shopkeeper, invite all the most beautiful dancers in your store, let Son of Mori choose..."

   Lu Bing said loudly and steady.

   Young Master Mori's complexion suddenly changed drastically, and he held the already swollen waist with both hands, and said repeatedly: "Ah, no, I can't beat my waist strength, I am allergic to beauties..."

   Lu Bingzheng laughed suddenly.

  Mr Mori couldn't help but ridiculed: "What? Mr Lu looks like a dragon, so why not pick two beauties for you..."

   "Ah, no need."

   Lu Bingwen showed a monk-like expression, and said in a serious and authentic manner: "I am very strict in the next tutor, and I have never been like a female."

other people:"……"

   If it wasn't for the several oirans of God Love House who were lying in a coma, they really believed in your evil.

   A few people sit down.

   The old shopkeeper walked out with regret.

   I thought there was a big customer, who knows that several of the noble boys ordered tea, and even waived the alcohol.

   "Boss, Mr. Mori and I don't know each other if we don't fight." Lu Bingwen warmed up the field while drinking tea.

   Lin Beichen smiled and said, "Is it serious?"

   Lu Bingwen: "..."

   Mori son: "..."

   "Boss, have you heard that too?"

   Lu Bing said with a bitter face, rubbing his waist.

   "Do you still have to ask? Before I went to the Shenlian Peak to cover the sky, I heard someone say that you two were comparing your waist strength. I remembered that after I finished the fight, you were still comparing..."

   Lin Beichen laughed loudly, and asked gossiping: "Right, you two, who won in the end?"

   The two gods, the second-generation 纨纨 looked at each other, and said in unison: "Tie, tie..."


   Lin Beichen took a look, was happy, and said: "It seems there is a story, did it happen later?"

Lu Bingwen's complexion darkened, and finally reluctantly said: "I and Komori really do not know the outcome, but later, we came to each animal, and we had to compete with us, which soon broke our record...Oh. , We are both defeated."


   Lin Beichen became more and more curious, and said: "Does he take longer?"


  Mr Mori took a bitter sip of tea and said: "In the shortest time, he relied on waist strength to stun the most girls."


   Lin Beichen almost spouted a sip of tea.

   "A quick shooter is here?"

   he asked.

   "What does the fast gunner mean?"

   Lu Bing was puzzled, and added: "That kid, he looks like a hillbilly, dressed in a clothes, holding a bamboo wormwood in his arms, claiming to be a [Nether Ferryman], I didn't expect his waist strength to be really strong."

   "Huh? But is it called Huo Xie?"

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   "Yes, yes, just call it this name."

   Young Master Mori gritted his teeth and said: "We took the limelight from me and Xiao Lu. We were going to kill him. Who knows that afterwards, the temple believers came and treated that kid as a guest. We had no choice but to bear it."

   "Later that kid was picked up by Yao Ying, the magician who believed in the temple, it seems that the **** of faith chose him." Lu Bingwen's words faintly envied him.

   is valued by one of the five great gods of the Great Desolate Protoss, it’s hard not to fly.

   Lin Beichen thoughtfully.

   There is another main god?

   Are these main gods having idle time every day?

Lu Bing steadily changed the conversation and quickly said: "Boss, we have also heard about your performance at the big banquet. It was too shocking. When the news came, Komori suddenly became your fan. I heard that You are interested in [Wood Spirit Heart], Son of Mori offered to help, so I brought him to see you."


The second is more.

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